使用mylyn trac连接器时如何附加截图?

时间:2021-09-30 19:18:20

I am using trac 0.10.3 but I am about to upgrade to the 0.11 version soon.

我正在使用trac 0.10.3,但我即将升级到0.11版本。

I have started using the mylyn connector in eclipse and I am finding it great, after watching the introduction here


http://tasktop.com/videos/mylyn/webcast-mylyn-3.0.html (well worth the watch if you have a spare half an hour)


From viewing this I see it is possible to attach a screen shot using mylyn to bug reports etc, my question is can I do this if I am using the trac connector ?


Am I missing something or is it only supported by some connectors? I can't find the option when I am connected to my trac install.


Thanks Paul

1 个解决方案



The screenshot attachment feature is supported by the Trac Connector when you use the rich task editor that communicates with your server over XML-RPC. The attachments feature won't be available if you are opening the task in the web browser or using the Web Templates connector.

当您使用通过XML-RPC与服务器通信的富任务编辑器时,Trac Connector支持屏幕截图附件功能。如果要在Web浏览器中打开任务或使用Web模板连接器,则附件功能将不可用。

Wesley Coelho
Tasktop Technologies

Wesley Coelho Tasktop Technologies



The screenshot attachment feature is supported by the Trac Connector when you use the rich task editor that communicates with your server over XML-RPC. The attachments feature won't be available if you are opening the task in the web browser or using the Web Templates connector.

当您使用通过XML-RPC与服务器通信的富任务编辑器时,Trac Connector支持屏幕截图附件功能。如果要在Web浏览器中打开任务或使用Web模板连接器,则附件功能将不可用。

Wesley Coelho
Tasktop Technologies

Wesley Coelho Tasktop Technologies