flexunit与Flex Builder 3中的纯ActionScript项目

时间:2020-11-30 18:57:41

If you create a pure ActionScript project in Flex Builder 3 and want to do unit testing using flexunit, what is the best option?

如果您在Flex Builder 3中创建纯ActionScript项目并希望使用flexunit进行单元测试,那么最佳选择是什么?

The built-in Flex builder will refuse to build the mxml file containing the TestRunnerBase component as it is a pure ActionScript project (no Flex allowed). It is impossible to add the mxml file to the "ActionScript Applications" list in the project settings.

内置的Flex构建器将拒绝构建包含TestRunnerBase组件的mxml文件,因为它是纯ActionScript项目(不允许Flex)。无法将mxml文件添加到项目设置中的“ActionScript Applications”列表中。

Right now I can see two options, both undesirable.


  1. Add the unit testing mxml file to the project and create an external tool setup to build and run it. This is the approach I'm taking now, and it works fine, except that interactive debugging is impossible.
  2. 将单元测试mxml文件添加到项目中,并创建外部工具设置以构建和运行它。这是我现在采用的方法,它工作正常,除了交互式调试是不可能的。

  3. Create a new Flex project just for the test mxml file and add the main project's src directory as an additional source directory in the build options. I don't like this approach because it requires that I keep the mxml file in a separate directory tree from all the other source files in addition to the ugliness of maintaining two projects.
  4. 为测试mxml文件创建一个新的Flex项目,并将主项目的src目录添加为构建选项中的附加源目录。我不喜欢这种方法,因为除了维护两个项目的丑陋之外,它还要求我将mxml文件保存在与所有其他源文件不同的目录树中。

9 个解决方案



There's always ASUnit.




I ended up putting the unit test mxml file in the original project, creating a new Flex project, deleting the src directory, and replacing it with an Eclipse linked folder to the src directory of the ActionScript project. This setup seems to work fine.




We've done something similar in order to get FlexUnit working with CruiseControl.net (continuous integration server).


In our implementation, we have the code below run in the FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE handler of the Application class.


How you output the results of the unit tests is completely up to you. Our implementation has been used with both AIR and Zinc3 and both output an NUnit-friendly XML representation and then exit the application (with an exit code of -1 if any tests failed).


// import mx.core.Application;
// import flexunit.framework.*;

// class AutomatedTestHarness extends Application implements TestListener

private function creationCompleteHandler(event : Event) : void
    this._result = new TestResult();

    var testSuite : TestSuite = new TestSuite();


  * Implement these as part of TestResult.addListener
  * If you want to output xml after the tests run, do so here
  * (Tip: Count tests in endTest and compare the count to testSuite.countTestCases()
  * to find out when all tests have completed)
function startTest(test : Test) : void {}
function endTest(test : Test) : void {}
function addError(test : Test, error : Error) : void {}
function addFailure(test : Test, error : AssertionFailedError) : void {}



Maybe you could use flexunit.textui.TestRunner, which output the result to the Console.




We've factored out all the code we want to test into library projects. We then just have a separate project for our tests, which is a flex project, which depends on the project under test.




Try AS3Unit from libspark. They also have an async beta test kit.




Try AS3Unit from libspark. They also have an async beta test kit.




remove the 'excludedEntries' element in your project's .actionScriptProperties file should work, I use this way to build mxml file in my pure actionscript project.




You can check out how we've set up the build for Robotlegs using FlexUnit4 and their CI ant tasks.

您可以查看我们如何使用FlexUnit4及其CI ant任务为Robotlegs设置构建。

For version control we strip out all of the Flex/Flash Builder project files. src and test folders are both set up as src paths. Tests are rand via the ant build. Alternatively a second project with a runner can be set up if you life the visual test runner.

对于版本控制,我们删除所有Flex / Flash Builder项目文件。 src和test文件夹都设置为src路径。通过ant build进行测试。或者,如果你是视觉测试跑步者,可以设置第二个带跑步者的项目。

It has been very effective and easy to use across many contributors.




There's always ASUnit.




I ended up putting the unit test mxml file in the original project, creating a new Flex project, deleting the src directory, and replacing it with an Eclipse linked folder to the src directory of the ActionScript project. This setup seems to work fine.




We've done something similar in order to get FlexUnit working with CruiseControl.net (continuous integration server).


In our implementation, we have the code below run in the FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE handler of the Application class.


How you output the results of the unit tests is completely up to you. Our implementation has been used with both AIR and Zinc3 and both output an NUnit-friendly XML representation and then exit the application (with an exit code of -1 if any tests failed).


// import mx.core.Application;
// import flexunit.framework.*;

// class AutomatedTestHarness extends Application implements TestListener

private function creationCompleteHandler(event : Event) : void
    this._result = new TestResult();

    var testSuite : TestSuite = new TestSuite();


  * Implement these as part of TestResult.addListener
  * If you want to output xml after the tests run, do so here
  * (Tip: Count tests in endTest and compare the count to testSuite.countTestCases()
  * to find out when all tests have completed)
function startTest(test : Test) : void {}
function endTest(test : Test) : void {}
function addError(test : Test, error : Error) : void {}
function addFailure(test : Test, error : AssertionFailedError) : void {}



Maybe you could use flexunit.textui.TestRunner, which output the result to the Console.




We've factored out all the code we want to test into library projects. We then just have a separate project for our tests, which is a flex project, which depends on the project under test.




Try AS3Unit from libspark. They also have an async beta test kit.




Try AS3Unit from libspark. They also have an async beta test kit.




remove the 'excludedEntries' element in your project's .actionScriptProperties file should work, I use this way to build mxml file in my pure actionscript project.




You can check out how we've set up the build for Robotlegs using FlexUnit4 and their CI ant tasks.

您可以查看我们如何使用FlexUnit4及其CI ant任务为Robotlegs设置构建。

For version control we strip out all of the Flex/Flash Builder project files. src and test folders are both set up as src paths. Tests are rand via the ant build. Alternatively a second project with a runner can be set up if you life the visual test runner.

对于版本控制,我们删除所有Flex / Flash Builder项目文件。 src和test文件夹都设置为src路径。通过ant build进行测试。或者,如果你是视觉测试跑步者,可以设置第二个带跑步者的项目。

It has been very effective and easy to use across many contributors.
