
时间:2022-04-19 19:25:40

I'm trying to upgrade my Hangman game by reading random words from a .txt file. Thing is, I can't figure out how to read a random line from the .txt file. There are single words on every new line of the .txt file.

我正试图通过从.txt文件中读取随机单词来升级我的Hangman游戏。事实是,我无法弄清楚如何从.txt文件中读取随机行。 .txt文件的每个新行都有单个单词。

void ler_palavras()
    FILE *words;

    if ((words = fopen("words.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
        printf("Error! opening file");

    // reads text until newline
    fscanf(words,"%[^\n]", word);

3 个解决方案



If, for some reason, you can't just load the whole set of lines into memory (too big or whatever), there is a way to select a random entry from a streaming set of entries. It won't scale indefinitely, and it will exhibit small biases, but this is a game, not cryptography, so that shouldn't be a dealbreaker.


The logic is:


  1. Declare a buffer to hold the word
  2. 声明一个缓冲区来保存单词
  3. Open the file
  4. 打开文件
  5. For each line:
    • Increment a counter indicating which line you're on
    • 增加一个计数器,指示您所在的行
    • Generate a random double (e.g. with drand48 or whatever PRNG facilities are available to you)
    • 生成随机双倍(例如,使用drand48或任何可用的PRNG设施)
    • If 1.0 / lineno > randval, replace the currently stored word with the word from the current line (so the first line is auto stored, the second line is 50% likely to replace it, the third is 33% likely to do so, etc.)
    • 如果1.0 / lineno> randval,用当前行中的单词替换当前存储的单词(因此第一行是自动存储的,第二行是50%可能替换它,第三行是33%可能这样做,等等。)
  6. 对于每一行:增加一个计数器,指示您正在使用哪一行生成随机双精度(例如,使用drand48或任何可用的PRNG设施)如果1.0 / lineno> randval,则用当前行中的单词替换当前存储的单词(所以第一行是自动存储,第二行是50%可能替换它,第三行是33%可能这样做,等等)
  7. When you run out of lines, whatever is stored in word is your selection
  8. 当你用完线条时,你选择的是存储在word中的内容

Assuming the number of lines is small enough (and the range of doubles produced by your PRNG is fine-grained enough), this gives as close as possible to an equal likelihood of any given line being selected; for two lines, each has a 50/50 shot, for three, 33.33...%, etc.

假设线的数量足够小(并且PRN*生的双精度范围足够精细),则尽可能接近选择任何给定线的相等可能性;对于两条线,每条线有50/50的射击,三个,33.33 ......%等。

I lack a C compiler right now, but the basic code would look like:


/* Returns a random line (w/o newline) from the file provided */
char* choose_random_word(const char *filename) {
    FILE *f;
    size_t lineno = 0;
    size_t selectlen;
    char selected[256]; /* Arbitrary, make it whatever size makes sense */
    char current[256];
    selected[0] = '\0'; /* Don't crash if file is empty */

    f = fopen(filename, "r"); /* Add your own error checking */
    while (fgets(current, sizeof(current), f)) {
        if (drand48() < 1.0 / ++lineno) {
            strcpy(selected, current);
    selectlen = strlen(selected);
    if (selectlen > 0 && selected[selectlen-1] == '\n') {
        selected[selectlen-1] = '\0';
    return strdup(selected);



rand() has its limitations including only generating values 0 to RAND_MAX and a file can have many times RAND_MAX lines. Assuming the line count is on the order of RAND_MAX/10 or less, the following will meet OP's goals.

rand()有其局限性,包括仅生成值0到RAND_MAX,文件可以有多次RAND_MAX行。假设行数大约为RAND_MAX / 10或更低,则以下内容将满足OP的目标。

Perform one pass to count the number of lines. --> lc

执行一次传递来计算行数。 - > lc

For each random line needed, re-read the file's lines, from beginning up the line index before some random number in the [0... lc-1] range.

对于所需的每个随机行,重新读取文件的行,从[0 ... lc-1]范围内的某个随机数之前的行索引开始。

Then simply read and print that line. No need for a line buffer. The file is the line buffer. The code re-uses Line_Count() for both the total line count calculation and for reading until the nth line.


