
时间:2021-11-11 19:24:14

I'm trying to create a function that returns true if at least one of the elements of a string array is found within another string.


function findInString(str) {
    var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];

    for(var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
        if (str.indexOf(fruits[i]) > -1) {
            return true;

    return false;

var a = findInString("I love orange juice."); //=> returns true
var b = findInString("I don't like peach."); //=> returns false

This function does the trick, but I'm sure there might some array or string method that does the same without having to loop through the array. Any ideas?



6 个解决方案



Conceptually I can't think of a better (or even different) way of doing this. I don't know of a built in function which performs this task but even if there was one it's implementation would be this anyway.




You could use some which comes very close to this. Here's how I'd write it:


function find (str, arr) {
  return arr.some((s) => s.indexOf(str) > -1); 

You could do this as well if you'd like but I don't feel good about it.


function find (str, arr) {
  return arr.join(',').indexOf(str) > -1



You can use some function.


function findInString(str, arr) {
   return arr.some(function(el) {
      return str.indexOf(el) > -1;

var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];

var a = findInString("I love orange juice.", fruits); //=> returns true
var b = findInString("I don't like peach.", fruits); //=> returns false



I think you do have to process the array. I would make two changes.


First I would pass in the array as well as the string, making a generic function, then I would rework it so that once it finds one it quits doing that and exits the loop; similar concept as the return true but just a differing way to do it - my personal preference to only have one function exit.

首先,我将传入数组以及字符串,制作一个泛型函数,然后我会重做它,以便一旦找到它就退出并退出循环;类似的概念,因为返回true,但只是一种不同的方式 - 我个人的偏好只有一个函数退出。

function findInString(arr, str) {
  var hasString = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
    if (str.indexOf(fruits[i]) > -1) {
      hasString = true;
  return hasString;

var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];

var a = findInString(fruits, "I love orange juice."); //=> returns true
var b = findInString(fruits, "I don't like peach."); //=> returns false



I like your way of doing it. I got a little into it, here are several ways you can think about doing this:


Some of these are really close, but that last period might require some string parsing to handle every case. Note the last one, since it uses RegExp, wont require doing anything to the string:


JsBin Example

function findInString(str) {
  var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];

  return str.split(' ').filter(function(el) {
    return fruits.indexOf(el) > -1;
  }).length > 0;

function finderWithReduce(str) {
  var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];
  var result = false;
  str.split(' ').reduce(function(a, b) {
    if (a.indexOf(b) > -1) {
      result = true;
    return a;
  }, fruits);
  return result;

function finderWithForEach(str){
  var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];
  var result = false;
  fruits.forEach(function(fruit) {
    if (str.indexOf(fruit) > -1) {
      result = true;
  return result;

function finderWithRegex(str) {
  var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];
  for (var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
    var re = new RegExp(fruits[i], 'gi');
    if (str.match(re) !== null) {
      return true;
  return false;



Here's a functional ES6 method. presentIn is a higher-order function that takes a string and returns a function that acts as the some callback.

这是一个功能强大的ES6方法。 presentIn是一个高阶函数,它接受一个字符串并返回一个充当某个回调的函数。

const presentIn = (str) => (el) => str.includes(el);

fruits.some(presentIn('I love orange juice.')); // true
fruits.some(presentIn('I don\'t like peach.')); // false

I really like this approach because you're operating directly on the array elements, and if you name your function well it scans brilliantly: "Are some elements of the array present in the string".



The slightly more verbose ES5 version for comparison:


function presentIn(str) {
  return function (el) {
    return str.indexOf(el) > -1;



Conceptually I can't think of a better (or even different) way of doing this. I don't know of a built in function which performs this task but even if there was one it's implementation would be this anyway.




You could use some which comes very close to this. Here's how I'd write it:


function find (str, arr) {
  return arr.some((s) => s.indexOf(str) > -1); 

You could do this as well if you'd like but I don't feel good about it.


function find (str, arr) {
  return arr.join(',').indexOf(str) > -1



You can use some function.


function findInString(str, arr) {
   return arr.some(function(el) {
      return str.indexOf(el) > -1;

var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];

var a = findInString("I love orange juice.", fruits); //=> returns true
var b = findInString("I don't like peach.", fruits); //=> returns false



I think you do have to process the array. I would make two changes.


First I would pass in the array as well as the string, making a generic function, then I would rework it so that once it finds one it quits doing that and exits the loop; similar concept as the return true but just a differing way to do it - my personal preference to only have one function exit.

首先,我将传入数组以及字符串,制作一个泛型函数,然后我会重做它,以便一旦找到它就退出并退出循环;类似的概念,因为返回true,但只是一种不同的方式 - 我个人的偏好只有一个函数退出。

function findInString(arr, str) {
  var hasString = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
    if (str.indexOf(fruits[i]) > -1) {
      hasString = true;
  return hasString;

var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];

var a = findInString(fruits, "I love orange juice."); //=> returns true
var b = findInString(fruits, "I don't like peach."); //=> returns false



I like your way of doing it. I got a little into it, here are several ways you can think about doing this:


Some of these are really close, but that last period might require some string parsing to handle every case. Note the last one, since it uses RegExp, wont require doing anything to the string:


JsBin Example

function findInString(str) {
  var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];

  return str.split(' ').filter(function(el) {
    return fruits.indexOf(el) > -1;
  }).length > 0;

function finderWithReduce(str) {
  var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];
  var result = false;
  str.split(' ').reduce(function(a, b) {
    if (a.indexOf(b) > -1) {
      result = true;
    return a;
  }, fruits);
  return result;

function finderWithForEach(str){
  var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];
  var result = false;
  fruits.forEach(function(fruit) {
    if (str.indexOf(fruit) > -1) {
      result = true;
  return result;

function finderWithRegex(str) {
  var fruits = ["orange", "banana", "grape"];
  for (var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
    var re = new RegExp(fruits[i], 'gi');
    if (str.match(re) !== null) {
      return true;
  return false;



Here's a functional ES6 method. presentIn is a higher-order function that takes a string and returns a function that acts as the some callback.

这是一个功能强大的ES6方法。 presentIn是一个高阶函数,它接受一个字符串并返回一个充当某个回调的函数。

const presentIn = (str) => (el) => str.includes(el);

fruits.some(presentIn('I love orange juice.')); // true
fruits.some(presentIn('I don\'t like peach.')); // false

I really like this approach because you're operating directly on the array elements, and if you name your function well it scans brilliantly: "Are some elements of the array present in the string".



The slightly more verbose ES5 version for comparison:


function presentIn(str) {
  return function (el) {
    return str.indexOf(el) > -1;