数据集是 seq 文件的处理办法
最近下了一个数据集,是 seq 格式的,第一次处理这种数据。使用了官方提供的 matlab 工具包:https://pdollar.github.io/toolbox/index.html
Simply unzip, then add all directories to the Matlab path:
>> addpath(genpath('path/to/toolbox/')); savepath; If needed, run the compile script for the mex files:
>> toolboxCompile;
Note: bit Windows/Linux/Mac binaries are already included.
然后,进入这个工具包中 video 那个文件夹。可以发现:
利用提供的 seqio.m 文件,就可以完成相应的功能了。这里需要写一个脚本,来调用这个函数。因为不想一个个的处理seq文件:
%% load seq files
clc; close all;
path = 'F:\dataset\Muliti_Spectal_cvpr2015\视频数据\';
files = dir(path); for i =:size(files, ) videoName = files(i).name;
videoPath = [path, videoName, '\']; files2 = dir([videoPath, '*.seq']);
for j = :size(files2, )
videoname = files2(j).name;
seqfile = [videoPath, videoname]; videoname2 = strtok(videoname, '.'); imgSavePath = [videoPath, videoname2 ,'\'];
if ~exist(imgSavePath)
end Is = seqIo( seqfile, 'toImgs', imgSavePath); end end
其中,最重要的就是 Is = seqio(seqfile, 'toImgs', imgSavePath) 这个命令咯,即:将输入的seq文件 seqfile,转换为 image,保存到 imgSavePath 文件夹当中。
另外一个问题就是:如何将 label 信息从对应的文件中也提取出来?
写一个脚本,先把自己的文件夹都一层一层的找到,然后调用 vbb 文件,读取,并且存为 txt 文件。
%% functions for load vbb files and saved as txt file.
function read_vbb()
% load vbb files and change it into txt file.
clc; clear all; close all;
path = 'F:\dataset\Muliti_Spectal_cvpr2015\label_files\';
savePath = 'F:\dataset\Muliti_Spectal_cvpr2015\BBox_annotation\';
files = dir(path);
for i = :size(files, )
filename = files(i).name;
newpath = [path, filename, '\']; vbbfiles = dir([newpath, '*.vbb']);
for j = :size(vbbfiles, )
vbbName = vbbfiles(j).name;
vbbPath = [newpath, vbbName];
A = vbb('vbbLoad',vbbPath); txttmp = strtok(vbbName, '.');
txtFileName = [txttmp, '.txt'];
savePath2 = [savePath, filename, '\'];
if ~exist(savePath2)
fid = fopen([savePath2, txtFileName], 'w'); for k = :A.nFrame
iframe = A.objLists(,k);
iframe_data = iframe{,};
n1length = length(iframe_data);
for kk = :n1length
iframe_dataj = iframe_data(kk);
if iframe_dataj.pos() ~= %pos posv
fprintf(fid,'%d %f %f %f %f\n', k, iframe_dataj.pos(),...
end end end end end
需要下面的 关于 vbb 的函数:
function varargout = vbb( action, varargin )
% Data structure for video bounding box (vbb) annotations.
% A video bounding box (vbb) annotation stores bounding boxes (bbs) for
% objects of interest. The primary difference from a static annotation is
% that each object can exist for multiple frames, ie, a vbb annotation not
% only provides the locations of objects but also tracking information. A
% vbb annotation A is simply a Matlab struct. It contains data per object
% (such as a string label) and data per object per frame (such as a bb).
% Each object is identified with a unique integer id.
% Data per object (indexed by integer id) includes the following fields:
% init - / value indicating whether object w given id exists
% lbl - a string label describing object type (eg: 'pedestrian')
% str - the first frame in which object appears ( indexed)
% end - the last frame in which object appears ( indexed)
% hide - / value indicating object is 'hidden' (used during labeling)
% Data per object per frame (indexed by frame and id) includes:
% pos - [l t w h]: bb indicating predicted object extent
% posv - [l t w h]: bb indicating visible region (may be [ ])
% occl - / value indicating if bb is occluded
% lock - / value indicating bb is 'locked' (used during labeling)
% vbb contains a number of utility functions for working with an
% annotation A, making it generally unnecessary to access the fields of A
% directly. The format for accessing the various utility functions is:
% outputs = vbb( 'action', inputs );
% Below is a list of utility functions, broken up into categories.
% Occasionally more help is available via a call to help "vbb>action".
