文件名称:JoyStickMouse官方STM32F10X USB例程
更新时间:2021-05-02 17:12:41
JoyStick keil usb stm32
Example description =================== This Demo provides a description of how to use the USB-FS-Device on the STM32F10xxx STM32L15xxx and STM32F37xxx devices. The STM32F10x device is enumerated as an USB-FS-Device Joystick Mouse, that uses the native PC Host USB-FS-Device HID driver. The Joystick mounted on the STM3210B-EVAL, STM3210E-EVAL,STM32F373C_EVAL,STM32F303C_EVAL STM32L152-EVAL and STM32L152D-EVAL boards is used to emulate the Mouse directions. More details about this Demo implementation is given in the User manual "UM0424 STM32F10xxx USB development kit", available for download from the ST microcontrollers website: www.st.com/st