
时间:2021-11-04 19:25:51

I am using a random access file in which i want to delete a line which satisfies some condition like if i have records


MCA 30

MBA 20

BCA 10

now my requirement is if i enter MBA then second line is to be deleted.


3 个解决方案



Generally, removing an item from the middle of the file means rewriting all entries after the entry so as to use the space the item occupied.


Some things instead mark items that are deleted with some invalid value so as to spot that the slot is unused. Typically they don't even reuse deleted slots, as this is rather more management than you might imagine, and is basically implementing a heap-like architecture in a file. They need a separate 'compacting' step to remove this dead space later. Microsoft Jet (as in Access) worked like this.

有些事情会标记使用某些无效值删除的项目,以便发现该插槽未使用。通常,他们甚至不会重复使用已删除的插槽,因为这比您想象的更加管理,并且基本上是在文件中实现类似堆的体系结构。他们需要一个单独的“压缩”步骤来消除此死空间。 Microsoft Jet(在Access中)就像这样工作。

There's a very cool optimisation that's applicable in some cases:


If the rows are unordered, and equal length, you can overwrite the entry you want to 'delete' with the last entry, and truncate the file.


If the rows are unordered but not fixed length, you can use a more complicated variant of this approach where you move some entry from near the end that is the same length as the item being removed, so as only to need to shuffle up as few entries as possible.




If it is a simple text file than you'll have to copy everything except the MBA line(s) to a new file. Random Access files don't really support delete or insert.


Optimization: move everything after the MBA line up (in the same file)


Alternative: use something more structured like a database.




It sounds to me like you're looking for a 'grep' like implementation. There's a Java implementation of GNU grep, you can find the documentation here, and download from a link in this page.

听起来像你在寻找像'grep'这样的实现。有一个GNU grep的Java实现,你可以在这里找到文档,并从这个页面的链接下载。



Generally, removing an item from the middle of the file means rewriting all entries after the entry so as to use the space the item occupied.


Some things instead mark items that are deleted with some invalid value so as to spot that the slot is unused. Typically they don't even reuse deleted slots, as this is rather more management than you might imagine, and is basically implementing a heap-like architecture in a file. They need a separate 'compacting' step to remove this dead space later. Microsoft Jet (as in Access) worked like this.

有些事情会标记使用某些无效值删除的项目,以便发现该插槽未使用。通常,他们甚至不会重复使用已删除的插槽,因为这比您想象的更加管理,并且基本上是在文件中实现类似堆的体系结构。他们需要一个单独的“压缩”步骤来消除此死空间。 Microsoft Jet(在Access中)就像这样工作。

There's a very cool optimisation that's applicable in some cases:


If the rows are unordered, and equal length, you can overwrite the entry you want to 'delete' with the last entry, and truncate the file.


If the rows are unordered but not fixed length, you can use a more complicated variant of this approach where you move some entry from near the end that is the same length as the item being removed, so as only to need to shuffle up as few entries as possible.




If it is a simple text file than you'll have to copy everything except the MBA line(s) to a new file. Random Access files don't really support delete or insert.


Optimization: move everything after the MBA line up (in the same file)


Alternative: use something more structured like a database.




It sounds to me like you're looking for a 'grep' like implementation. There's a Java implementation of GNU grep, you can find the documentation here, and download from a link in this page.

听起来像你在寻找像'grep'这样的实现。有一个GNU grep的Java实现,你可以在这里找到文档,并从这个页面的链接下载。