% %%% init and save/load annotation to/from disk
% Create new annotation for given length video
% A = vbb( 'init', nFrame, maxObj )
% Generate annotation filename (add .vbb and optionally time stamp)
% [fName,ext] = vbb( 'vbbName', fName, [timeStmp], [ext] )
% Save annotation A to fName with optional time stamp (F by default)
% vbb('vbbSave', A, fName, [timeStmp] )
% Load annotation from disk:
% A = vbb('vbbLoad', fName )
% Save annotation A to fName (in .txt format):
% vbb('vbbSaveTxt', A, fName, timeStmp )
% Load annotation from disk (in .txt format):
% A = vbb('vbbLoadTxt', fName )
% Export single frame annotations to tarDir/*.txt
% vbb( 'vbbToFiles', A, tarDir, [fs], [skip], [f0], [f1] )
% Combine single frame annotations from srcDir/*.txt
% [A,fs] = vbb( 'vbbFrFiles', srcDir, [fs] )
% %%% inspect / alter annotation
% Get number of unique objects in annotation
% n = vbb( 'numObj', A )
% Get an unused object id (for adding a new object)
% [A,id] = vbb( 'newId', A )
% Create a new, empty object (not added to A)
% [A,obj] = vbb( 'emptyObj', A, [frame] )
% Get struct with all data from frames s-e for given object
% obj = vbb( 'get', A, id, [s], [e] )
% Add object to annotation
% A = vbb( 'add', A, obj )
% Remove object from annotation
% A = vbb( 'del', A, id )
% Crop or extend object temporally
% A = vbb( 'setRng', A, id, s, e )
% Get object information, see above for valid properties
% v = vbb( 'getVal', A, id, name, [frmS], [frmE] )
% Set object information, see above for valid properties
% A = vbb( 'setVal', A, id, name, v, [frmS], [frmE] )
% %%% other functions
% Visulatization: draw annotation on top of current image
% hs = vbb( 'drawToFrame', A, frame )
% Uses seqPlayer to display seq file with overlayed annotations.
% vbb( 'vbbPlayer', A, srcName )
% Visulatization: create seq file w annotation superimposed.
% vbb( 'drawToVideo', A, srcName, tarName )
% Shift entire annotation by del frames. (useful for synchronizing w video)
% A = vbb( 'timeShift', A, del )
% Ensure posv is fully contained in pos
% A = vbb( 'swapPosv', A, validate, swap, hide )
% Stats: get stats about annotation
% [stats,stats1,logDur] = vbb( 'getStats', A );
% Returns the ground truth bbs for a single frame.
% [gt,posv,lbls] = vbb( 'frameAnn', A, frame, lbls, test )
% varargout = vbb( action, varargin );
% action - string specifying action
% varargin - depends on action, see above
% varargout - depends on action, see above
% See also BBAPPLY
% Caltech Pedestrian Dataset Version 3.2.1
% Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [pdollar-at-gmail.com]
% Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt] %#ok<*DEFNU>
varargout = cell(1,nargout);
[varargout{:}] = eval([action '(varargin{:});']);
end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% init / save / load function A = init( nFrame, maxObj ) if( nargin<2 || isempty(maxObj) ), maxObj=16; end A.nFrame = nFrame;
A.objLists = cell(1,nFrame);
A.maxObj = maxObj;
A.objInit = zeros(1,A.maxObj);
A.objLbl = cell(1,A.maxObj);
A.objStr = -ones(1,A.maxObj);
A.objEnd = -ones(1,A.maxObj);
A.objHide = zeros(1,A.maxObj); A.altered = false;
A.log = 0;
A.logLen = 0;
