因使用“==”而引起的(Eq a)没有实例。

时间:2021-05-20 17:05:47

In the following Haskell code:


import Data.List
import Data.Char

data EXP a = Empty | Symbol a
           deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

test :: (Ord a) => EXP a -> [[a]]

test Empty = []
test (Symbol x) = [[x]]

value = (test Empty) == []

I get the following error:


    No instance for (Ord a0) arising from a use of `test'
    The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
    Note: there are several potential instances:
      instance Ord a => Ord (EXP a) -- Defined at problem.hs:5:32
      instance Integral a => Ord (GHC.Real.Ratio a)
        -- Defined in `GHC.Real'
      instance Ord GeneralCategory -- Defined in `Data.Char'
      ...plus 26 others
    In the first argument of `(==)', namely `(test Empty)'
    In the expression: (test Empty) == []
    In an equation for `value': value = (test Empty) == []

    No instance for (Eq a0) arising from a use of `=='
    The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
    Note: there are several potential instances:
      instance Eq a => Eq (EXP a) -- Defined at problem.hs:5:28
      instance Eq a => Eq (GHC.Real.Ratio a) -- Defined in `GHC.Real'
      instance Eq GeneralCategory -- Defined in `Data.Char'
      ...plus 26 others
    In the expression: (test Empty) == []
    In an equation for `value': value = (test Empty) == []
Failed, modules loaded: none.

But if I remove the last line, so the code is:


import Data.List
import Data.Char

data EXP a = Empty | Symbol a
           deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

test :: (Ord a) => EXP a -> [[a]]

test Empty = []
test (Symbol x) = [[x]]

I can do the following in the interactive prompt, without error:


Prelude> :l problem.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( problem.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> test Empty == []

Why do I get an error when the == check is in the source file, but not when it's in the interactive prompt?


2 个解决方案



What you need to get value to compile is a local type signature


value = (test Empty :: [[()]]) == []

Or better yet, use null:


value = null $ test Empty

This is because the type of test is


test :: EXP a -> [[a]]

And the type of value is just Bool. The compiler has no way to guess exactly what Eq instance to use inside of value, it can't be inferred from the context. In general whenever you see == [], you should replace this with the null function since this avoids the Eq constraint.


It works in GHCi because when you type in (test Empty) == [], GHCi's extended defaulting rules will automatically pick () for the ambiguous a type.

它在GHCi中工作,因为当您输入(test Empty) ==[]时,GHCi的扩展默认规则将自动选择()用于模糊类型。



Just explicitly annotate it with type:


value = test Empty == ([] :: [[Int]])

The type of [] can be anything: [Int] or [Float] or [[Int]]. The compiler is not able to figure it out because even Exp is polymorphic. If your function was like this you wouldn't have to explicitly annotate:


test :: EXP Int -> [[Int]]
test Empty = []
test (Symbol x) = [[x]]

value = test Empty == []

Or even if you are ready to give it hints like this:


value :: [[Int]]
value = (test Empty)

value2 = value == []

That said, instead of using Int, use () for annotating as @bheklir has done. That is a better approach of tagging type to remove ambiguity for the compiler.




What you need to get value to compile is a local type signature


value = (test Empty :: [[()]]) == []

Or better yet, use null:


value = null $ test Empty

This is because the type of test is


test :: EXP a -> [[a]]

And the type of value is just Bool. The compiler has no way to guess exactly what Eq instance to use inside of value, it can't be inferred from the context. In general whenever you see == [], you should replace this with the null function since this avoids the Eq constraint.


It works in GHCi because when you type in (test Empty) == [], GHCi's extended defaulting rules will automatically pick () for the ambiguous a type.

它在GHCi中工作,因为当您输入(test Empty) ==[]时,GHCi的扩展默认规则将自动选择()用于模糊类型。



Just explicitly annotate it with type:


value = test Empty == ([] :: [[Int]])

The type of [] can be anything: [Int] or [Float] or [[Int]]. The compiler is not able to figure it out because even Exp is polymorphic. If your function was like this you wouldn't have to explicitly annotate:


test :: EXP Int -> [[Int]]
test Empty = []
test (Symbol x) = [[x]]

value = test Empty == []

Or even if you are ready to give it hints like this:


value :: [[Int]]
value = (test Empty)

value2 = value == []

That said, instead of using Int, use () for annotating as @bheklir has done. That is a better approach of tagging type to remove ambiguity for the compiler.
