
时间:2022-10-05 17:04:00

I must be confused here.


I read everywhere that in generics arrays of parametrized types are illegal.


Example from AngelikaLanger:


static void test() {  
  Pair<Integer,Integer>[] intPairArr = new Pair<Integer,Integer>[10] ; // error  
  Pair<Integer,Integer> pair = intPairArr[1];  
  Integer i = pair.getFirst();  

Quote from Langer (but everywhere else I read it says the same thing):


The compiler prohibits creation of arrays whose component type is a concrete parameterized type, like Pair in our example. We discussed in the preceding entry why is it reasonable that the compiler qualifies a Pair[] as illegal.


So far ok.


But in my code here:


private MyEntry<E> [] elements = (MyEntry<E>[])new Object[capacity];  

I do exactly that, it compiles fine (I use eclipse) but get a class cast exception error (Object can not be cast to MyEntry):

我确实做到了,它编译了fine(我使用eclipse),但是得到了一个类cast exception错误(对象不能被转换为MyEntry):

My question is, why does this line compiles in the first place?


I thought that this instantiation is disallowed by the compiler.


What I am doing wrong/differerent here?




On the same page, why am I able to succesfully do:


List<E> elements[] = (List<E>[])new LinkedList[capacity];  

and have no runtime exceptions?




Everywhere I have read (mentioned Langer since she's quoted often) it says that this declaration (arrays of parametrized types) is disallowed by compiler.
I can understand what happens after that.
I can't understand why the compiler doesn't report an error.
I am not judging, I am saying everywhere I read, it says this does not compile.
Am I missreading something?


UPDATE: I saw some comments related to the missing parameter in the new part.
This also has no issue:


List<Entry<KeyType, ValueType>> table[] = (List<Entry<KeyType, ValueType>>[])new LinkedList[capacity];

3 个解决方案



In your first example, there's no problem with the instantiation - here's exactly what you're creating:


new Object[capacity]

Perfectly legal. You do however get a runtime exception when you attempt to cast, because an array of Object is not an array of MyEntry<E>. You might have a point that the cast or declaration could be rejected by the compiler, if these generically-parameterised arrays can't exist, though this depends what order erasure kicks in. In any case, the instantiation itself is fine.

完全合法的。但是,当您尝试强制转换时,您会得到一个运行时异常,因为对象数组不是MyEntry 的数组。如果这些泛参数化的数组不存在,那么编译器可能会拒绝转换或声明,尽管这取决于擦除的顺序。无论如何,实例化本身是可以的。

In the second example, you're creating a non-generic array of LinkedList. You then assign it to a genericised reference, which at runtime will have been erased to just a List[]. This works fine (because rightly or wrongly, arrays are covariant).


I'm not sure why you were expecting a runtime exception; it's not much different to calling, say


List<E> = new LinkedList();

You would get some unchecked warnings, but nothing that would stop the code compiling or running.




You have completely misunderstood whatever you have read. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having the type that is an array of a parameterized type: MyEntry<E>[] or HashMap<String,Integer>[][] or whatever. You can have variables of such types all you want, and use them anywhere a type can be used.

无论你读什么,你都完全误解了。拥有参数化类型的数组类型绝对没有问题:MyEntry []或HashMap []或其他。您可以拥有这些类型的变量,并在任何地方使用它们。 ,integer>

However, with array creation, you cannot do something like new MyEntry<E>[...]. It is not allowed by the language (for type safety reasons we will not go into here), so it is a compile error.

但是,对于数组创建,您不能执行类似于new MyEntry […]的操作。该语言不允许这样做(出于类型安全的原因,我们不在这里介绍),所以这是一个编译错误。

The best solution is either new MyEntry[] (array of raw type) or new MyEntry<?>[] (array of wildcard type); either one is allowed by the language. Both of them will require you to do an explicit cast back to MyEntry<E>[].

最好的解决方案是新的MyEntry[](原始类型数组)或新的MyEntry [](通配符类型数组);任何一种语言都是允许的。这两个都需要您对MyEntry []进行显式转换。

Since you ask about your code examples, your first example is syntactically correct (there is nothing wrong with new Object[...], and it is syntactically okay to cast to MyEntry<E>[]), so there is no compile error. However, the runtime check of the cast fails at runtime, because the object's actual type Object[] is not a subtype of MyEntry[].

