创建Type 的通用列表并使用派生类填充它的解决方法?

时间:2021-01-06 17:02:38

I want to make a List and add derived classes to this list.


I see here that this is not possible by design in .NET: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479859.aspx#fundamentals_topic12


So what is the best practice solution to this? I guess I can box my derived classes to make them look like my superclass but that feels a little unwieldly. I suppose I should have designed my classes differently....but how?


3 个解决方案


If I understand what you are trying to do, you should be able to do it just fine.


List<SuperClass> myList = new List<SuperClass>();

SubClass item1 = new SubClass();
SuperClass item2 = new SuperClass();


This is valid code, and then you can easily retrieve the elements from the list, and use the basic rules of polymorphism for changing the types of the objects accordingly.



As Brian notes, this should work fine. The only common limitation people see in this area is covariance of lists as method arguments - i.e. they find that they can't pass a List<Dog> to a method that accepts a List<Animal>. The answer in that case is generics:

正如Brian所说,这应该可以正常工作。人们在这个领域看到的唯一常见限制是列表的协方差作为方法参数 - 即他们发现他们无法将List 传递给接受List 的方法。在这种情况下的答案是泛型:

public void Foo<T>(IList<T> list) where T : Animal {...}
List<Dog> dogs = ...
Foo(dogs); // implicit <Dog>

For more discussion on covariance (including the C# 4.0 changes that doesn't change the above scenario, see here).



That would work fine. While you won't know the exact type of an item in the list (without casting) there are no problems with adding a derived type to a collection of base types.


What the article links to is the case where you try to use a collection of derived types as a collection of base types:


void DisplayFruit(List<Fruit> fruit)
    fruit.ForEach(f => Console.WriteLine(f.ToString()));

List<Apples> apples = new List<Apples>();
// add apples here

DisplayFruit(apples); //Error!

If apples were declared as a List<Fruit> instead, it would work.

如果苹果被声明为List ,那么它将起作用。


If I understand what you are trying to do, you should be able to do it just fine.


List<SuperClass> myList = new List<SuperClass>();

SubClass item1 = new SubClass();
SuperClass item2 = new SuperClass();


This is valid code, and then you can easily retrieve the elements from the list, and use the basic rules of polymorphism for changing the types of the objects accordingly.



As Brian notes, this should work fine. The only common limitation people see in this area is covariance of lists as method arguments - i.e. they find that they can't pass a List<Dog> to a method that accepts a List<Animal>. The answer in that case is generics:

正如Brian所说,这应该可以正常工作。人们在这个领域看到的唯一常见限制是列表的协方差作为方法参数 - 即他们发现他们无法将List 传递给接受List 的方法。在这种情况下的答案是泛型:

public void Foo<T>(IList<T> list) where T : Animal {...}
List<Dog> dogs = ...
Foo(dogs); // implicit <Dog>

For more discussion on covariance (including the C# 4.0 changes that doesn't change the above scenario, see here).



That would work fine. While you won't know the exact type of an item in the list (without casting) there are no problems with adding a derived type to a collection of base types.


What the article links to is the case where you try to use a collection of derived types as a collection of base types:


void DisplayFruit(List<Fruit> fruit)
    fruit.ForEach(f => Console.WriteLine(f.ToString()));

List<Apples> apples = new List<Apples>();
// add apples here

DisplayFruit(apples); //Error!

If apples were declared as a List<Fruit> instead, it would work.

如果苹果被声明为List ,那么它将起作用。