如何使用Google App Engine的服务生成器创建API目录?

时间:2022-11-15 18:19:28

I've been following the instructions on Google's Doc. -> https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/java/endpoints/consume_ios#Java_Compiling_the_client_library_generator_and_generating_your_library

我一直在关注Google的Doc上的说明。 - > https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/java/endpoints/consume_ios#Java_Compiling_the_client_library_generator_and_generating_your_library

But I cannot get past step 5 (Compiling the client library generator and generating your library)


/Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ServiceGenerator-btnyogexyyjtgrgbfjqddcedmkls/Build/Products/Debug/ServiceGenerator \ /Users/username/Documents/discoveryFileName.discovery \ --outputDir /API

However, I get the error - "ERROR: An output directory is required".

但是,我收到错误 - “错误:需要输出目录”。

Any ideas?! I clearly put the output Directory in there. Would this error occur if the discovery file was not in the correct format?


I've tried many different output directories as well




1 个解决方案



I see you're using --outputDir /API -- that is, trying to create the directory right under the root directory in your filesystem.

我看到你正在使用--outputDir / API - 也就是说,尝试在文件系统的根目录下创建目录。

The example uses, instead, --outputDir ~/API -- that ~ sign just before the / means it creates the directory inside your home directory (in Unix-like systems).

该示例使用--outputDir~ / API - 在/之前签署〜表示它在您的主目录中创建目录(在类Unix系统中)。

You may miss permissions required to create directories at the top of your filesystem, while you likely have such permissions within your home directory. Therefore, I would recommend doing exactly what the example suggests -- keeping the ~ (tilde) there, rather than removing it.

您可能会错过在文件系统顶部创建目录所需的权限,而您可能在主目录中拥有此类权限。因此,我建议完全按照示例的建议 - 保持〜(代字号),而不是删除它。



I see you're using --outputDir /API -- that is, trying to create the directory right under the root directory in your filesystem.

我看到你正在使用--outputDir / API - 也就是说,尝试在文件系统的根目录下创建目录。

The example uses, instead, --outputDir ~/API -- that ~ sign just before the / means it creates the directory inside your home directory (in Unix-like systems).

该示例使用--outputDir~ / API - 在/之前签署〜表示它在您的主目录中创建目录(在类Unix系统中)。

You may miss permissions required to create directories at the top of your filesystem, while you likely have such permissions within your home directory. Therefore, I would recommend doing exactly what the example suggests -- keeping the ~ (tilde) there, rather than removing it.

您可能会错过在文件系统顶部创建目录所需的权限,而您可能在主目录中拥有此类权限。因此,我建议完全按照示例的建议 - 保持〜(代字号),而不是删除它。