Web Development with Go(Apress,2015)

时间:2019-01-30 18:37:31
文件名称:Web Development with Go(Apress,2015)
更新时间:2019-01-30 18:37:31
Web Development with Go Go, the open-source programming language originally developed at Google, makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. It’s a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language. Its concurrency mechanisms, coupled with modern hardware, makes Go an effective general purpose programming language for a wide range of applications such as, system programming and embedded systems, desktop development and distributed systems, backend services for mobile and web, DevOps, and cloud application development. Web Development with Go will teach you how to develop scalable real-world web apps, RESTful services, and backend systems with Go. The book starts off by covering Go programming language fundamentals as a prerequisite for web development. After a thorough understanding of the basics, the book delves into web development using the built-in package, net/http. With each chapter you’ll be introduced to new concepts for gradually building a real-world web system. The book further shows you how to integrate Go with other technologies. For example, it provides an overview of using MongoDB as a means of persistent storage, and providesan end-to-end REST API sample features MongoDB as well. Developers looking for a full-fledged web development framework for building web apps will be introduced to Beego. The book then moves on to demonstrate how to deploy web apps to the cloud using the Google Cloud platform. Finally, the book introduces Docker, a revolutionary container technology platform for deploying containerized Go web apps to the Cloud. Web Development with Go provides: Basic fundamentals for building real-world web apps in Go. Through coverage of prerequisites and practical code examples. Demo web apps for attaining a deeper understandi ng of web development A reference REST API app which can be used to build scalable real-world backend services in Go. A through demonstration of deploying web apps to the Cloud using the Google Cloud platform, and Docker for deploying Go Servers. In totality, Go is a high-performance language while providing greater level of developer productivity, therefore Web Development with Go equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge required for effectively building robust and efficient web apps by leveraging the features of Go, and find yourself become the sought after person on Go among your peers and employers alike, in no time.


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  • 改书的英文原版,内容全,正是我要找的。
  • 东西看了看,的确比国内的图书详细。看问题的视角也比较偏向程序设计的思维,和国内注重实现的思维不大一样。PDF文档的全的。目前没有发现遗漏。 如果不介意看英文的东西,这个东西是很不错的。如果看不大懂,不是先看看国人写的《GO WEB编程》一书吧。
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