在GHCi中,为什么函数arrow`:kind( - >)`包括问号`( - >):: ?? - >? - > *`? [重复]

时间:2023-02-04 17:02:47

Possible Duplicate:
Haskell Weird Kinds: Kind of (->) is ?? -> ? -> *

可能重复:Haskell奇怪的种类:种类( - >)是?? - >? - > *

In GHCi (version 7.0.2), if I ask for the kind of the function type, the result has question marks:


Prelude> :kind (->)
(->) :: ?? -> ? -> *

Why does the kind include question marks instead of just asterisks * -> * -> *? What do the question marks mean? Why do other types just use asterisks?

为什么这种类型包括问号而不是星号* - > * - > *?问号是什么意思?为什么其他类型只使用星号?

Prelude> :kind (,)
(,) :: * -> * -> *

1 个解决方案



The ? and ?? kinds refer to GHC extensions, specifically unboxed types. http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/IntermediateTypes has a diagram showing relationships between the extended kinds ? (all possible types), # (unboxed types), ?? (boxed or normal unboxed types — "least upper bound of # and *"), (#) (unboxed tuples, which can only be used in a small number of contexts). (The standard kind * refers to normal boxed types.)

的?和?? kind指的是GHC扩展,特别是未装箱的类型。 http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/IntermediateTypes有一个图表显示扩展种类之间的关系? (所有可能的类型),#(未装箱的类型),?? (盒装或普通的未装箱类型 - “#和*的最小上限”),(#)(未装箱的元组,只能在少量上下文中使用)。 (标准种类*指正常的盒装类型。)



The ? and ?? kinds refer to GHC extensions, specifically unboxed types. http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/IntermediateTypes has a diagram showing relationships between the extended kinds ? (all possible types), # (unboxed types), ?? (boxed or normal unboxed types — "least upper bound of # and *"), (#) (unboxed tuples, which can only be used in a small number of contexts). (The standard kind * refers to normal boxed types.)

的?和?? kind指的是GHC扩展,特别是未装箱的类型。 http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/IntermediateTypes有一个图表显示扩展种类之间的关系? (所有可能的类型),#(未装箱的类型),?? (盒装或普通的未装箱类型 - “#和*的最小上限”),(#)(未装箱的元组,只能在少量上下文中使用)。 (标准种类*指正常的盒装类型。)