如何简单地从Adobe Flash Media Server流式传输视频? (Linux)的

时间:2022-02-17 18:52:55

I'm stumped on how to get started with Adobe Flash Media Server. On Linux.

我对如何开始使用Adobe Flash Media Server感到困惑。在Linux上。

All I need to do is:


  1. Accept a request for rtmp://myserver.com:1935/stream/static/abcdef0123456789
  2. 接受rtmp://myserver.com的请求:1935 / stream / static / abcdef0123456789

  3. Tell FMS that $filename is located at /var/media/ab/cd/ef/abcdef0123456789
  4. 告诉FMS $ filename位于/ var / media / ab / cd / ef / abcdef0123456789

  5. Have FMS send /var/media/ab/cd/ef/abcdef0123456789 to the client.
  6. 让FMS向客户端发送/ var / media / ab / cd / ef / abcdef0123456789。

  7. Handle seeking if necessary.
  8. 如有必要,处理。

I know that this is probably 99% of what people want to use FMS for. However, I'm having a hard time finding a working example.


Can you tell me something like "Put filename.asc in $foldername and enter the following code" please?

你能告诉我类似“把文件名.asc放在$ foldername中并输入以下代码”吗?


2 个解决方案


Here is the manual for FMS and configuring storage. http://livedocs.adobe.com/flashmediaserver/3.0/docs/help.html?content=03_configtasks_32.html#1204236

以下是FMS和配置存储的手册。 http://livedocs.adobe.com/flashmediaserver/3.0/docs/help.html?content=03_configtasks_32.html#1204236


The "vod" directory in "applications" inside of your FMS installation folder is a good place to start. It is set up for easy access to streams to play right out of the box (without having to create a custom application directory to stream from, as we had to do in the past).


So, put the video file in the "media" directory inside of "vod" and then use this as your source for your FLVPlayback component to play it back:



or, if accessing your server over the web instead of locally:




Here is the manual for FMS and configuring storage. http://livedocs.adobe.com/flashmediaserver/3.0/docs/help.html?content=03_configtasks_32.html#1204236

以下是FMS和配置存储的手册。 http://livedocs.adobe.com/flashmediaserver/3.0/docs/help.html?content=03_configtasks_32.html#1204236


The "vod" directory in "applications" inside of your FMS installation folder is a good place to start. It is set up for easy access to streams to play right out of the box (without having to create a custom application directory to stream from, as we had to do in the past).


So, put the video file in the "media" directory inside of "vod" and then use this as your source for your FLVPlayback component to play it back:



or, if accessing your server over the web instead of locally:

