
时间:2021-05-16 17:07:06

I added a button on my custom tableViewCell and i want that after the button is tapped it pass data according to the cell on which the button is located, so to find out on which cell is the button i added a tag, but i'm getting this error



 override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        if segue.identifier == "goToLast" && sender is IndexPath {

             let dvc = segue.destination as! FinalClass 
            dvc.index = (sender as! IndexPath).row
            dvc.places = sortedArray
            dvc.userLocation = currentLocation

        if segue.identifier == "goToReview" {

            let index3 = IndexPath(row: sender.tag, section: 0)
            let rev = segue.destination as! ReviewClass



How can i adjust it?


(cell.reviewButton.tag = indexPath.row) this is the tag i added in my cellForRowAt

(cell.reviewButton.tag = indexPath.row)这是我在cellForRowAt中添加的标签



this is the button action in my VC


  @IBAction func ReviewButtonTap(_ sender: UIButton) {

      performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToReview" , sender: self)

and this is the outlet in my custom tableViewCell class


 @IBOutlet weak var reviewButton: UIButton!

i do not understand how can i associate this button with


else if segue.identifier == "goToReview", let button = sender as? UIButton, let rev = segue.destination as? ReviewClass {
            let index3 = IndexPath(row: button.tag, section: 0)

5 个解决方案



Force downcast the optional Any to expected UIButton and IndexPath and use an else clause instead of if twice


 if segue.identifier == "goToLast" {
        let dvc = segue.destination as! FinalClass 
        let indexPath = sender as! IndexPath
        dvc.index = indexPath.row
        dvc.places = sortedArray
        dvc.userLocation = currentLocation
else if segue.identifier == "goToReview" {
        let button = sender as! UIButton
        let index3 = IndexPath(row: button.tag, section: 0)
        let rev = segue.destination as! ReviewClass

or use a switch


 switch segue.identifier {
     case "goToLast":
        let dvc = segue.destination as! FinalClass 
        let indexPath = sender as! IndexPath
        dvc.index = indexPath.row
        dvc.places = sortedArray
        dvc.userLocation = currentLocation

    case "goToReview":
        let button = sender as! UIButton
        let index3 = IndexPath(row: button.tag, section: 0)
        let rev = segue.destination as! ReviewClass

    default: break

The code must not crash. If it does you made a design mistake.




You have to pass the UIButton instance (the sender) from the IBAction to the sender parameter of performSegue. The outlet is irrelevant.


performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToReview" , sender: sender)



It is common you will provide a sender as Any in your method in cases where it can be different object. In such case you will need to typecast it to a specific object which is best done as let button = sender as? UIButton in swift.

通常情况下,如果发送方可能是不同的对象,您将在方法中提供发送方为Any。在这种情况下,您需要将其类型转换为特定对象,最好将let button = sender作为? UIButton迅速。

By doing so you will receive an optional value and its tag would be button?.tag and its type Int? which then again disallows you to create an index path.


So a proper way for this method should be as follows:


override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "goToLast", let indexPath = sender as? IndexPath {
            let dvc = segue.destination as! FinalClass 
            dvc.index = indexPath.row
            dvc.places = sortedArray
            dvc.userLocation = currentLocation
    } else if segue.identifier == "goToReview", let button = sender as? UIButton {
            let index3 = IndexPath(row: button.tag, section: 0)
            let rev = segue.destination as! ReviewClass

Note that I have changed both if statements and managed to even remove an extra force-unwrap (The ! thing). If you don't mind force-unwrapping which crashes your app when incorrect then you could as well just do:


let index3 = IndexPath(row: (sender as! UIButton).tag, section: 0) 

But I suggest you avoid all force-unwrapping to improve stability. For your case that would be:


override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "goToLast", let indexPath = sender as? IndexPath, let dvc = segue.destination as? FinalClass  {
            dvc.index = indexPath.row
            dvc.places = sortedArray
            dvc.userLocation = currentLocation
    } else if segue.identifier == "goToReview", let button = sender as? UIButton, let rev = segue.destination as? ReviewClass {
            let index3 = IndexPath(row: button.tag, section: 0)
    } else {
         print("ERROR: Incorrect configuration!") // Put a breakpoint here and analyze what was the identifier and what the sender so none of the statements were hit



Just you need to change your segue method with below method


override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "goToLast" && sender is IndexPath {

         let dvc = segue.destination as! FinalClass 
        dvc.index = (sender as! IndexPath).row
        dvc.places = sortedArray
        dvc.userLocation = currentLocation

    if segue.identifier == "goToReview" {

        let index3 = IndexPath(row: (sender as! UIButton).tag, section: 0)
        let rev = segue.destination as! ReviewClass




For manage this problem first you need to first assign tag of button in cell for row which is you already done.


cell.reviewButton.tag = indexPath.row

After that you can add target actions on your button in the cell for row


cell.reviewButton.addTarget(self, action:#selector(self. 
func_Navigate(_:)), for:UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)