end function [fName,ext] = vbbName( fName, timeStmp, ext )
if(nargin<2), timeStmp=false; end; if(nargin<3), ext=''; end
[d,f,ext1]=fileparts(fName); if(isempty(ext)), ext=ext1; end
if(isempty(ext)), ext='.vbb'; end
if(timeStmp), f=[f '-' regexprep(datestr(now), ':| ', '-')]; end
if(isempty(d)), d='.'; end; fName=[d '/' f ext];
end function vbbSave( A, fName, timeStmp )
if(nargin<3), timeStmp=false; end; vers=1.4; %#ok<NASGU>
if(strcmp(ext,'.txt')), vbbSaveTxt(A,fName,timeStmp); return; end
A=cleanup(A); save(fName,'A','vers','-v6'); %#ok<NASGU>
end function A = vbbLoad( fName )
[fName,ext]=vbbName(fName); vers=1.4;
if(strcmp(ext,'.txt')), A=vbbLoadTxt(fName); return; end
L = load( '-mat', fName );
if( ~isfield(L,'A') || ~isfield(L,'vers') );
error('Not a valid video annoation file.');
A = L.A;
% .06 -> 1.0 conversion (add log/logLen)
if( L.vers==.06 )
L.vers=1.0; A.log=0; A.logLen=0;
% 1.0 -> 1.1 conversion (add trnc field)
if( L.vers==1.0 )
for f=1:A.nFrame
if(isempty(A.objLists{f})); A.objLists{f}=[]; end
for j=1:length(A.objLists{f}); A.objLists{f}(j).trnc=0; end
% 1.1 -> 1.2 conversion (add hide/posv fields)
if( L.vers==1.1 )
for f=1:A.nFrame
if(isempty(A.objLists{f})); A.objLists{f}=[]; end
for j=1:length(A.objLists{f}); A.objLists{f}(j).posv=[0 0 0 0]; end
A.objHide = zeros(1,A.maxObj);
% 1.2 -> 1.3 conversion (remove trnc field)
if( L.vers==1.2 )
for f=1:A.nFrame
if(isempty(A.objLists{f})); A.objLists{f}=[]; else
A.objLists{f} = rmfield(A.objLists{f},'trnc');
% 1.3 -> 1.4 conversion (remove objAr field)
if( L.vers==1.3 )
L.vers=1.4; A = rmfield(A,'objAr');
% check version
if( L.vers~=vers )
er = [num2str(L.vers) ' (current: ' num2str(vers) ')'];
error(['Incompatible versions: ' er]);
% order fields
A = orderfields(A,order);
A.altered = false;
end function vbbSaveTxt( A, fName, timeStmp )
if(nargin<3), timeStmp=false; end; vers=1.4;
A=cleanup(A,0); n=numObj(A); nFrame=A.nFrame;
fid=fopen(fName,'w'); assert(fid>0);
% write header info to text
fp=@(varargin) fprintf(fid,varargin{:});
fp('%% vbb version=%f\n',vers); fp('nFrame=%i n=%i\n',nFrame,n);
fp('log=['); fp('%f ',A.log); fp(']\n');
% write each object to text
for id=1:n, o=get(A,id);
fp('lbl=''%s'' str=%i end=%i hide=%i\n',o.lbl,o.str,o.end,o.hide);
fp('pos =['); fp('%f %f %f %f; ',o.pos'); fp(']\n');
fp('posv=['); fp('%f %f %f %f; ',o.posv'); fp(']\n');
fp('occl=['); fp('%i ',o.occl); fp(']\n');
fp('lock=['); fp('%i ',o.lock); fp(']\n');
end function A = vbbLoadTxt( fName )
fName=vbbName(fName,0,'.txt'); vers=1.4;
if(~exist(fName,'file')), error([fName ' not found']); end
% read in header and create A
f=fopen(fName,'r'); s=fgetl(f); v=sscanf(s,'%% vbb version=%f');
if(v~=vers), error('Incompatible versions: %f (current=%f)',v,vers); end
s=fgetl(f); r=sscanf(s,'nFrame=%d n=%d'); nFrame=r(1); n=r(2);
s=fgetl(f); assert(strcmp(s(1:5),'log=[')); assert(s(end)==']');
log=sscanf(s(6:end-1),'%f ')'; A=init(nFrame,n);
% read in each object in turn
for id=1:n
s=fgetl(f); assert(isempty(s));
s=fgetl(f); assert(strcmp(s,'-----------------------------------'));
s=fgetl(f); r=textscan(s,'lbl=%s str=%d end=%d hide=%d');
[A,o]=emptyObj(A,0); o.lbl=r{1}{1}(2:end-1);
