
时间:2022-06-02 17:08:06

I'm running VBA scripts under both Excel 2007 and 2010 which involve a lot of optimization using the built-in Solver of Excel.

我在Excel 2007和2010下运行VBA脚本,其中涉及使用内置的Excel解算器进行大量优化。

What is the correct way to specify decimal constraints like X>=0.0001 where X would be the decision variable of the problem.

指定十进制约束的正确方法是什么,例如X> = 0.0001,其中X将是问题的决策变量。

SolverAdd CellRef:=cells(5,5), Relation:=3, FormulaText:="0.0001"

Or do I have to remove the quotes " " ? And does the VBA interface of Solver allow for decimal (non-integer) constraints anyway?


I'm asking, because sometimes I get the (unconfirmed) feeling that a constraint of >=0.0001 is incorrectly interpreted as >=1, which of course renders wrong results.

我问,因为有时我得到(未经证实)的感觉,> = 0.0001的约束被错误地解释为> = 1,这当然会导致错误的结果。

It would be great if somebody could clarify these issues for me.



1 个解决方案



We've found that FormulaText can really effect the final solution. We've always just used straight numbers there, no quotes:


SolverAdd CellRef:=cells(5,5), Relation:=3, FormulaText:=0.0001



We've found that FormulaText can really effect the final solution. We've always just used straight numbers there, no quotes:


SolverAdd CellRef:=cells(5,5), Relation:=3, FormulaText:=0.0001