HDU 5724 Chess(国际象棋)
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Description |
题目描述 |
Alice and Bob are playing a special chess game on an n × 20 chessboard. There are several chesses on the chessboard. They can move one chess in one turn. If there are no other chesses on the right adjacent block of the moved chess, move the chess to its right adjacent block. Otherwise, skip over these chesses and move to the right adjacent block of them. Two chesses can’t be placed at one block and no chess can be placed out of the chessboard. When someone can’t move any chess during his/her turn, he/she will lose the game. Alice always take the first turn. Both Alice and Bob will play the game with the best strategy. Alice wants to know if she can win the game. |
Alice和Bob正在一个n × 20的棋盘上玩自定国际象棋。 棋盘上有若干子。每方在本回合只能行一子。如果被移动的子的右邻格为空,则移动之。否则跳过挡路的子,直接移动到他们的右边。一格只能落一子,并且棋子不能移出界。若某人在己方回合无法移动任何子,则输。 Alice总是执先手。Alice与Bob都会使用最佳策略。Alice希望得知自己是否能赢得这场游戏。 |
Input |
输入 |
Multiple test cases. The first line contains an integer T(T≤100), indicates the number of test cases. For each test case, the first line contains a single integer n(n≤1000), the number of lines of chessboard. Then n lines, the first integer of ith line is m(m≤20), indicates the number of chesses on the ith line of the chessboard. Then m integers pj(1≤pj≤20) followed, the position of each chess. |
多组测试用例。 第一行有一个整数T(T≤100),表示测试用例的数量。 对于每个测试用例,第一行有一个整数n(n≤1000),表示棋子的行数。 随后n行,每行第一个数为m(m≤20),表示此行棋子的数量。接着有m个整数pj(1≤pj≤20),表示各个棋子的位置。 |
Output |
输出 |
For each test case, output one line of “YES” if Alice can win the game, “NO” otherwise. |
对于每个测试用例,如果Alice能赢则输出“YES”,否则输出“NO”。 |
Sample Input - 输入样例 |
Sample Output - 输出样例 |
2 |
NO |
这种游戏必定能分出输赢,不是我方输就是对方赢。每种状态都当初是我发先手,最后必输的状态是确定的。即SG[x] = 0,必输。
如果我方的起手状态是SG[x] = 0的上一个状态,则必定 SG[y] = 1,必胜。
SG = 0,无力回天。
SG = 1,高手躺赢。
SG > 1,花式吊打。
因为这道题涉及到多场游戏,所以我们需要区分种类不同的花式吊打,比如花式吊打对手的时候可能是:无情吊打(SG = 2),残忍虐杀(花式吊打SG = 3),笑而不语(SG = 4)…………等等。
先祖状态 SG = 神马都没有,当前状态 0
先祖状态SG = {0},当前状态 1
先祖状态SG = {0, 1},当前状态 2
因此当前SG[now] = 先祖SG{a,b,c……}中从0开始的最长连续长度。
对于各个场次,我发先手状态下若为:必胜 + 必胜
最终结果则为 必负。
必胜 + 必胜 = 必负。
必负 + 必负 = 必负。
必胜 + 必负 = 必胜。
1 ^ 1 = 0;
0 ^ 0 = 0;
1 ^ 0 = 0;
最终结果:SG[a1] ^ SG[a2] ^ ………… ^ SG[an]
【代码 C++】
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
int SG[( << ) + ];
void rdy(){
int i, j, last, isUS[];
for (i = ; i < ( << ); ++i){
memset(isUS, , sizeof(isUS)); last = -;
for (j = ; j < ; ++j){
if (i&( << j)){
if (~last) isUS[SG[i ^ ( << j) ^ ( << last)]] = ;
else last = j;
for (j = ; isUS[j]; ++j);
SG[i] = j;
int main(){
int t, n, m, p, now, s, w;
for (scanf("%d", &t); t; --t){
s = ;
for (scanf("%d", &n); n; --n){
now = ;
for (scanf("%d", &m); m; --m){
scanf("%d", &p); now |= << - p;
s ^= SG[now];
if (s) puts("YES");
else puts("NO");
return ;