
时间:2021-11-03 19:35:13

I have a string like this in Swift:


var stringts:String = "3022513240"

If I want to change it to string to something like this: "(302)-251-3240", I want to add the partheses at index 0, how do I do it?


In Objective-C, it is done this way:


 NSMutableString *stringts = "3022513240";
 [stringts insertString:@"(" atIndex:0];

How to do it in Swift?


8 个解决方案



If you are declaring it as NSMutableString then it is possible and you can do it this way:


var str : NSMutableString = "3022513240)"
    str.insertString("(", atIndex: 0)

The output is :





Swift 3

Use the native Swift approach:


var welcome = "hello"

welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.endIndex) // prints hello!
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.startIndex) // prints !hello
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.index(before: welcome.endIndex)) // prints hell!o
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.index(after: welcome.startIndex)) // prints h!ello
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.index(welcome.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)) // prints hel!lo

If you are interested in learning more about Strings and performance, take a look at @Thomas Deniau's answer down below.

如果你想了解更多关于字符串和性能的信息,请看下面@Thomas Deniau的回答。



The short answer:

let index = 5
let character = "c" as Character
myString.insert(character, atIndex: advance(myString.startIndex, index))

Careful: make sure that index is bigger than the size of the string, otherwise you'll get a crash.


The long answer:

Different characters can require different amounts of memory to store, so in order to determine which Character is at a particular position, you must iterate over each Unicode scalar from the start or end of that String. For this reason, Swift strings cannot be indexed by integer values.


From the documentation (my emphasis).


So the above short answer will work if you assume that all the graphemes in your string take up an equal amount of memory.


Additionally, as @ThomasDeniau mentioned, complexity is (as of Swift v1.2) O(N), but for relatively short strings performance won't be noticeably affected.

此外,正如@ThomasDeniau提到的,复杂性(从Swift v1.2开始)是O(N),但对于较短的字符串,性能不会受到明显影响。



You can't, because in Swift string indices (String.Index) is defined in terms of Unicode grapheme clusters, so that it handles all the Unicode stuff nicely. So you cannot construct a String.Index from an index directly. You can use advance(theString.startIndex, 3) to look at the clusters making up the string and compute the index corresponding to the third cluster, but caution, this is an O(N) operation.

您不能这样做,因为在Swift字符串索引(string . index)中是根据Unicode grapheme集群定义的,因此它可以很好地处理所有的Unicode内容。所以你不能构造一个字符串。索引直接来自索引。您可以使用(theString前进。查看组成字符串的集群并计算与第三个集群对应的索引,但是要注意,这是一个O(N)操作。

In your case, it's probably easier to use a string replacement operation.


Check out this blog post for more details.




var phone= "+9945555555"

电话var = " + 9945555555”

var indx = phone.index(phone.startIndex,offsetBy: 4)

var indx = phone.index(电话。startIndex offsetBy:4)

phone.insert("-", at: indx)


index = phone.index(phone.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)

指数= phone.index(电话。startIndex offsetBy:7)

phone.insert("-", at: indx)



/ / + 994-55-55555



To Display 10 digit phone number into USA Number format (###) ###-#### SWIFT 3

显示10位数字的电话号码到美国号码格式(###)###-#### SWIFT 3

func arrangeUSFormat(strPhone : String)-> String
    var strUpdated = strPhone
    if strPhone.characters.count == 10 {
        strUpdated.insert("(", at: strUpdated.startIndex)
        strUpdated.insert(")", at: strUpdated.index(strUpdated.startIndex, offsetBy: 4))
        strUpdated.insert(" ", at: strUpdated.index(strUpdated.startIndex, offsetBy: 5))
        strUpdated.insert("-", at: strUpdated.index(strUpdated.startIndex, offsetBy: 9))
    return strUpdated



Maybe this extension for Swift 4 will help:

Swift 4的扩展可能会有所帮助:

extension String {
    mutating func insert(string:String,ind:Int) {
        self.insert(contentsOf: string, at:string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: ind) )



You can't use in below Swift 2.0 because String stopped being a collection in Swift 2.0. but in Swift 3 / 4 is no longer necessary now that String is a Collection again. Use native approach of String,Collection.

