Mercurial(HG) Windows客户端安装
Mercurial(HG): http://mercurial.selenic.com/
Clone project form remote repository:
MerucialEclipse 管网: https://bitbucket.org/mercurialeclipse/main/wiki/Home
插件安装地址: http://mercurialeclipse.eclipselabs.org.codespot.com/hg.wiki/update_site/stable
配置Mercurial Executable
Built-in help
Mercurial provides a built-in help system. This is invaluable for those times when you find yourself stuck trying to remember how to run a command. If you are completely stuck, simply run hg help; it will print a brief list of commands, along with a description of what each does.
If you ask for help on a specific command , it prints more detailed information.
Mercurial&Git vs SVN
Mercurial’s CLI is also quite similar to Subversion’s, which can help ease the transition between the two tools. Here’s a comparison of some of the most common commands. Mercurial/Git commands that are the same as their Subversion equivalents are bold.