extjs combobox 设置下拉时显示滚动条 设置显示条数

时间:2021-10-13 17:17:48


 new Ext.form.field.ComboBox({
typeAhead : true,
id : 'storeposition',
editable : false,
store : cunmwz_Store,
allowBlank : true,
queryMode : 'local',
displayField : 'name',
valueField : 'id',
autoScroll: true,
listConfig : {//设置下拉时显示的样式
maxHeight : 50,//下拉时最大高度
getInnerTpl : function() {
return '<div data-qtip="{id}">{name}</div>';//这里面的id和name是你的store里面的属性
listeners: {
change : function() {
//change事件 }
37 })


cls - defaults to empty
emptyText - defaults to empty string
itemSelector - defaults to the value defined in BoundList
loadingText - defaults to 'Loading...'
minWidth - defaults to 70
maxWidth - defaults to undefined
maxHeight - defaults to 300
resizable - defaults to false
shadow - defaults to 'sides'
width - defaults to undefined