#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

// Return line count, but stop once the count exceeds a maximum
int Line_Count(FILE *istream, int line_index) {
  int lc = 0;
  int previous = '\n';
  int ch;
  while (line_index > 0 && (ch = fgetc(istream)) != EOF) {
    if (ch == '\n') {
    if (previous == '\n') {
    previous = ch;
  return lc;

void print_random_line(FILE *istream, int line_index) {
  printf("%8d: <", line_index + 1);
  Line_Count(istream, line_index);
  int ch;
  while ((ch = fgetc(istream)) != EOF && ch != '\n') {
    if (isprint(ch)) {

int main() {
  srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
  FILE *istream = fopen("test.txt", "r");
  int lc = Line_Count(istream, RAND_MAX);
  assert(lc && lc < RAND_MAX);
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    print_random_line(istream, rand() % lc);



Here is another solution, still limited by RAND_MAX, that doesn't require reading each line up to the chosen line. The idea is to use a binary file that stores each word in the same number of bytes, so any word can be accessed by using fseek() and fread(). The first entry in the file is a long value that stores the number of words in the file. When words are added, this value is updated.


Here is an implementation that looks for an ordinary text file called wordlist.txt, which has one word on each line. If found, the program updates (or creates, if necessary) a file called wordlist.fmt. The update function reads in each word from the text file, skipping blank lines, and stores it in the binary file in a fixed number of bytes. After reading in all of the words, the word count is updated. After running the program once with a text file, you should remove the text file, or the next run will add the words again. The .fmt file should stay, and if you want to add more words, just put a new text file in the directory with the executable and run it again.

这是一个实现,它查找名为wordlist.txt的普通文本文件,每行有一个单词。如果找到,程序将更新(或创建,如有必要)名为wordlist.fmt的文件。更新函数从文本文件中读取每个单词,跳过空行,并以固定的字节数将其存储在二进制文件中。读完所有单词后,单词计数会更新。使用文本文件运行程序一次后,应删除文本文件,否则下一次运行将再次添加单词。 .fmt文件应该保留,如果要添加更多单词,只需将新文本文件放在包含可执行文件的目录中,然后再次运行它。

The loop that prints five random words generates a random number, uses that number to move to a file position containing a word, reads that word into an array, and prints it.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define RAW_WORDS  "wordlist.txt"
#define FMT_WORDS  "wordlist.fmt"
#define OFFSET_SZ  (sizeof(long))
#define MAXWORD    30

void update_words(FILE *fp_fmt, FILE *fp_raw);
void strip(char *str);

int main(void)
    FILE *raw_words, *formatted_words;
    char word[MAXWORD];
    long wordcount;
    int i;
    int wpos;

    raw_words = fopen(RAW_WORDS, "r");

    /* Try to open existing file for update, otherwise open new file */ 
    if ((formatted_words = fopen(FMT_WORDS, "r+b")) == NULL){
        if ((formatted_words = fopen(FMT_WORDS, "w+b")) == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s\n", FMT_WORDS);
        } else {                    // initialize file wordcount
            wordcount = 0L;
            fwrite(&wordcount, OFFSET_SZ, 1, formatted_words);

    /* Update FMT_WORDS file if RAW_WORDS is present */
    if (raw_words != NULL)
        update_words(formatted_words, raw_words);

    /* Get 5 random words and print them */

    fread(&wordcount, OFFSET_SZ, 1, formatted_words);

    printf("Five random words from %s:\n", FMT_WORDS);
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        wpos = rand() % wordcount;
        fseek(formatted_words, wpos * MAXWORD + OFFSET_SZ, SEEK_SET);
        fread(word, MAXWORD, 1, formatted_words);

    if (raw_words && (fclose(raw_words) != 0))
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to close file %s\n", RAW_WORDS);
    if (fclose(formatted_words) != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to close file %s\n", FMT_WORDS);

    return 0;

void update_words(FILE *fp_fmt, FILE *fp_raw)
    char word[MAXWORD];
    long wordcount;

    /* Read in wordcount and move to end of file */
    fread(&wordcount, OFFSET_SZ, 1, fp_fmt);
    fseek(fp_fmt, wordcount * MAXWORD, SEEK_CUR);

    /* Write formatted words, skipping blank lines */
    while (fgets(word, MAXWORD, fp_raw) != NULL) {
        if (word[0] != '\n') {
            if (fwrite(word, MAXWORD, 1, fp_fmt) != 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to %s\n", FMT_WORDS);

    /* Update wordcount in file and flush output */
    fwrite(&wordcount, OFFSET_SZ, 1, fp_fmt);

void strip(char *str)
    while (*str != '\n' && *str != '\0')
    *str = '\0';



If, for some reason, you can't just load the whole set of lines into memory (too big or whatever), there is a way to select a random entry from a streaming set of entries. It won't scale indefinitely, and it will exhibit small biases, but this is a game, not cryptography, so that shouldn't be a dealbreaker.


