
时间:2022-05-17 17:07:33

I have a java string such as this:


String string = "I <strong>really</strong> want to get rid of the strong-tags!";

And I want to remove the tags. I have some other strings where the tags are way longer, so I'd like to find a way to remove everything between "<>" characters, including those characters.


One way would be to use the built-in string method that compares the string to a regEx, but I have no idea how to write those.


1 个解决方案



Caution is advised when using regex to parse HTML (due its allowable complexity), however for "simple" HTML, and simple text (text without literal < or > in it) this will work:

在使用正则表达式解析HTML时(由于其允许的复杂性),建议小心,但对于“简单”HTML和简单文本(文本中没有文字 <或> ),这将起作用:

String stripped = html.replaceAll("<.*?>", "");



Caution is advised when using regex to parse HTML (due its allowable complexity), however for "simple" HTML, and simple text (text without literal < or > in it) this will work:

在使用正则表达式解析HTML时(由于其允许的复杂性),建议小心,但对于“简单”HTML和简单文本(文本中没有文字 <或> ),这将起作用:

String stripped = html.replaceAll("<.*?>", "");