Chapter 1 First Sight——33

时间:2023-03-08 18:41:39
Chapter 1 First Sight——33

At that moment, the bell rang loudly, making me jump, and Edward Cullen was out of his seat.

在这个时候,铃声响了,让我跳了起来,然后Edward Cullen 离开了他的位置。

Fluidly he rose — he was much taller than I'd thought — his back to me, and he was out the door before anyone else was out of their seat.


I sat frozen in my seat, staring blankly after him.


He was so mean. It wasn't fair.


I began gathering up my things slowly, trying to block the anger that filled me, for fear my eyes would tear up.


For some reason, my temper was hardwired to my tear ducts.


I usually cried when I was angry, a humiliating tendency.


"Aren't you Isabella Swan?" a male voice asked.

你是Isabella Swan吗?一个男性的声音问着。

I looked up to see a cute, baby-faced boy, his pale blond hair carefully gelled into orderly spikes, smiling at me in a friendly way.


He obviously didn't think I smelled bad.
