Does anyone successfully use USB drive in Windows7 guest?

时间:2023-03-08 19:34:12
Does anyone successfully use USB drive in Windows7 guest?

Does anyone successfully use USB drive in Windows7 guest? If I pass a
USB drive to Windows7 guest, Device Manager may find this device but
the USB mass storage driver can't be installed successfully. I have
tried many times. Is the emulated USB controller is so old and
Windows7 doesn't support it? I can't use PCI passthrough feature to
pass the whole USB controller to VM, because the hypervisor also needs
to use some USB ports. If I use Windows XP or Linux, the USB drive can work well. Thanks,
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André Weidemann | 25 Jun 14:24 2011

Does anyone successfully use USB drive in Windows7 guest?

Re: Does anyone successfully use USB drive in Windows7 guest?


On 25.06.2011 03:32, Flypen CloudMe wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone successfully use USB drive in Windows7 guest? If I pass a
> USB drive to Windows7 guest, Device Manager may find this device but
> the USB mass storage driver can't be installed successfully. I have
> tried many times. Is the emulated USB controller is so old and
> Windows7 doesn't support it? I can't use PCI passthrough feature to
> pass the whole USB controller to VM, because the hypervisor also needs
> to use some USB ports.
> If I use Windows XP or Linux, the USB drive can work well.
> Try the following when starting qemu-kvm. Replace sdX with your USB device. ...
-device usb-ehci,id=ehci \
-drive if=none,id=usbstick,file=/dev/sdX \
-device usb-storage,bus=ehci.0,drive=usbstick \
... If would like to add the device while your VM is running, you may omit
the last two lines and add this one instead:
-monitor telnet:,server,nowait,nodelay Add the device using the two commands below:
echo "drive_add 0 id=usbdrive,if=none,file=/dev/sdX"| /bin/nc -w1