MyBatis User Guide.rar

时间:2022-07-29 04:05:33
文件名称:MyBatis User Guide.rar
更新时间:2022-07-29 04:05:33
书籍教程-程序语言 MyBatis is a first class persistence framework with support for custom SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings. MyBatis eliminates almost all of the JDBC code and manual setting of parameters and retrieval of results. MyBatis can use simple XML or Annotations for configuration and map primitives, Map interfaces and Java POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) to database records. Contents What is MyBatis? .. 5 Getting Started ...... 5 Building SqlSessionFactory from XML ............. 5 Building SqlSessionFactory without XML ........ 6 Acquiring a SqlSession from SqlSessionFactory ............. 6 Exploring Mapped SQL Statements . 7 A Note about Namespaces........... 8 Scope and Lifecycle .......... 9 Mapper Configuration XML  10 properties ........ 11 settings ............ 12 typeAliases ...... 13 typeHandlers ... 14 objectFactory .. 15 plugins ............. 16 environments .. 17 transactionManager .... 18 dataSource .. 19 mappers .......... 21 SQL Map XML Files ............. 21 select  22 insert, update, delete ...... 24 sql ..... 26 Parameters ...... 26 MyBatis 3 - User Guide 5 November 2010 4 resultMap ........ 28 Advanced Result Mapping ......... 30 id, result ...... 32 Supported JDBC Types  33 constructor .. 33 association .. 34 collection ..... 37 discriminator .............. 40 cache  41 Using a Custom Cache . 43 cache-ref ......... 44 Dynamic SQL ....... 44 if ....... 44 choose, when, otherwise  45 trim, where, set .............. 45 foreach ............ 47 Java API  49 Directory Structure ........ 49 SqlSessions ...... 50 SqlSessionFactoryBuilder ........... 50 SqlSessionFactory....... 52 SqlSession .... 54 SelectBuilder ....... 60 SqlBuilder ............ 63
