Stephen Hawking: Questioning the universe
1. 第一段: There is nothing bigger or older than the universe. The questions I would like to talk about are: one, where did we come from? How did the universe come into being? Are we alone in the universe? Is there alien life out there? What is the future of the human race?
2. Distant galaxies were moving away from us. 遥远的星系
3. But was there anything before the Big Bang? If not, what created the universe? Why did the universe emerge from the Big Bang the way it did? 大爆炸; 出现
4. We used to think that the theory of the universe could be divided into two parts. First, there were the laws like Maxwell's equations and general relativity that determined the evolution of the universe, given its state over all of space at one time. And second, there was no question of the initial state of the universe. 宇宙的理论可以分为两部分: 首先,麦克斯韦方程和广义相对论这样的定律决定了宇宙的演化,其次,宇宙的初始状态是毫无疑问。
5. All of my life I have sought to understand the universe and find answers to these questions. I have been very lucky that my disability has not been a serious handicap. Indeed, it has probably given me more time than most people to pursue the quest for knowledge. The ultimate goal is a complete theory of the universe, and we are making good progress. Thank you for listening. 寻求; 阻碍; 追求知识; 最终
Wish you have a long life somewhere in the universe.