o.str=r{2}; o.end=r{3}; o.hide=r{4};
s=fgetl(f); assert(strcmp(s(1:6),'pos =[')); assert(s(end)==']');
pos=sscanf(s(7:end-1),'%f %f %f %f;'); o.pos=reshape(pos,4,[])';
s=fgetl(f); assert(strcmp(s(1:6),'posv=[')); assert(s(end)==']');
posv=sscanf(s(7:end-1),'%f %f %f %f;'); o.posv=reshape(posv,4,[])';
s=fgetl(f); assert(strcmp(s(1:6),'occl=[')); assert(s(end)==']');
o.occl=sscanf(s(7:end-1),'%d ');
s=fgetl(f); assert(strcmp(s(1:6),'lock=[')); assert(s(end)==']');
o.lock=sscanf(s(7:end-1),'%d ');
if(isempty(log)), A.log=0; A.logLen=0; else
A.log=log; A.logLen=length(log); end
A.altered=false; fclose(f);
catch e, fclose(f); throw(e);
end function vbbToFiles( A, tarDir, fs, skip, f0, f1 )
% export single frame annotations to tarDir/*.txt
nFrm=A.nFrame; fName=@(f) ['I' int2str2(f-1,5) '.txt'];
if(nargin<3 || isempty(fs)), for f=1:nFrm, fs{f}=fName(f); end; end
if(nargin<4 || isempty(skip)), skip=1; end
if(nargin<5 || isempty(f0)), f0=1; end
if(nargin<6 || isempty(f1)), f1=nFrm; end
if(~exist(tarDir,'dir')), mkdir(tarDir); end
for f=f0:skip:f1
nObj=length(A.objLists{f}); objs=bbGt('create',nObj);
for j=1:nObj
o=A.objLists{f}(j); objs(j).lbl=A.objLbl{o.id}; objs(j).occ=o.occl;
objs(j).bb=round(o.pos); objs(j).bbv=round(o.posv);
bbGt('bbSave',objs,[tarDir '/' fs{f}]);
end function [A,fs] = vbbFrFiles( srcDir, fs )
% combine single frame annotations from srcDir/*.txt
if(nargin<2 || isempty(fs)), fs=dir([srcDir '/*.txt']); fs={fs.name}; end
nFrm=length(fs); A=init(nFrm);
for f=1:nFrm
objs = bbGt('bbLoad',[srcDir '/' fs{f}]);
for j=1:length(objs)
[A,obj]=emptyObj(A,f); o=objs(j); obj.lbl=o.lbl;
obj.pos=o.bb; obj.occl=o.occ; obj.posv=o.bbv; A=add(A,obj);
end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% inspect / alter annotation function n = numObj( A )
n = sum( A.objInit );
end function [A,id] = newId( A )
[val,id] = min( A.objInit );
if( isempty(val) || val~=0 );
A = doubleLen( A );
[val,id] = min( A.objInit );
end function [A,obj] = emptyObj( A, frame )
[A,id] = newId( A );
obj.id = id;
obj.lbl = '';
obj.hide = 0;
obj.str = -1;
obj.end = -1;
len = 0;
obj.str = frame;
obj.end = frame;
len = 1;
obj.pos = zeros(len,4);
obj.posv = zeros(len,4);
obj.occl = zeros(len,1);
obj.lock = ones(len,1);
end function obj = get( A, id, s, e ) assert( 0<id && id<=A.maxObj );
assert( A.objInit(id)==1 ); if(nargin<3); s=A.objStr(id); else assert(s>=A.objStr(id)); end;
if(nargin<4); e=A.objEnd(id); else assert(e<=A.objEnd(id)); end; % get general object info
obj.id = id;
obj.lbl = A.objLbl{id};
obj.str = s;
obj.end = e;
obj.hide = A.objHide(id); % get per-frame object info
len = obj.end-obj.str+1;
obj.pos = zeros(len,4);
obj.posv = zeros(len,4);
obj.occl = zeros(len,1);
obj.lock = zeros(len,1);
for i=1:len
f = obj.str+i-1;
objList = A.objLists{f};
obj1 = objList([objList.id]==id);
obj.pos(i,:) = obj1.pos;
obj.posv(i,:) = obj1.posv;
obj.occl(i) = obj1.occl;
obj.lock(i) = obj1.lock;
end end function A = add( A, obj ) % check id or get new id
id = obj.id;
if( id==-1 )
[A,id] = newId( A );
assert( 0<id && id<=A.maxObj );
assert( A.objInit(id)==0 );
end % save general object info
A.objInit(id) = 1;
