
时间:2021-02-21 17:02:43

Here is the schema:


post_tag = Table("post_tag", Base.metadata,
                 Column("post_id", Integer, ForeignKey("post.id")),
                 Column("tag_id ", Integer, ForeignKey("tag.id")))

class Post(Base):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    tags = relationship("Tag", secondary=post_tag, backref="post", cascade="all")
    collection_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("collection.id"))

class Tag(Base):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    description = Column("description", UnicodeText, nullable=False, default="")
    post_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("post.id"))

class Collection(Base):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    title = Column(Unicode(128), nullable=False) 
    posts = relationship("Post", backref="collection", cascade="all,delete-orphan")

    tags = column_property(select([Tag])
                           .where(and_(Post.collection_id == id, Tag.post_id == Post.id))

Basically, Post to Tag is many-to-many and Collection to Post is one-to-many.

基本上,Post to Tag是多对多的,而Collection to Post是一对多的。

I want to Collection.tags return a distinct set of tags of posts in collection.


However, I get the following error when I access Collection.tags:


sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) only a single result allowed for a SELECT that is part of an expression



The SQL its generate


SELECT (SELECT tag.id, tag.description, tag.post_id 
FROM tag, post 
WHERE post.collection_id = collection.id AND tag.post_id = post.id) AS anon_1, collection.id AS collection_id, collection.title AS collection_title 
FROM collection 
WHERE collection.id = 1

I believe that post_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("post.id")) is wrong as post_id is in post_tag. However, if I change it to post_tag.post_id, it throws AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute 'post_id'

我相信post_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey(“post.id”))是错误的,因为post_id在post_tag中。但是,如果我将其更改为post_tag.post_id,则会抛出AttributeError:'Table'对象没有属性'post_id'


I change it to


tags = column_property(select([Tag])
                       .where(and_(Post.collection_id == id, post_tag.c.post_id == Post.id,
                                   post_tag.c.tag_id == Tag.id)))

While this works


SELECT tag.id, tag.description, tag.category_id, tag.post_id 
FROM tag, post, post_tag 
WHERE post.collection_id = 1 AND post_tag.post_id = post.id AND post_tag.tag_id = tag.id

but the query generate by SQLAlchemy does not


SELECT (SELECT tag.id, tag.description, tag.category_id, tag.post_id 
FROM tag, post, post_tag 
WHERE post.collection_id = collection.id AND post_tag.post_id = post.id AND post_tag.tag_id = tag.id) AS anon_1
FROM collection 
WHERE collection.id = 1

1 个解决方案



Instead of a column_property() you need a relationship() with a composite "secondary". A column property is handy for mapping some (scalar) SQL expression as a "column" that is loaded along other attributes. On the other hand you seem to want to map a collection of related Tag objects:


class Collection(Base):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    title = Column(Unicode(128), nullable=False)
    posts = relationship("Post", backref="collection", cascade="all,delete-orphan")

    tags = relationship(
        "Tag", viewonly=True,
        primaryjoin="Collection.id == Post.collection_id",
        secondary="join(Post, post_tag)",
        secondaryjoin="Tag.id == post_tag.c.tag_id")

If you want to eager load the relationship, a bit like the column property would have, you could default to lazy="join". It's also possible to define the eager load strategy on a per query basis using Query.options():

如果你想加载关系,有点像列属性,你可以默认为lazy =“join”。也可以使用Query.options()在每个查询的基础上定义预先加载策略:


Please note that your example has a typo(?) in the definition of the secondary table post_tags. The column tag_id has trailing whitespace in the name.




Instead of a column_property() you need a relationship() with a composite "secondary". A column property is handy for mapping some (scalar) SQL expression as a "column" that is loaded along other attributes. On the other hand you seem to want to map a collection of related Tag objects:


class Collection(Base):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    title = Column(Unicode(128), nullable=False)
    posts = relationship("Post", backref="collection", cascade="all,delete-orphan")

    tags = relationship(
        "Tag", viewonly=True,
        primaryjoin="Collection.id == Post.collection_id",
        secondary="join(Post, post_tag)",
        secondaryjoin="Tag.id == post_tag.c.tag_id")

If you want to eager load the relationship, a bit like the column property would have, you could default to lazy="join". It's also possible to define the eager load strategy on a per query basis using Query.options():

如果你想加载关系,有点像列属性,你可以默认为lazy =“join”。也可以使用Query.options()在每个查询的基础上定义预先加载策略:


Please note that your example has a typo(?) in the definition of the secondary table post_tags. The column tag_id has trailing whitespace in the name.