既然您要询问您的代码示例,那么您的第一个示例在语法上是正确的(new Object[…],从语法上来说,可以将它转换为MyEntry [],因此不会出现编译错误。但是,强制转换的运行时检查在运行时失败,因为对象的实际类型对象[]不是MyEntry[]的子类型。

The second code example is also syntactically correct, and plus the runtime check of the cast succeeds (LinkedList[] is a subtype of List[]).




Because LinkedList is an instance of List. But Object is NOT an instance of MyEntry. Also compiler don't check can one object be cast to another or not. Because it is runtime operation.


You should use:


private MyEntry<E> [] elements = new MyEntry [capacity];



class SomeOtherEntry extends MyEntry {}

private MyEntry<E> [] elements = new SomeOtherEntry [capacity];

But not:


class SomeOtherEntry extends MyEntry {}

private SomeOtherEntry <E> [] elements = new MyEntry [capacity];



List<Entry<KeyType, ValueType>> [] table = (List<Entry<KeyType,ValueType>> []) new Linked[capacity];



In your first example, there's no problem with the instantiation - here's exactly what you're creating:


new Object[capacity]

Perfectly legal. You do however get a runtime exception when you attempt to cast, because an array of Object is not an array of MyEntry<E>. You might have a point that the cast or declaration could be rejected by the compiler, if these generically-parameterised arrays can't exist, though this depends what order erasure kicks in. In any case, the instantiation itself is fine.

完全合法的。但是,当您尝试强制转换时,您会得到一个运行时异常,因为对象数组不是MyEntry 的数组。如果这些泛参数化的数组不存在,那么编译器可能会拒绝转换或声明,尽管这取决于擦除的顺序。无论如何,实例化本身是可以的。

In the second example, you're creating a non-generic array of LinkedList. You then assign it to a genericised reference, which at runtime will have been erased to just a List[]. This works fine (because rightly or wrongly, arrays are covariant).


I'm not sure why you were expecting a runtime exception; it's not much different to calling, say


List<E> = new LinkedList();

You would get some unchecked warnings, but nothing that would stop the code compiling or running.




You have completely misunderstood whatever you have read. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having the type that is an array of a parameterized type: MyEntry<E>[] or HashMap<String,Integer>[][] or whatever. You can have variables of such types all you want, and use them anywhere a type can be used.

无论你读什么,你都完全误解了。拥有参数化类型的数组类型绝对没有问题:MyEntry []或HashMap []或其他。您可以拥有这些类型的变量,并在任何地方使用它们。 ,integer>

However, with array creation, you cannot do something like new MyEntry<E>[...]. It is not allowed by the language (for type safety reasons we will not go into here), so it is a compile error.

但是,对于数组创建,您不能执行类似于new MyEntry […]的操作。该语言不允许这样做(出于类型安全的原因,我们不在这里介绍),所以这是一个编译错误。

The best solution is either new MyEntry[] (array of raw type) or new MyEntry<?>[] (array of wildcard type); either one is allowed by the language. Both of them will require you to do an explicit cast back to MyEntry<E>[].

最好的解决方案是新的MyEntry[](原始类型数组)或新的MyEntry [](通配符类型数组);任何一种语言都是允许的。这两个都需要您对MyEntry []进行显式转换。

Since you ask about your code examples, your first example is syntactically correct (there is nothing wrong with new Object[...], and it is syntactically okay to cast to MyEntry<E>[]), so there is no compile error. However, the runtime check of the cast fails at runtime, because the object's actual type Object[] is not a subtype of MyEntry[].

既然您要询问您的代码示例,那么您的第一个示例在语法上是正确的(new Object[…],从语法上来说,可以将它转换为MyEntry [],因此不会出现编译错误。但是,强制转换的运行时检查在运行时失败,因为对象的实际类型对象[]不是MyEntry[]的子类型。

The second code example is also syntactically correct, and plus the runtime check of the cast succeeds (LinkedList[] is a subtype of List[]).




Because LinkedList is an instance of List. But Object is NOT an instance of MyEntry. Also compiler don't check can one object be cast to another or not. Because it is runtime operation.


You should use:


private MyEntry<E> [] elements = new MyEntry [capacity];



class SomeOtherEntry extends MyEntry {}

private MyEntry<E> [] elements = new SomeOtherEntry [capacity];

But not:


class SomeOtherEntry extends MyEntry {}

private SomeOtherEntry <E> [] elements = new MyEntry [capacity];



List<Entry<KeyType, ValueType>> [] table = (List<Entry<KeyType,ValueType>> []) new Linked[capacity];