如何确保在Apache Commons CLI中提供所有参数?

时间:2022-02-04 17:12:08

I don't see a standard way of checking if all Options are provided in a String[] input to apache's CLI library . That is - my options are all REUIRED at the command line, otherwise, i want an exception to throw.

我没有看到一种标准方法来检查是否所有选项都在String []输入中提供给apache的CLI库。也就是说 - 我的选项在命令行都是REUIRED,否则,我想抛出异常。

Im trying the following as a workaround, but getting a Nullpointer exception in the if statement...


PosixParser p = new PosixParser();
        CommandLine cli=p.parse(options,args);
        for(Object o : options.getOptions())
            Option op = (Option)o;
            throw new ParseException("Missing argument ! " + op.getArgName() + ":"+op.getDescription());

UPDATE ON THIS : the getOpt() method seems to provide the arguments short name.


However, if I replace op.getName() with opt.getLongName()... it works !


In any case.. I have 2 questions :


1) Why would an option have a null name, yet a non-null longName ?
2) Is there a way to simply ensure that all options are provided the String[] ? For example, I would like to call :

1)为什么一个选项有一个空名称,但是一个非null的longName? 2)有没有办法简单地确保所有选项都提供String []?例如,我想打电话:

  if(! options.isAllProvided())
     throw new ParseException("You are missing some options ! " + StringUtils.join(userInputArray,','));

1 个解决方案



Here's how you can set an Option to be required:


Option logfile = OptionBuilder.withArgName( "file" )
            .isRequired() // make it required
            .withDescription(  "use given file for log" )
            .create( "logfile" );

(I don't think there's an easy way to make all Options required in one step)




Here's how you can set an Option to be required:


Option logfile = OptionBuilder.withArgName( "file" )
            .isRequired() // make it required
            .withDescription(  "use given file for log" )
            .create( "logfile" );

(I don't think there's an easy way to make all Options required in one step)
