
时间:2021-05-25 19:20:35

I have made 2 functions that find a substring index and substitute that substring in the string. I'm glad I jury rigged this at all given that similar questions previously asked were never answered/marked as closed without any help. But any suggestions on a cleaner method?


void destroy_substr(int index, int len)
    int i;

    for (i = index; i < len; i++)
        string[i] = '~'; 

void find_substr_index(char* substr)
    int i;
    int j;
    int k;  
    int count;
    int len = strlen(substr);

    for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
        if (string[i] == substr[0])
            for(j = i, k = 0; k < len; j++, k++)
                if (string[j] == substr[k])
                if (count == len)
                    destroy_substr((j - len + 1), len);
            j = 0; 
            k = 0;
            count = 0;

3 个解决方案



Your code seem like you're trying to re-inventing your own wheel.


By using standard C functions, which is strstr() and memset(), you can achieve the same result as you expected.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char string[] = "foobar foobar foobar";
char substr[] = "foo";
char replace = '~';

int main() {

    int substr_size = strlen(substr);

    // make a copy to your `string` pointer
    // this is to ensure we can safely modify this pointer value, without 'touching' the original one
    char *ptr = string;

    // while true (infinite loop)
    while(1) {

        // find pointer to next substring
        ptr = strstr(ptr, substr);

        // if no substring found, then break from loop
        if(ptr == NULL) { break; }

        // if found, then replace it with your char
        memset(ptr, replace, substr_size);

        // increment our string pointer, pass replaced substring
        ptr += substr_size;

    printf("%s\n", string);

    return 0;



How about this:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char string[] = "HELLO hello WORLD world HELLO hello ell";
    char substring[] = "ell";
    int stringLength = strlen(string);
    int substringLength = strlen(substring);

    printf("Before: %s\n", string);

    if(substringLength <= stringLength)
        int i;
        int j;

        for(i = 0, j = stringLength - substringLength + 1; i < j; )
            if(memcmp(&string[i], substring, substringLength) == 0)
                memset(&string[i], '~', substringLength);
                i += substringLength;

    printf("After: %s\n", string);

    return 0;

Key ideas are:


  1. You only need to scan the string (stringLength - substringLength) times
  2. 您只需要扫描字符串(stringLength - substringLength)次
  3. You can use functions from string.h to do the comparison and to replace the substring
  4. 您可以使用string.h中的函数进行比较并替换子字符串



You can copy the new string in place. If you want to support insertion of longer strings you will need to manage memory with malloc()/realloc(). If you want to support insertion of smaller strings you'll need to advance the pointer to the beginning by the length of the replacement string, copy the rest of the string to that new location, then zero the new end of the string.

您可以复制新字符串。如果要支持插入更长的字符串,则需要使用malloc()/ realloc()来管理内存。如果要支持插入较小的字符串,则需要将指针前移到替换字符串的长度,将字符串的其余部分复制到该新位置,然后将字符串的新结尾调零。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <err.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *str = strdup("The fox jumps the dog\n");
    char *search = "fox";
    char *replace = "cat";
    size_t replace_len = strlen(replace);
    char *begin = strstr(str, search);

    if (begin == NULL)  
        errx(1, "substring not found");

    if (strlen(begin) < replace_len)
        errx(1, "replacement too long");

    printf("%s", str);
    memcpy(begin, replace, replace_len);
    printf("%s", str);

    return 0;



Your code seem like you're trying to re-inventing your own wheel.


By using standard C functions, which is strstr() and memset(), you can achieve the same result as you expected.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char string[] = "foobar foobar foobar";
char substr[] = "foo";
char replace = '~';

int main() {

    int substr_size = strlen(substr);

    // make a copy to your `string` pointer
    // this is to ensure we can safely modify this pointer value, without 'touching' the original one
    char *ptr = string;

    // while true (infinite loop)
    while(1) {

        // find pointer to next substring
        ptr = strstr(ptr, substr);

        // if no substring found, then break from loop
        if(ptr == NULL) { break; }

        // if found, then replace it with your char
        memset(ptr, replace, substr_size);

        // increment our string pointer, pass replaced substring
        ptr += substr_size;

    printf("%s\n", string);

    return 0;



How about this:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char string[] = "HELLO hello WORLD world HELLO hello ell";
    char substring[] = "ell";
    int stringLength = strlen(string);
    int substringLength = strlen(substring);

    printf("Before: %s\n", string);

    if(substringLength <= stringLength)
        int i;
        int j;

        for(i = 0, j = stringLength - substringLength + 1; i < j; )
            if(memcmp(&string[i], substring, substringLength) == 0)
                memset(&string[i], '~', substringLength);
                i += substringLength;

    printf("After: %s\n", string);

    return 0;

Key ideas are:


  1. You only need to scan the string (stringLength - substringLength) times
  2. 您只需要扫描字符串(stringLength - substringLength)次
  3. You can use functions from string.h to do the comparison and to replace the substring
  4. 您可以使用string.h中的函数进行比较并替换子字符串



You can copy the new string in place. If you want to support insertion of longer strings you will need to manage memory with malloc()/realloc(). If you want to support insertion of smaller strings you'll need to advance the pointer to the beginning by the length of the replacement string, copy the rest of the string to that new location, then zero the new end of the string.

您可以复制新字符串。如果要支持插入更长的字符串,则需要使用malloc()/ realloc()来管理内存。如果要支持插入较小的字符串,则需要将指针前移到替换字符串的长度,将字符串的其余部分复制到该新位置,然后将字符串的新结尾调零。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <err.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *str = strdup("The fox jumps the dog\n");
    char *search = "fox";
    char *replace = "cat";
    size_t replace_len = strlen(replace);
    char *begin = strstr(str, search);

    if (begin == NULL)  
        errx(1, "substring not found");

    if (strlen(begin) < replace_len)
        errx(1, "replacement too long");

    printf("%s", str);
    memcpy(begin, replace, replace_len);
    printf("%s", str);

    return 0;