
时间:2021-08-21 19:14:53

I am doing a project in the university and it includes a MySQL database. I have a design for the database in terms of a list of tables and their respective fields.


In what form should I present this design? Just the list of tables and content? In an ERD? How do you present your designs?


To clarify - whatever you answer, I expect not only specification of how you present your design, but also which tools do you use the create the diagrams/list/tables etc.


5 个解决方案



ERD is the only way to go. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.


But don't try to put the whole database on one diagram. It will, in all but the most trivial cases, be overwhelming to your audience to try to digest the entire database design in one go. Instead, break the diagrams into subject areas depicting only the most relevant tables in each diagram. For example, a point-of-sale system might have separate diagrams for Inventory, Sales, Accounting, Customer Management, Security, Auditing, and Reporting. Some tables will show up in more than one subject area -- this is to be expected.


As far as tooling, nothing beats ErWin, but it is really expensive and only available for Windows. Visio is ubiquitous in a corporate environment, but is only available on Windows and is not exactly cheap either. Macs offer some really nice diagramming tools; most of them are not free.


Dia is a decent, free, and cross-platform diagramming tool. It is a bit quirky, though; and I have not had much success making the diagrams look as nice I want them to look.


For MySQL, I have played with fabFORCE dbDesigner and it is not bad, but I did find its support for multiple subject areas to be a bit lacking at the time -- perhaps they've improved it since. But it is free and works on Windows and Linux.

对于MySQL,我使用过fabFORCE dbDesigner,它还不错,但是我发现它对多个主题领域的支持在当时是有点缺乏的——也许从那以后他们已经改进了它。但它是免费的,适用于Windows和Linux。

For the actual presentation, I create images from these diagramming tools and pull them into presentation software (PowerPoint, KeyNote, or OpenOffice Impress). These presentations can be exported to PDF and distributed to the audience; they won't need anything more than a PDF viewer to review the information later.

对于实际的演示,我使用这些图表工具创建图像,并将它们放入演示软件(PowerPoint、KeyNote或OpenOffice Impress)。这些报告可导出为PDF并分发给听众;他们只需要一个PDF查看器就可以查看信息。



Let's look at this from your professor's perspective. If I were him/her:


I would require an ERD. Without it, I cannot see one of the most fundamental issues of a database design, how are the tables related.


I would also expect some basic use cases/ requirements. What problems are you trying to solve with this database design?


I would want to see what indexes are in place, especiall on the foreign key columns. I would want to see expected row counts in all tables to determine if indexes are even required.


I would want to see column data types to determine if they meet the requirements. I would want to see what columns accept NULL values, since that often can cause problems if you're not careful.


If I were using SQL Server, I would probably create a diagram in SSMS to display a somewhat basic ERD. Visio can be used as well. I might use Visio to create my use cases, or perhaps Microsoft Word.

如果我使用的是SQL Server,我可能会在SSMS中创建一个图来显示一个基本的ERD。Visio也可以使用。我可以使用Visio创建我的用例,或者Microsoft Word。



Don't forget to discuss design aspects that can't be well fitted in the ERD:


1) how inheritance/aggregation relationships from your analytic model realized in the your relation db design (presented on ERD).


2) how you support hierarchies of your objects in the rdb design (if you have any)


3) any relationships that are in your analytics model but are not supported in the rdb design.


4) ETL process, track changes, security and archiving/history support (if they are supported on db level).




mysql workbench will make you pretty graphics for presentation amongst other many sophisticated features.

mysql workbench可以为您提供漂亮的图形,以及许多复杂的特性。



Depends on the audience. ERD certainly isn't the only answer and may not be the best. You should choose a medium that your audience will understand.




ERD is the only way to go. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.


But don't try to put the whole database on one diagram. It will, in all but the most trivial cases, be overwhelming to your audience to try to digest the entire database design in one go. Instead, break the diagrams into subject areas depicting only the most relevant tables in each diagram. For example, a point-of-sale system might have separate diagrams for Inventory, Sales, Accounting, Customer Management, Security, Auditing, and Reporting. Some tables will show up in more than one subject area -- this is to be expected.


As far as tooling, nothing beats ErWin, but it is really expensive and only available for Windows. Visio is ubiquitous in a corporate environment, but is only available on Windows and is not exactly cheap either. Macs offer some really nice diagramming tools; most of them are not free.


Dia is a decent, free, and cross-platform diagramming tool. It is a bit quirky, though; and I have not had much success making the diagrams look as nice I want them to look.


For MySQL, I have played with fabFORCE dbDesigner and it is not bad, but I did find its support for multiple subject areas to be a bit lacking at the time -- perhaps they've improved it since. But it is free and works on Windows and Linux.

对于MySQL,我使用过fabFORCE dbDesigner,它还不错,但是我发现它对多个主题领域的支持在当时是有点缺乏的——也许从那以后他们已经改进了它。但它是免费的,适用于Windows和Linux。

For the actual presentation, I create images from these diagramming tools and pull them into presentation software (PowerPoint, KeyNote, or OpenOffice Impress). These presentations can be exported to PDF and distributed to the audience; they won't need anything more than a PDF viewer to review the information later.

对于实际的演示,我使用这些图表工具创建图像,并将它们放入演示软件(PowerPoint、KeyNote或OpenOffice Impress)。这些报告可导出为PDF并分发给听众;他们只需要一个PDF查看器就可以查看信息。



Let's look at this from your professor's perspective. If I were him/her:


I would require an ERD. Without it, I cannot see one of the most fundamental issues of a database design, how are the tables related.


I would also expect some basic use cases/ requirements. What problems are you trying to solve with this database design?


I would want to see what indexes are in place, especiall on the foreign key columns. I would want to see expected row counts in all tables to determine if indexes are even required.


I would want to see column data types to determine if they meet the requirements. I would want to see what columns accept NULL values, since that often can cause problems if you're not careful.


If I were using SQL Server, I would probably create a diagram in SSMS to display a somewhat basic ERD. Visio can be used as well. I might use Visio to create my use cases, or perhaps Microsoft Word.

如果我使用的是SQL Server,我可能会在SSMS中创建一个图来显示一个基本的ERD。Visio也可以使用。我可以使用Visio创建我的用例,或者Microsoft Word。



Don't forget to discuss design aspects that can't be well fitted in the ERD:


1) how inheritance/aggregation relationships from your analytic model realized in the your relation db design (presented on ERD).


2) how you support hierarchies of your objects in the rdb design (if you have any)


3) any relationships that are in your analytics model but are not supported in the rdb design.


4) ETL process, track changes, security and archiving/history support (if they are supported on db level).




mysql workbench will make you pretty graphics for presentation amongst other many sophisticated features.

mysql workbench可以为您提供漂亮的图形,以及许多复杂的特性。



Depends on the audience. ERD certainly isn't the only answer and may not be the best. You should choose a medium that your audience will understand.
