SQL Server:使用数字文字计算

时间:2021-12-14 17:10:17

I did some testing with floating point calculations to minimize the precision loss. I stumbled across a phenomen I want to show here and hopefully get an explanation.


When I write


print 1.0 / (1.0 / 60.0)

the result is



When I write the same formula and do explicit casting to float


print cast(1.0 as float) / (cast(1.0 as float) / cast(60.0 as float))

the result is



Until now I thought that numeric literals with decimal places are automatically treated as float values with the appropriate precision. Casting to real shows the same result as casting to float.


  • Is there some documentation on how SQL Server evaluates numeric literals?
  • 是否有一些关于SQL Server如何评估数字文字的文档?

  • Of what datatype are those literals?
  • 这些文字的数据类型是什么?

  • Do I really have to cast them to float get better precision (which sounds like irony to me :)?
  • 我是否真的必须将它们抛向浮动才能获得更好的精度(这对我来说听起来很讽刺:)?

  • Is there an easier way than cluttering my formulas with casts?
  • 有没有比使用演员表混乱我的公式更简单的方法?

4 个解决方案


SQL Server uses the smallest possible datatype.

SQL Server使用尽可能小的数据类型。

When you run this script



you'll see that SQL Server implicitly used a NUMERIC(2, 1) datatype.
The division by 60.0 converts the result to NUMERIC(8, 6).
The final calculation converts the result to NUMERIC(17, 10).

您将看到SQL Server隐式使用NUMERIC(2,1)数据类型。除以60.0将结果转换为NUMERIC(8,6)。最终计算将结果转换为NUMERIC(17,10)。


Taken from SQL Server Books Online Data Type Conversion

取自SQL Server联机丛书数据类型转换

In Transact-SQL statements, a constant with a decimal point is automatically converted into a numeric data value, using the minimum precision and scale necessary. For example, the constant 12.345 is converted into a numeric value with a precision of 5 and a scale of 3.



Yes, you frequently have to cast them to float get better precision. My take on it:


For better precision cast decimals before calculations



I think it should be understood what is going on behind the scenes for future reference in similar cases.


Literal numerical values with decimal point excluding scientific notation represent Decimal data type which is stored as smallest possible Decimal type. Same quote as Lieven Keersmaekers's from: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191530%28SQL.90%29.aspx#_decimal

具有小数点的文字数值(不包括科学记数法)表示十进制数据类型,其存储为最小可能的十进制类型。与Lieven Keersmaekers的相同的引用来自:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191530%28SQL.90%29.aspx#_decimal

In Transact-SQL statements, a constant with a decimal point is automatically converted into a numeric data value, using the minimum precision and scale necessary. For example, the constant 12.345 is converted into a numeric value with a precision of 5 and a scale of 3.


The trailing zeros on the right of decimal point specify scale. The leading zeros left of decimal point are ignored.


Some examples:

1.0  -> Decimal(2,1)
60.0 -> Decimal(3,1)
1.00 -> Decimal(3,2)
01.0 -> Decimal (2,1)

Another point to consider is Data Type precedence. When an operator combines two expressions of different data types, the rules for data type precedence specify that the data type with the lower precedence is converted to the data type with the higher precedence. And yet another point to consider is if we do arithmetic operations on Decimal types that the resulting Decimal type, i.e. precision and scale depend on both operands and operation itself. This is described in document Precision, Scale, and Length.


So, part of your expression in parenthesis


( 1.0 / 60.0 ) is evaluated to 0.016666 and the resulting type is Decimal (8,6)

using above rules about Precision and scale of Decimal expressions. In addition the banker's rounding or rounding to even is used. It is important to note different rounding for Decimal and float type are used. If we continue the expression


1.0 / 0.016666 is evaluated to 60.002400096 and the resulting type is Decimal (17,10)

So the part of the discrepancy is due to different rounding being used for decimal types than for float.


In accordance to the above rules it would be sufficient to use just one cast inside parenthesis. Every other literal will be promoted to float in accordance with Data Type Precedence rules.


