使用Excel VBA中的ADO通过网络连接到SQL Server

时间:2021-01-02 17:10:45

I need to connect to a SQL Server DB running on my laptop from another computer on a network. I am doing this both from a C# app as well as in a VBA macro. Both run perfectly on my laptop and the C# app runs perfectly over the network. However I cannot connect using VBA over the network. This is my connection string:

我需要从网络上的另一台计算机连接到运行在我笔记本上的SQL Server DB。我在c#应用程序和VBA宏中都在这样做。两者都能在我的笔记本电脑上完美运行,c#应用也能在网络上完美运行。但是,我不能通过网络使用VBA进行连接。这是我的连接字符串:

ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=MY-LAPTOP; DAtabase=SAFEXlive; UID = MyUsername; PWD=MyPassword"

ConnectionString = "司机= { SQL Server };服务器=我的笔记本电脑;数据库= SAFEXlive;,上的用户名都UID = dangillmorPWD =我的密码”

Aside from the 'Driver={SQL Server}' this is the same as the connection string I am using in the C# app which works.

除了'Driver={SQL Server}'之外,这与我在c#应用程序中使用的连接字符串相同。

I am then using the following code (With a reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.0 Library in VBE) to open the connection:

然后,我使用以下代码(参考VBE中的Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.0库)打开连接:

Dim oConnection As Connection
Set oConnection = New Connection
oConnection.ConnectionString = strConnectionString

This works correctly if I run it on my laptop but if I run it on another computer on the network I get the error: "Run-time error '-2147217843 (80040e4d) [Microsoft][ODBC Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user..." and the user it specifies it the windows log in for the computer.

如果我在我的笔记本电脑上运行它,它可以正常工作,但是如果我在网络上的另一台电脑上运行它,我就会得到一个错误:“运行时错误”-2147217843 (80040e4d) [Microsoft][ODBC Server Driver][SQL Server] [SQL Server]Login failed for user…

Are there some security settings I need to set in code or in excel? Or am I constructing the connection string incorrectly? What am I doing wrong?


2 个解决方案



Solved. The answer is rather infuriating. The problem is in fact with the connection string, with the UID. Believe it or not changing ...UID= MyUsername;... to ..UID=MyUsername;..., i.e. removing the space character, was all it took! Thanks for suggestions though.

解决了。答案相当令人愤怒。实际上,问题在于连接字符串和UID。信不信由你……,上的用户名都UID = dangillmor……. .;上的用户名都UID = dangillmor……,即去掉空格字符,这就是全部的代价!谢谢你的建议。



Try this Connection string,


ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=MY-LAPTOP;Initial Catalog=SAFEXlive;User ID=MyUsername;Password=MyPassword"

Is this an AD Domain login? Make sure you have appended the domain to the username e.g, domain\user . I suggest using integrated security instead of this.




Solved. The answer is rather infuriating. The problem is in fact with the connection string, with the UID. Believe it or not changing ...UID= MyUsername;... to ..UID=MyUsername;..., i.e. removing the space character, was all it took! Thanks for suggestions though.

解决了。答案相当令人愤怒。实际上,问题在于连接字符串和UID。信不信由你……,上的用户名都UID = dangillmor……. .;上的用户名都UID = dangillmor……,即去掉空格字符,这就是全部的代价!谢谢你的建议。



Try this Connection string,


ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=MY-LAPTOP;Initial Catalog=SAFEXlive;User ID=MyUsername;Password=MyPassword"

Is this an AD Domain login? Make sure you have appended the domain to the username e.g, domain\user . I suggest using integrated security instead of this.
