import re
from functools import reduce
def foo2(y):
if '(' in y:
t1 = re.search(r'\([^()]+\)',y)
temp1 = t1.group().strip('()')
res = foo1(temp1)
y = y.replace(t1.group(),str(res))
return foo2(y)
return foo1(y)
def foo1(x):
x = x.replace(' ','')
if x.find('*') == -1 and x.find('/') == -1:
res = str(foo3(x))
return res
t1 = re.search(r'(?P<x1>(-?\d+\.\d*)|(-?\d+))(?P<x2>\*|\/)(?P<x3>(-?\d+\.\d*)|(-?\d+))',x)
t2 = re.search(r'((-?\d+\.\d*)|(-?\d+))(\*|\/)((-?\d+\.\d*)|(-?\d+))',x)
y1 = float(t1.group('x1')) if '.' in t1.group('x1') else int(t1.group('x1'))
y2 = float(t1.group('x3')) if '.' in t1.group('x3') else int(t1.group('x3'))
temp = y1 * y2 if t1.group('x2') == '*' else y1 / y2
tt = '+' + str(temp) if y1 < 0 and temp > 0 else str(temp)
x = x.replace(t2.group(),tt)
return foo1(x)
def foo3(z):
z = z.replace(' ','')
z = re.sub('\+\-|\-\+','-',z)
z = re.sub('\-\-|\+\+','+',z)
z = re.findall('-?\d+\.\d*|-?\d+',z)
z = list(map(lambda x: float(x) if '.' in x else int(x), z))
res = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,z)
return res
while True:
s = input('please input :> ')
print('the result is %s' %foo2(s))
import re
from functools import reduce
def foo2(y):
while '(' in y:
t1 = re.search(r'\([^()]+\)',y)
temp1 = t1.group().strip('()')
res = foo1(temp1)
y = y.replace(t1.group(),str(res))
return foo1(y)
def foo1(x):
x = x.replace(' ','')
while x.find('*') != -1 or x.find('/') != -1:
t1 = re.search(r'(?P<x1>(-?\d+\.\d*)|(-?\d+))(?P<x2>\*|\/)(?P<x3>(-?\d+\.\d*)|(-?\d+))',x)
t2 = re.search(r'((-?\d+\.\d*)|(-?\d+))(\*|\/)((-?\d+\.\d*)|(-?\d+))',x)
y1 = float(t1.group('x1')) if '.' in t1.group('x1') else int(t1.group('x1'))
y2 = float(t1.group('x3')) if '.' in t1.group('x3') else int(t1.group('x3'))
temp = y1 * y2 if t1.group('x2') == '*' else y1 / y2
tt = '+' + str(temp) if y1 < 0 and temp > 0 else str(temp)
x = x.replace(t2.group(),tt)
return str(foo3(x))
def foo3(z):
z = z.replace(' ','')
z = re.sub('\+\-|\-\+','-',z)
z = re.sub('\-\-|\+\+','+',z)
z = re.findall('-?\d+\.\d*|-?\d+',z)
z = list(map(lambda x: float(x) if '.' in x else int(x), z))
res = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,z)
return res
while True:
s = input('please input :> ')
print('the result is %s' %foo2(s))