1.0 / (1.0 / cast(60.0 as float))

And one more IMPORTANT thing. Even this float expression does not calculate exact result. It is just so that the front end (SSMS or whatever) rounds the value to (I guess) precision 6 digits and then truncates trailing zeros. So i.e. 1.000001 becomes 1.


Simple, isn't it?



To write a constant float expression, try to use scientific notation:


select (1.0E0 / (1.0E0 / 60.0E0))

选择(1.0E0 /(1.0E0 / 60.0E0))

The result is 60.



SQL Server uses the smallest possible datatype.

SQL Server使用尽可能小的数据类型。

When you run this script



you'll see that SQL Server implicitly used a NUMERIC(2, 1) datatype.
The division by 60.0 converts the result to NUMERIC(8, 6).
The final calculation converts the result to NUMERIC(17, 10).

您将看到SQL Server隐式使用NUMERIC(2,1)数据类型。除以60.0将结果转换为NUMERIC(8,6)。最终计算将结果转换为NUMERIC(17,10)。


Taken from SQL Server Books Online Data Type Conversion

取自SQL Server联机丛书数据类型转换

In Transact-SQL statements, a constant with a decimal point is automatically converted into a numeric data value, using the minimum precision and scale necessary. For example, the constant 12.345 is converted into a numeric value with a precision of 5 and a scale of 3.



Yes, you frequently have to cast them to float get better precision. My take on it:


For better precision cast decimals before calculations



I think it should be understood what is going on behind the scenes for future reference in similar cases.


Literal numerical values with decimal point excluding scientific notation represent Decimal data type which is stored as smallest possible Decimal type. Same quote as Lieven Keersmaekers's from: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191530%28SQL.90%29.aspx#_decimal

具有小数点的文字数值(不包括科学记数法)表示十进制数据类型,其存储为最小可能的十进制类型。与Lieven Keersmaekers的相同的引用来自:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191530%28SQL.90%29.aspx#_decimal

In Transact-SQL statements, a constant with a decimal point is automatically converted into a numeric data value, using the minimum precision and scale necessary. For example, the constant 12.345 is converted into a numeric value with a precision of 5 and a scale of 3.


The trailing zeros on the right of decimal point specify scale. The leading zeros left of decimal point are ignored.


Some examples:

1.0  -> Decimal(2,1)
60.0 -> Decimal(3,1)
1.00 -> Decimal(3,2)
01.0 -> Decimal (2,1)

Another point to consider is Data Type precedence. When an operator combines two expressions of different data types, the rules for data type precedence specify that the data type with the lower precedence is converted to the data type with the higher precedence. And yet another point to consider is if we do arithmetic operations on Decimal types that the resulting Decimal type, i.e. precision and scale depend on both operands and operation itself. This is described in document Precision, Scale, and Length.


So, part of your expression in parenthesis


( 1.0 / 60.0 ) is evaluated to 0.016666 and the resulting type is Decimal (8,6)

using above rules about Precision and scale of Decimal expressions. In addition the banker's rounding or rounding to even is used. It is important to note different rounding for Decimal and float type are used. If we continue the expression


1.0 / 0.016666 is evaluated to 60.002400096 and the resulting type is Decimal (17,10)

So the part of the discrepancy is due to different rounding being used for decimal types than for float.


In accordance to the above rules it would be sufficient to use just one cast inside parenthesis. Every other literal will be promoted to float in accordance with Data Type Precedence rules.


1.0 / (1.0 / cast(60.0 as float))

And one more IMPORTANT thing. Even this float expression does not calculate exact result. It is just so that the front end (SSMS or whatever) rounds the value to (I guess) precision 6 digits and then truncates trailing zeros. So i.e. 1.000001 becomes 1.


Simple, isn't it?



To write a constant float expression, try to use scientific notation:


select (1.0E0 / (1.0E0 / 60.0E0))

选择(1.0E0 /(1.0E0 / 60.0E0))

The result is 60.