在Swift 2.0下面不能使用,因为在Swift 2.0中字符串不再是集合。但是在Swift 3 / 4中不再需要字符串,因为该字符串再次是一个集合。使用字符串的本地方法,集合。

var stringts:String = "3022513240"
let indexItem = stringts.index(stringts.endIndex, offsetBy: 0)
stringts.insert("0", at: indexItem)
print(stringts) // 30225132400



If you are declaring it as NSMutableString then it is possible and you can do it this way:


var str : NSMutableString = "3022513240)"
    str.insertString("(", atIndex: 0)

The output is :





Swift 3

Use the native Swift approach:


var welcome = "hello"

welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.endIndex) // prints hello!
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.startIndex) // prints !hello
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.index(before: welcome.endIndex)) // prints hell!o
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.index(after: welcome.startIndex)) // prints h!ello
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.index(welcome.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)) // prints hel!lo

If you are interested in learning more about Strings and performance, take a look at @Thomas Deniau's answer down below.

如果你想了解更多关于字符串和性能的信息,请看下面@Thomas Deniau的回答。



The short answer:

let index = 5
let character = "c" as Character
myString.insert(character, atIndex: advance(myString.startIndex, index))

Careful: make sure that index is bigger than the size of the string, otherwise you'll get a crash.


The long answer:

Different characters can require different amounts of memory to store, so in order to determine which Character is at a particular position, you must iterate over each Unicode scalar from the start or end of that String. For this reason, Swift strings cannot be indexed by integer values.


From the documentation (my emphasis).


So the above short answer will work if you assume that all the graphemes in your string take up an equal amount of memory.


Additionally, as @ThomasDeniau mentioned, complexity is (as of Swift v1.2) O(N), but for relatively short strings performance won't be noticeably affected.

此外,正如@ThomasDeniau提到的,复杂性(从Swift v1.2开始)是O(N),但对于较短的字符串,性能不会受到明显影响。



You can't, because in Swift string indices (String.Index) is defined in terms of Unicode grapheme clusters, so that it handles all the Unicode stuff nicely. So you cannot construct a String.Index from an index directly. You can use advance(theString.startIndex, 3) to look at the clusters making up the string and compute the index corresponding to the third cluster, but caution, this is an O(N) operation.

您不能这样做,因为在Swift字符串索引(string . index)中是根据Unicode grapheme集群定义的,因此它可以很好地处理所有的Unicode内容。所以你不能构造一个字符串。索引直接来自索引。您可以使用(theString前进。查看组成字符串的集群并计算与第三个集群对应的索引,但是要注意,这是一个O(N)操作。

In your case, it's probably easier to use a string replacement operation.


Check out this blog post for more details.




var phone= "+9945555555"

电话var = " + 9945555555”

var indx = phone.index(phone.startIndex,offsetBy: 4)

var indx = phone.index(电话。startIndex offsetBy:4)

phone.insert("-", at: indx)


index = phone.index(phone.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)

指数= phone.index(电话。startIndex offsetBy:7)

phone.insert("-", at: indx)



/ / + 994-55-55555



To Display 10 digit phone number into USA Number format (###) ###-#### SWIFT 3

显示10位数字的电话号码到美国号码格式(###)###-#### SWIFT 3

func arrangeUSFormat(strPhone : String)-> String
    var strUpdated = strPhone
    if strPhone.characters.count == 10 {
        strUpdated.insert("(", at: strUpdated.startIndex)
        strUpdated.insert(")", at: strUpdated.index(strUpdated.startIndex, offsetBy: 4))
        strUpdated.insert(" ", at: strUpdated.index(strUpdated.startIndex, offsetBy: 5))
        strUpdated.insert("-", at: strUpdated.index(strUpdated.startIndex, offsetBy: 9))
    return strUpdated



Maybe this extension for Swift 4 will help:

Swift 4的扩展可能会有所帮助:

extension String {
    mutating func insert(string:String,ind:Int) {
        self.insert(contentsOf: string, at:string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: ind) )



You can't use in below Swift 2.0 because String stopped being a collection in Swift 2.0. but in Swift 3 / 4 is no longer necessary now that String is a Collection again. Use native approach of String,Collection.

在Swift 2.0下面不能使用,因为在Swift 2.0中字符串不再是集合。但是在Swift 3 / 4中不再需要字符串,因为该字符串再次是一个集合。使用字符串的本地方法,集合。

var stringts:String = "3022513240"
let indexItem = stringts.index(stringts.endIndex, offsetBy: 0)
stringts.insert("0", at: indexItem)
print(stringts) // 30225132400