A.objLbl{id} = obj.lbl;
A.objStr(id) = obj.str;
A.objEnd(id) = obj.end;
A.objHide(id) = obj.hide; % save per-frame object info
len = obj.end - obj.str + 1;
assert( size(obj.pos,1)==len );
assert( size(obj.posv,1)==len );
assert( size(obj.occl,1)==len );
assert( size(obj.lock,1)==len );
for i = 1:len
obj1.id = id;
obj1.pos = obj.pos(i,:);
obj1.posv = obj.posv(i,:);
obj1.occl = obj.occl(i);
obj1.lock = obj.lock(i);
f = obj.str+i-1;
A.objLists{f}=[A.objLists{f} obj1];
end A = altered( A );
end function A = del( A, id ) assert( 0<id && id<=A.maxObj );
assert( A.objInit(id)==1 ); % delete per-frame object info
objStr = A.objStr(id);
objEnd = A.objEnd(id);
len = objEnd-objStr+1;
for i=1:len
f = objStr+i-1;
objList = A.objLists{f};
objList([objList.id]==id) = [];
A.objLists{f} = objList;
end % delete general object info
A.objInit(id) = 0;
A.objLbl{id} = [];
A.objStr(id) = -1;
A.objEnd(id) = -1;
A.objHide(id) = 0; A = altered( A );
end function A = setRng( A, id, s, e ) assert( s>=1 && e<=A.nFrame && s<=e && A.objInit(id)==1 );
s0=A.objStr(id); e0=A.objEnd(id); assert( e>=s0 && e0>=s );
if(s==s0 && e==e0), return; end; A.objStr(id)=s; A.objEnd(id)=e; if( s0>s )
objs=A.objLists{s0}; obj=objs([objs.id]==id); obj.occl=0; obj.lock=0;
for f=s:s0-1, A.objLists{f}=[A.objLists{f} obj]; end
elseif( s0<s )
for f=s0:s-1, os=A.objLists{f}; os([os.id]==id)=[]; A.objLists{f}=os; end
end if( e>e0 )
objs=A.objLists{e0}; obj=objs([objs.id]==id); obj.occl=0; obj.lock=0;
for f=e0+1:e, A.objLists{f}=[A.objLists{f} obj]; end
elseif( e<e0 )
for f=e+1:e0, os=A.objLists{f}; os([os.id]==id)=[]; A.objLists{f}=os; end
end A = altered( A );
end function v = getVal( A, id, name, frmS, frmE ) if(nargin<4); frmS=[]; end;
if(nargin<5); frmE=frmS; end;
assert(strcmp(name,'init') || A.objInit(id)==1);
switch name
case 'lbl'
assert( isempty(frmS) );
v = A.objLbl{id};
case {'init','str','end','hide'}
assert( isempty(frmS) );
name = ['obj' upper(name(1)) name(2:end)];
v = A.(name)(id);
case {'pos','posv','occl','lock'}
assert( ~isempty(frmS) );
assert( A.objStr(id)<=frmS && frmE<=A.objEnd(id) );
frms = frmS:frmE; len=length(frms);
for f=1:len
objList = A.objLists{frms(f)};
v1 = objList([objList.id]==id).(name);
if( f==1 ); v=repmat(v1,[len 1]); else v(f,:) = v1; end
error( ['invalid field: ' name] );
end end function A = setVal( A, id, name, v, frmS, frmE ) if(nargin<5); frmS=[]; end;
if(nargin<6); frmE=frmS; end;
assert( A.objInit(id)==1 );
switch name
case 'lbl'
assert( isempty(frmS) );
A.objLbl{id} = v;
case {'hide'}
assert( isempty(frmS) );
name = ['obj' upper(name(1)) name(2:end)];
A.(name)(id) = v;
case {'pos','posv','occl','lock'}
assert( ~isempty(frmS) );
assert( A.objStr(id)<=frmS && frmE<=A.objEnd(id) );
frms = frmS:frmE; len=length(frms);
for f=1:len
objList = A.objLists{frms(f)};
objList([objList.id]==id).(name) = v(f,:);
A.objLists{frms(f)} = objList;
error( ['invalid/unalterable field: ' name] );
end A = altered( A );
end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% other functions function hs = drawToFrame( A, frame )
for o=A.objLists{frame}
hr = bbApply('draw', o.pos, 'g', 2, '-' );
if(all(o.posv)==0), hrv=[]; else