The logic is:


  1. Declare a buffer to hold the word
  2. 声明一个缓冲区来保存单词
  3. Open the file
  4. 打开文件
  5. For each line:
    • Increment a counter indicating which line you're on
    • 增加一个计数器,指示您所在的行
    • Generate a random double (e.g. with drand48 or whatever PRNG facilities are available to you)
    • 生成随机双倍(例如,使用drand48或任何可用的PRNG设施)
    • If 1.0 / lineno > randval, replace the currently stored word with the word from the current line (so the first line is auto stored, the second line is 50% likely to replace it, the third is 33% likely to do so, etc.)
    • 如果1.0 / lineno> randval,用当前行中的单词替换当前存储的单词(因此第一行是自动存储的,第二行是50%可能替换它,第三行是33%可能这样做,等等。)
  6. 对于每一行:增加一个计数器,指示您正在使用哪一行生成随机双精度(例如,使用drand48或任何可用的PRNG设施)如果1.0 / lineno> randval,则用当前行中的单词替换当前存储的单词(所以第一行是自动存储,第二行是50%可能替换它,第三行是33%可能这样做,等等)
  7. When you run out of lines, whatever is stored in word is your selection
  8. 当你用完线条时,你选择的是存储在word中的内容

Assuming the number of lines is small enough (and the range of doubles produced by your PRNG is fine-grained enough), this gives as close as possible to an equal likelihood of any given line being selected; for two lines, each has a 50/50 shot, for three, 33.33...%, etc.

假设线的数量足够小(并且PRN*生的双精度范围足够精细),则尽可能接近选择任何给定线的相等可能性;对于两条线,每条线有50/50的射击,三个,33.33 ......%等。

I lack a C compiler right now, but the basic code would look like:


/* Returns a random line (w/o newline) from the file provided */
char* choose_random_word(const char *filename) {
    FILE *f;
    size_t lineno = 0;
    size_t selectlen;
    char selected[256]; /* Arbitrary, make it whatever size makes sense */
    char current[256];
    selected[0] = '\0'; /* Don't crash if file is empty */

    f = fopen(filename, "r"); /* Add your own error checking */
    while (fgets(current, sizeof(current), f)) {
        if (drand48() < 1.0 / ++lineno) {
            strcpy(selected, current);
    selectlen = strlen(selected);
    if (selectlen > 0 && selected[selectlen-1] == '\n') {
        selected[selectlen-1] = '\0';
    return strdup(selected);



rand() has its limitations including only generating values 0 to RAND_MAX and a file can have many times RAND_MAX lines. Assuming the line count is on the order of RAND_MAX/10 or less, the following will meet OP's goals.

rand()有其局限性,包括仅生成值0到RAND_MAX,文件可以有多次RAND_MAX行。假设行数大约为RAND_MAX / 10或更低,则以下内容将满足OP的目标。

Perform one pass to count the number of lines. --> lc

执行一次传递来计算行数。 - > lc

For each random line needed, re-read the file's lines, from beginning up the line index before some random number in the [0... lc-1] range.

对于所需的每个随机行,重新读取文件的行,从[0 ... lc-1]范围内的某个随机数之前的行索引开始。

Then simply read and print that line. No need for a line buffer. The file is the line buffer. The code re-uses Line_Count() for both the total line count calculation and for reading until the nth line.


