
时间:2022-05-29 17:08:17

I have a PHP application which stores all accounts regardless of whether they are active or not in a single table. The table has a column called "active" which is either is NULL which means the account is active, or contains a MD5 hash which means the account is inactive.


According to Best practices for efficiently storing md5 hashes in mysql, if the column always contains a MD5 hash and never NULL, then BINARY(16) is preferred and CHAR(32) is the next best choice. Since most of my accounts are active and thus most of the column values will be NULL, am I better off using a different data type such as VARCHAR(32)?


3 个解决方案



There's no point to using VARCHAR. MD5 hashes are always 128-bit, so a CHAR(32) holds the string of hex digits, or BINARY(16) holds the string of bytes after you UNHEX() the hex digits.

使用VARCHAR毫无意义。 MD5哈希值始终为128位,因此CHAR(32)保存十六进制数字字符串,或者BINARY(16)保存UNHEX()十六进制数字后的字节字符串。

Using NULL is independent of data type choice. MySQL can store NULL in lieu of a string, either CHAR or VARCHAR. But in fact, in InnoDB's default row format, MySQL does not store NULLs at all, it stores nothing for columns that are NULL.

使用NULL与数据类型选择无关。 MySQL可以存储NULL来代替字符串,CHAR或VARCHAR。但事实上,在InnoDB的默认行格式中,MySQL根本不存储NULL,它不会为NULL列存储任何内容。

Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/innodb-field-contents.html

  • Helpful Notes About NULLs:


    For the third row, I inserted NULLs in FIELD2 and FIELD3. Therefore in the Field Start Offsets the top bit is on for these fields (the values are 94 hexadecimal, 94 hexadecimal, instead of 14 hexadecimal, 14 hexadecimal). And the row is shorter because the NULLs take no space.


(emphasis mine)



In the MySQL source code in the file strings/ctype-bin.c the BINARY type is defined.

在文件strings / ctype-bin.c中的MySQL源代码中定义了BINARY类型。

This looks like the default C ascii based charset converted into binary. This should in thoery be faster then the CHAR(32) with ascii_bin charset.

这看起来像默认的基于C ascii的charset转换为二进制。这应该比使用ascii_bin字符集的CHAR(32)快得多。

Because less time is needed to write / read the binary and it takes less diskspace in indexes and memory and because the CHAR(32) datatype is 16 bytes larger


If you want to use this you should use this php code


  md5 ( "password", true ); // true returns the binary what is 16 bytes long  MySQl BINARY(16)



You can use the php function md5(); Is more efficient and if anyone can catch the data when you sent to database, that will be already crypted.




There's no point to using VARCHAR. MD5 hashes are always 128-bit, so a CHAR(32) holds the string of hex digits, or BINARY(16) holds the string of bytes after you UNHEX() the hex digits.

使用VARCHAR毫无意义。 MD5哈希值始终为128位,因此CHAR(32)保存十六进制数字字符串,或者BINARY(16)保存UNHEX()十六进制数字后的字节字符串。

Using NULL is independent of data type choice. MySQL can store NULL in lieu of a string, either CHAR or VARCHAR. But in fact, in InnoDB's default row format, MySQL does not store NULLs at all, it stores nothing for columns that are NULL.

使用NULL与数据类型选择无关。 MySQL可以存储NULL来代替字符串,CHAR或VARCHAR。但事实上,在InnoDB的默认行格式中,MySQL根本不存储NULL,它不会为NULL列存储任何内容。

Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/innodb-field-contents.html

  • Helpful Notes About NULLs:


    For the third row, I inserted NULLs in FIELD2 and FIELD3. Therefore in the Field Start Offsets the top bit is on for these fields (the values are 94 hexadecimal, 94 hexadecimal, instead of 14 hexadecimal, 14 hexadecimal). And the row is shorter because the NULLs take no space.


(emphasis mine)



In the MySQL source code in the file strings/ctype-bin.c the BINARY type is defined.

在文件strings / ctype-bin.c中的MySQL源代码中定义了BINARY类型。

This looks like the default C ascii based charset converted into binary. This should in thoery be faster then the CHAR(32) with ascii_bin charset.

这看起来像默认的基于C ascii的charset转换为二进制。这应该比使用ascii_bin字符集的CHAR(32)快得多。

Because less time is needed to write / read the binary and it takes less diskspace in indexes and memory and because the CHAR(32) datatype is 16 bytes larger


If you want to use this you should use this php code


  md5 ( "password", true ); // true returns the binary what is 16 bytes long  MySQl BINARY(16)



You can use the php function md5(); Is more efficient and if anyone can catch the data when you sent to database, that will be already crypted.