hrv = bbApply('draw', o.posv, 'y', 2, '--' );
label = [A.objLbl{o.id} ' [' int2str(o.id) ']'];
ht = text( o.pos(1), o.pos(2)-10, label );
set( ht, 'color', 'w', 'FontSize', 10, 'FontWeight', 'bold' );
hs = [hs hr ht hrv]; %#ok<AGROW>
end function vbbPlayer( A, srcName )
dispFunc=@(f) vbb('drawToFrame',A,f+1);
end function drawToVideo( A, srcName, tarName )
% open video to read and make video to write
assert( ~strcmp(srcName,tarName) );
sr=seqIo(srcName,'r'); info=sr.getinfo();
nFrame=info.numFrames; w=info.width; h=info.height;
assert(A.nFrame==nFrame); sw=seqIo(tarName,'w',info);
% display and write each frame
ticId=ticStatus; hf=figure; hAx=axes('parent',hf);
hIm=imshow(zeros(h,w,3,'uint8'),'parent',hAx); truesize; for i=1:nFrame
I=sr.getnext(); set(hIm,'CData',I); hs=drawToFrame(A,i);
I=getframe; I=I.cdata; I=I(1:h,1:w,:);
sw.addframe(I); delete(hs); tocStatus( ticId, i/nFrame );
sr.close(); sw.close(); close(hf);
end function A = timeShift( A, del )
% shift entire annotation by del frames
nFrame=A.nFrame; locs=logical(A.objInit);
if(del>0), is=locs & A.objStr==1; A.objStr(is)=A.objStr(is)-del; end
if( del>0 ) % replicate annotation for first frame del times
A.objLists=[A.objLists(ones(1,del)) A.objLists(1:end-del)];
else % no annotations for last del frames
A.objLists=[A.objLists(1-del:end) cell(1,-del)];
end function A = swapPosv( A, validate, swap, hide )
% Swap pos/posv and ensure pos/posv consistent.
% The visible region of an object (posv) should be a subset of the
% predicted region (pos). If the object is not occluded, then posv is the
% same as pos (posv=[0 0 0 0] by default and indicates posv not set).
% Swapping is used to swap pos and posv, and validating is used to ensure
% pos contains posv. In two cases no swapping/validating occurs. If occl==0
% for a given bb, posv is set to [0 0 0 0]. If occl==1 and posv=[0 0 0 0],
% posv is set to pos. In either case there is no need to swap or validate.
% The validate flag:
% validate==-1: posv = intersect(pos,posv)
% validate== 0: no validation
% validate==+1: pos = union(pos,posv)
% If posv is shrunk to 0, it is set to a small bb inside pos.
% The swap flag:
% swap==-1: pos and posv are swapped before validating
% swap== 0: no swapping
% swap==+1: pos and posv are swapped after validating
% The hide flag:
% hide==0: set hide attribute to 0 for all objects
% hide==1: set hide attribute to 1 iff object is at some point occluded
% Suppose a user has labeled pos in a given video using some annotation
% tool. At this point can swap pos and posv and use the same tool in the
% same manner to label posv (which is stored in pos). Afterwards, can swap
% pos/posv again, and ensure they are consistent, and both end up labeled.
% Additionally, in the second labeling phase, we may want to hide any
% object that is never occluded. The command to setup labeling of posv is:
% A=vbb('swapPosv',A,-1,1,1); % validate (trust pos) THEN swap
% Afterwards, to swap back, would use:
% A=vbb('swapPosv',A,1,-1,0); % swap THEN validate (trust posv)
% While labeling posv only frames where occl is already set should be
% altered (the occl flag itself shouldn't be altered).