#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

// Return line count, but stop once the count exceeds a maximum
int Line_Count(FILE *istream, int line_index) {
  int lc = 0;
  int previous = '\n';
  int ch;
  while (line_index > 0 && (ch = fgetc(istream)) != EOF) {
    if (ch == '\n') {
    if (previous == '\n') {
    previous = ch;
  return lc;

void print_random_line(FILE *istream, int line_index) {
  printf("%8d: <", line_index + 1);
  Line_Count(istream, line_index);
  int ch;
  while ((ch = fgetc(istream)) != EOF && ch != '\n') {
    if (isprint(ch)) {

int main() {
  srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
  FILE *istream = fopen("test.txt", "r");
  int lc = Line_Count(istream, RAND_MAX);
  assert(lc && lc < RAND_MAX);
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    print_random_line(istream, rand() % lc);



Here is another solution, still limited by RAND_MAX, that doesn't require reading each line up to the chosen line. The idea is to use a binary file that stores each word in the same number of bytes, so any word can be accessed by using fseek() and fread(). The first entry in the file is a long value that stores the number of words in the file. When words are added, this value is updated.


Here is an implementation that looks for an ordinary text file called wordlist.txt, which has one word on each line. If found, the program updates (or creates, if necessary) a file called wordlist.fmt. The update function reads in each word from the text file, skipping blank lines, and stores it in the binary file in a fixed number of bytes. After reading in all of the words, the word count is updated. After running the program once with a text file, you should remove the text file, or the next run will add the words again. The .fmt file should stay, and if you want to add more words, just put a new text file in the directory with the executable and run it again.

这是一个实现,它查找名为wordlist.txt的普通文本文件,每行有一个单词。如果找到,程序将更新(或创建,如有必要)名为wordlist.fmt的文件。更新函数从文本文件中读取每个单词,跳过空行,并以固定的字节数将其存储在二进制文件中。读完所有单词后,单词计数会更新。使用文本文件运行程序一次后,应删除文本文件,否则下一次运行将再次添加单词。 .fmt文件应该保留,如果要添加更多单词,只需将新文本文件放在包含可执行文件的目录中,然后再次运行它。

The loop that prints five random words generates a random number, uses that number to move to a file position containing a word, reads that word into an array, and prints it.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define RAW_WORDS  "wordlist.txt"
#define FMT_WORDS  "wordlist.fmt"
#define OFFSET_SZ  (sizeof(long))
#define MAXWORD    30

void update_words(FILE *fp_fmt, FILE *fp_raw);
void strip(char *str);

int main(void)
    FILE *raw_words, *formatted_words;
    char word[MAXWORD];
    long wordcount;
    int i;
    int wpos;

    raw_words = fopen(RAW_WORDS, "r");

    /* Try to open existing file for update, otherwise open new file */ 
    if ((formatted_words = fopen(FMT_WORDS, "r+b")) == NULL){
        if ((formatted_words = fopen(FMT_WORDS, "w+b")) == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s\n", FMT_WORDS);
        } else {                    // initialize file wordcount
            wordcount = 0L;
            fwrite(&wordcount, OFFSET_SZ, 1, formatted_words);

    /* Update FMT_WORDS file if RAW_WORDS is present */
    if (raw_words != NULL)
        update_words(formatted_words, raw_words);

    /* Get 5 random words and print them */

    fread(&wordcount, OFFSET_SZ, 1, formatted_words);

    printf("Five random words from %s:\n", FMT_WORDS);
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        wpos = rand() % wordcount;
        fseek(formatted_words, wpos * MAXWORD + OFFSET_SZ, SEEK_SET);
        fread(word, MAXWORD, 1, formatted_words);

    if (raw_words && (fclose(raw_words) != 0))
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to close file %s\n", RAW_WORDS);
    if (fclose(formatted_words) != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to close file %s\n", FMT_WORDS);

    return 0;

void update_words(FILE *fp_fmt, FILE *fp_raw)
    char word[MAXWORD];
    long wordcount;

    /* Read in wordcount and move to end of file */
    fread(&wordcount, OFFSET_SZ, 1, fp_fmt);
    fseek(fp_fmt, wordcount * MAXWORD, SEEK_CUR);

    /* Write formatted words, skipping blank lines */
    while (fgets(word, MAXWORD, fp_raw) != NULL) {
        if (word[0] != '\n') {
            if (fwrite(word, MAXWORD, 1, fp_fmt) != 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to %s\n", FMT_WORDS);

    /* Update wordcount in file and flush output */
    fwrite(&wordcount, OFFSET_SZ, 1, fp_fmt);

void strip(char *str)
    while (*str != '\n' && *str != '\0')
    *str = '\0';