Order-safe value passing from php to javascript

时间:2021-01-08 17:03:53

If I pass an array from php to js:


 var array = <?php echo json_encode($array); ?>;

Is it true that the ith element js array and the php array will refer to the same data?


2 个解决方案



I believe the answer is yes for index-based arrays. On associative arrays, that translate to js objects, what json_encode does doesn't really matter, as JavaScript does not guarantee any particular key order when iterating over the keys (with for..in).




what are you trying here? mixing php and js?


You should use the function's parameter you pass: e.


var someArray = <?php echo json_encode($array); ?>;

for(var i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++) {
    infoWindow.setContent(createDivForElement(someArray[i]) );

function createDivForElement(e) {
    var result = '<div>';
    result += '<img src=' + e.thumbail + '/>'; 
    result += '</div>'
    return result;

You already pass someArray[i], you can address inside of the function with e. Then you don't need to involve any PHP in the function. You only need PHP here to pass the data to JS.

你已经传递了someArray [i],你可以用e来解决函数内部的问题。然后你不需要在函数中涉及任何PHP。你这里只需要PHP将数据传递给JS。

Always keep in mind that once you put PHP somewhere in, it won't change on the client-side.




I believe the answer is yes for index-based arrays. On associative arrays, that translate to js objects, what json_encode does doesn't really matter, as JavaScript does not guarantee any particular key order when iterating over the keys (with for..in).




what are you trying here? mixing php and js?


You should use the function's parameter you pass: e.


var someArray = <?php echo json_encode($array); ?>;

for(var i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++) {
    infoWindow.setContent(createDivForElement(someArray[i]) );

function createDivForElement(e) {
    var result = '<div>';
    result += '<img src=' + e.thumbail + '/>'; 
    result += '</div>'
    return result;

You already pass someArray[i], you can address inside of the function with e. Then you don't need to involve any PHP in the function. You only need PHP here to pass the data to JS.

你已经传递了someArray [i],你可以用e来解决函数内部的问题。然后你不需要在函数中涉及任何PHP。你这里只需要PHP将数据传递给JS。

Always keep in mind that once you put PHP somewhere in, it won't change on the client-side.