Out side cell for row make implement one function like that:-

用于行的外侧单元格实现如下功能: -

@IBAction func func_Navigate(_ sender: UIButton)

If sender.tag == 0


    \\ here sender.tag = 0 means button belong from fist row of your table view. you can perform navigation like that :-
    self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToLast", sender: self)

else If sender.tag == 1

    \\ here sender.tag = 1 means button belong from second row of your table view. you can perform navigation like that :-
    self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToReview", sender: self)



You can get UIButton object from sender then UIButton object have tag property to access.


let button = sender as? UIButton
let index3 = IndexPath(row: button?.tag ?? 0, section: 0)



Force downcast the optional Any to expected UIButton and IndexPath and use an else clause instead of if twice


 if segue.identifier == "goToLast" {
        let dvc = segue.destination as! FinalClass 
        let indexPath = sender as! IndexPath
        dvc.index = indexPath.row
        dvc.places = sortedArray
        dvc.userLocation = currentLocation
else if segue.identifier == "goToReview" {
        let button = sender as! UIButton
        let index3 = IndexPath(row: button.tag, section: 0)
        let rev = segue.destination as! ReviewClass

or use a switch


 switch segue.identifier {
     case "goToLast":
        let dvc = segue.destination as! FinalClass 
        let indexPath = sender as! IndexPath
        dvc.index = indexPath.row
        dvc.places = sortedArray
        dvc.userLocation = currentLocation

    case "goToReview":
        let button = sender as! UIButton
        let index3 = IndexPath(row: button.tag, section: 0)
        let rev = segue.destination as! ReviewClass

    default: break

The code must not crash. If it does you made a design mistake.




You have to pass the UIButton instance (the sender) from the IBAction to the sender parameter of performSegue. The outlet is irrelevant.


performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToReview" , sender: sender)



It is common you will provide a sender as Any in your method in cases where it can be different object. In such case you will need to typecast it to a specific object which is best done as let button = sender as? UIButton in swift.

通常情况下,如果发送方可能是不同的对象,您将在方法中提供发送方为Any。在这种情况下,您需要将其类型转换为特定对象,最好将let button = sender作为? UIButton迅速。

By doing so you will receive an optional value and its tag would be button?.tag and its type Int? which then again disallows you to create an index path.


So a proper way for this method should be as follows:


override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "goToLast", let indexPath = sender as? IndexPath {
            let dvc = segue.destination as! FinalClass 
            dvc.index = indexPath.row
            dvc.places = sortedArray
            dvc.userLocation = currentLocation
    } else if segue.identifier == "goToReview", let button = sender as? UIButton {
            let index3 = IndexPath(row: button.tag, section: 0)
            let rev = segue.destination as! ReviewClass

Note that I have changed both if statements and managed to even remove an extra force-unwrap (The ! thing). If you don't mind force-unwrapping which crashes your app when incorrect then you could as well just do:


let index3 = IndexPath(row: (sender as! UIButton).tag, section: 0) 

But I suggest you avoid all force-unwrapping to improve stability. For your case that would be:


override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "goToLast", let indexPath = sender as? IndexPath, let dvc = segue.destination as? FinalClass  {
            dvc.index = indexPath.row
            dvc.places = sortedArray
            dvc.userLocation = currentLocation
    } else if segue.identifier == "goToReview", let button = sender as? UIButton, let rev = segue.destination as? ReviewClass {
            let index3 = IndexPath(row: button.tag, section: 0)
    } else {
         print("ERROR: Incorrect configuration!") // Put a breakpoint here and analyze what was the identifier and what the sender so none of the statements were hit



Just you need to change your segue method with below method


override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "goToLast" && sender is IndexPath {

         let dvc = segue.destination as! FinalClass 
        dvc.index = (sender as! IndexPath).row
        dvc.places = sortedArray
        dvc.userLocation = currentLocation

    if segue.identifier == "goToReview" {

        let index3 = IndexPath(row: (sender as! UIButton).tag, section: 0)
        let rev = segue.destination as! ReviewClass




For manage this problem first you need to first assign tag of button in cell for row which is you already done.


cell.reviewButton.tag = indexPath.row

After that you can add target actions on your button in the cell for row


cell.reviewButton.addTarget(self, action:#selector(self. 
func_Navigate(_:)), for:UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)

Out side cell for row make implement one function like that:-

用于行的外侧单元格实现如下功能: -

@IBAction func func_Navigate(_ sender: UIButton)

If sender.tag == 0


    \\ here sender.tag = 0 means button belong from fist row of your table view. you can perform navigation like that :-
    self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToLast", sender: self)

else If sender.tag == 1

    \\ here sender.tag = 1 means button belong from second row of your table view. you can perform navigation like that :-
    self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToReview", sender: self)



You can get UIButton object from sender then UIButton object have tag property to access.


let button = sender as? UIButton
let index3 = IndexPath(row: button?.tag ?? 0, section: 0)