If I have a string line = "XYZTGEXGXRX"
, line.indexOf("X");
returns the index of the first "X"
that is contained in that string.
What I want to know, is what what would allow me to get the second "X"
, or any occurrence of "X"
after that?
1 个解决方案
Answer can be found here: Java indexOf method for multiple matches in String
答案可以在这里找到:Java indexOf用于String中多个匹配的方法
There is a second parameter for indexOf which sets a start parameter. This code example prints all indices of x
i = str.indexOf('x');
while(i >= 0) {
i = str.indexOf('x', i+1);
Answer can be found here: Java indexOf method for multiple matches in String
答案可以在这里找到:Java indexOf用于String中多个匹配的方法
There is a second parameter for indexOf which sets a start parameter. This code example prints all indices of x
i = str.indexOf('x');
while(i >= 0) {
i = str.indexOf('x', i+1);