
时间:2022-02-10 19:22:55

I have a predefined array of rgb values. I want to be able to compare a user defined color to my array and return the closest match in Objective C.

我有一个预定义的rgb值数组。我希望能够将用户定义的颜色与我的数组进行比较,并在Objective C中返回最接近的匹配。

Any help is greatly appreciated.


4 个解决方案



You need to decide in what colour space you are testing.


HSL is arguably a better colour space than RGB because you can give more weight to "hue difference" and less to "lightness". In RGB space you need to skew your differences because the eye is better at discerning shades of green than other colours.




You could try finding the Sum-of-Squared-Differences between your predefined color and the user defined color and choose the predefined color with the minimum "distance".


E.g. suppose the user-defined color is [120 300 200] and a predefined color is [100 250 150], then the sum of squared differences and the score is:

假设用户定义的颜色是[120 300 200]和预定义的颜色是[100 250 150],那么平方差异和分数的总和为:

(120-100)*(120-100) + (300-250)*(300-250) + (200-150)*(200-150) = 5400 - and choose the prefefined color with the least difference.

(120-100)*(120-100) +(300-250)*(300-250) +(200-150)*(200-150) = 5400 -选择差异最小的预热颜色。



This begs the question or what closeness in colors is.


You will need to try this, colors are not all math. If one want to find the distance between two points in 3D space (there are three colors) the math given color1 and color2 would be: ((r2-r1)^2 + (b2-b2)^2 + (g2-g1)^2)^0.5 (the final square root is not necessary for comparison purposes).

你需要尝试一下,颜色并不都是数学。如果一个人想要找到两个点之间的距离在3 d空间(有三个颜色)的数学color1和color2:((r2-r1)^ 2 +(b2-b2)^ 2 +(g2-g1)^ 2)^ 0.5(最后一根没有必要进行比较)。

Possible a better way would be to do the calculations in HSB space, possible just looking at Hue.




First, you should define a distance function. The trivial one is a vector length function: sum of sq. of difference by all dimensions.


Then just run through your array and select the closet one (with minimal distance).




You need to decide in what colour space you are testing.


HSL is arguably a better colour space than RGB because you can give more weight to "hue difference" and less to "lightness". In RGB space you need to skew your differences because the eye is better at discerning shades of green than other colours.




You could try finding the Sum-of-Squared-Differences between your predefined color and the user defined color and choose the predefined color with the minimum "distance".


E.g. suppose the user-defined color is [120 300 200] and a predefined color is [100 250 150], then the sum of squared differences and the score is:

假设用户定义的颜色是[120 300 200]和预定义的颜色是[100 250 150],那么平方差异和分数的总和为:

(120-100)*(120-100) + (300-250)*(300-250) + (200-150)*(200-150) = 5400 - and choose the prefefined color with the least difference.

(120-100)*(120-100) +(300-250)*(300-250) +(200-150)*(200-150) = 5400 -选择差异最小的预热颜色。



This begs the question or what closeness in colors is.


You will need to try this, colors are not all math. If one want to find the distance between two points in 3D space (there are three colors) the math given color1 and color2 would be: ((r2-r1)^2 + (b2-b2)^2 + (g2-g1)^2)^0.5 (the final square root is not necessary for comparison purposes).

你需要尝试一下,颜色并不都是数学。如果一个人想要找到两个点之间的距离在3 d空间(有三个颜色)的数学color1和color2:((r2-r1)^ 2 +(b2-b2)^ 2 +(g2-g1)^ 2)^ 0.5(最后一根没有必要进行比较)。

Possible a better way would be to do the calculations in HSB space, possible just looking at Hue.




First, you should define a distance function. The trivial one is a vector length function: sum of sq. of difference by all dimensions.


Then just run through your array and select the closet one (with minimal distance).