% A = vbb( 'swapPosv', A, validate, swap, hide )
% A - annotation structure
% validate - see above
% swap - see above
% hide - see above
% A - updated annotation
% see also vbb for f=1:A.nFrame
for i=1:length(A.objLists{f})
o=A.objLists{f}(i); p=o.pos; v=o.posv; vt=[];
% v is trivial - either [0 0 0 0] or same as p, continue
if(o.occl==0), vt=[0 0 0 0]; elseif(all(v)==0), vt=p; end
if(~isempty(vt)), A.objLists{f}(i).posv=vt; continue; end
% optionally swap before validating
if(swap==-1), t=p; p=v; v=t; end
% validate
if( validate==-1 )
v = bbApply('intersect',v,p);
if(all(v==0)), v=[p(1:2)+p(3:4)/2 1 1]; end
elseif( validate==1 )
p = bbApply('union',v,p);
% optionally swap after validating
if(swap==1), t=p; p=v; v=t; end
% store results
o.pos=p; o.posv=v; A.objLists{f}(i)=o;
end if(~hide), A.objHide(:)=0; else
for id=find( A.objInit )
A.objHide(id) = all(occl==0);
end end function [stats,stats1,logDur] = getStats( A ) % get stats of many annotations simultaneously by first merging
if(length(A)>1), A=merge(A); end % log activity (allows up to .25h of inactivity)
nObj0=numObj(A); if(nObj0==0), stats=struct(); return; end
log = A.log / 1.1574e-005 / 60 / 60;
locs = find( (log(2:end)-log(1:end-1)) > .25 );
logS=log([1 locs+1]); logE=log([locs A.logLen]);
logDur = sum(logE-logS); % getStats1 on entire annotation
stats = getStats1( A ); % getStats1 separately for each label
lbl0=unique(A.objLbl); nLbl0=length(lbl0);
for i0=2:nLbl0, stats1(i0)=getStats1(subset(A,lbl0(i0))); end function stats = getStats1( A )
% unique labels and label counts
lbl=unique(A.objLbl); nLbl=length(lbl); lblCnts=zeros(1,nLbl);
for i=1:nLbl, lblCnts(i)=sum(strcmp(A.objLbl,lbl{i})); end
stats.labels=lbl; stats.labelCnts=lblCnts;
% get object lengths
nObj=numObj(A); stats.nObj=nObj;
len=A.objEnd-A.objStr+1; stats.len=len;
% get all per frame info in one flat array ordered by object id
nPerFrm=cellfun(@length,A.objLists); stats.nPerFrm=nPerFrm;
ols=A.objLists(nPerFrm>0); ols=[ols{:}];
ids=[ols.id]; [ids,order]=sort(ids); ols=ols(order); stats.ids=ids;
inds=[0 cumsum(len)]; stats.inds=inds;
% get all pos/posv and centers, also first/last frame for each obj
pos=reshape([ols.pos],4,[])'; posv=reshape([ols.posv],4,[])';
posS=pos(inds(1:end-1)+1,:); posE=pos(inds(2:end),:);
stats.pos=pos; stats.posv=posv; stats.posS=posS; stats.posE=posE;
% get object centers and per frame deltas
cen=bbApply('getCenter',pos); stats.cen=cen;
del=cen(2:end,:)-cen(1:end-1,:); del(inds(2:end),:)=-1; stats.del=del;
% get occlusion information
occl=(sum(posv,2)>0)'; %occl=[ols.occl]; <--slow
occFrac=1-posv(:,3).*posv(:,4)./pos(:,3)./pos(:,4); occFrac(occl==0)=0;
occTime=zeros(1,nObj); for i=1:nObj, occTime(i)=mean(occl(ids==i)); end
stats.occl=occl; stats.occFrac=occFrac'; stats.occTime=occTime;
end function A = subset( A, lbls )
% find elements to keep
nObj=numObj(A); keep=false(1,nObj);
for i=1:length(lbls), keep=keep | strcmp(A.objLbl,lbls{i}); end
% clean up objLists by dropping elements
frms=find(cellfun('isempty',A.objLists)==0); ols=A.objLists;
for f=frms, ols{f}=ols{f}(keep([ols{f}.id])); end, A.objLists=ols;
% run cleanup to reorder/drop elements
A.objInit=keep; A=cleanup(A,0);
end function A = merge( AS )
nFrm=0; nObj=0;
for i=1:numel(AS)
for f=1:Ai.nFrame
for j=1:length(Ai.objLists{f}),
Ai.objStr=Ai.objStr+nFrm; Ai.objEnd=Ai.objEnd+nFrm;
nFrm=Ai.nFrame+nFrm; Ai.nFrame=nFrm;
nObj=nObj+numObj(Ai); AS(i)=Ai;
A.nFrame = nFrm;
A.objLists = [AS.objLists];
A.maxObj = sum([AS.maxObj]);
A.objInit = [AS.objInit];
A.objLbl = [AS.objLbl];
A.objStr = [AS.objStr];
A.objEnd = [AS.objEnd];
A.objHide = [AS.objHide];
A.altered = false;
A.log = sort([AS.log]);
A.logLen = sum([AS.logLen]);
end function [gt,posv,lbls1] = frameAnn( A, frame, lbls, test )
% Returns the ground truth bbs for a single frame.
% Returns bbs for all object with lbl in lbls. The result is an [nx5] array
% where each row is of the form [x y w h ignore]. [x y w h] is the bb and
% ignore is a 0/1 flag that indicates regions to be ignored. For each
% returned object, the ignore flag is set to 0 if test(lbl,pos,posv)=1 for
% the given object. For example, using lbls={'person','people'}, and
% test=@(lbl,bb,bbv) bb(4)>100, returns bbs for all 'person' and 'people'
% in given frame, and for any objects under 100 pixels tall ignore=1.
% [gt,posv,lbls] = vbb( 'frameAnn', A, frame, lbls, [test] )
% A - annotation structure
% frame - the frame index
% lbls - cell array of string labels
% test - [] ignore = ~test(lbl,pos,posv)
% gt - [n x 5] array containg ground truth for frame
% posv - [n x 4] bbs of visible regions
% lbls - [n x 1] list of object labels
% lbls={'person','people'}; test=@(lbl,bb,bbv) bb(4)>100;
% [gt,lbls] = vbb( 'frameAnn', A, 200, lbls, test ) if( nargin<4 ), test=[]; end; assert(frame<=A.nFrame);
ng=length(A.objLists{frame}); ignore=0;
gt=zeros(ng,5); posv=zeros(ng,4); lbls1=cell(1,ng); keep=true(1,ng);
for g=1:ng
o=A.objLists{frame}(g); lbl=A.objLbl{o.id};
if(~any(strcmp(lbl,lbls))), keep(g)=0; continue; end
if(~isempty(test)), ignore=~test(lbl,o.pos,o.posv); end
gt(g,:)=[o.pos ignore]; lbls1{g}=lbl; posv(g,:)=o.posv;
gt=gt(keep,:); lbls1=lbls1(keep); posv=posv(keep,:);
end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% helper functions function A = doubleLen( A )
maxObj = max(1,A.maxObj);
A.objInit = [A.objInit zeros(1,maxObj)];
A.objLbl = [A.objLbl cell(1,maxObj)];
A.objStr = [A.objStr -ones(1,maxObj)];
A.objEnd = [A.objEnd -ones(1,maxObj)];
A.objHide = [A.objHide zeros(1,maxObj)];
A.maxObj = max(1,A.maxObj * 2); A = altered( A );
end function A = altered( A )
A.altered = true;
if( length(A.log)==A.logLen )
A.log = [A.log zeros(1,A.logLen)];
T = now; sec=1.1574e-005;
if( A.logLen>0 && (T-A.log(A.logLen))/sec<1 )
A.log(A.logLen) = T;
A.logLen = A.logLen+1;
A.log(A.logLen) = T;
end function A = cleanup( A, minn )
% cleanup() Removes placeholder entries from A
if( A.maxObj==0 ), return; end
if( nargin<2 || isempty(minn) ), minn=1; end
% reorder so all initialized objects are first
while( 1 )
% find first 0 entry in objInit
[val,id0] = min(A.objInit);
if( val==1 || id0==A.maxObj ), break; end
% find last 1 entry past 0 entry
[val,id1]=max(fliplr(A.objInit(id0+1:end))); id1=A.maxObj-id1+1;
if(val==0), break; end
% swap these two locations
A = swap( A, id0, id1 );
% now discard all uninitialized objects (keep at least minn though)
[val,n] = min(A.objInit); n=max(minn,n-1);
if( val==0 )
A.maxObj = n;
A.objInit = A.objInit(1:n);
A.objLbl = A.objLbl(1:n);
A.objStr = A.objStr(1:n);
A.objEnd = A.objEnd(1:n);
A.objHide = A.objHide(1:n);
% discard useless elements in log
A.log = A.log(1:A.logLen);
end function A = swap( A, id1, id2 ) A0=A; if(A0.objInit(id1)), fs=A0.objStr(id1):A0.objEnd(id1); else fs=[]; end
for f=fs, ol=A0.objLists{f}; ol([ol.id]==id1).id=id2; A.objLists{f}=ol; end if(A0.objInit(id2)), fs=A0.objStr(id2):A0.objEnd(id2); else fs=[]; end
for f=fs, ol=A0.objLists{f}; ol([ol.id]==id2).id=id1; A.objLists{f}=ol; end A.objInit(id1) = A0.objInit(id2); A.objInit(id2) = A0.objInit(id1);
A.objLbl(id1) = A0.objLbl(id2); A.objLbl(id2) = A0.objLbl(id1);
A.objStr(id1) = A0.objStr(id2); A.objStr(id2) = A0.objStr(id1);
A.objEnd(id1) = A0.objEnd(id2); A.objEnd(id2) = A0.objEnd(id1);
A.objHide(id1) = A0.objHide(id2); A.objHide(id2) = A0.objHide(id1); end