I have two Tables
Name | ID |
A | 3 |
A | 5 |
B | 1 |
ID | Count |
1 | 10 |
2 | 50 |
3 | 15 |
6 | 20 |
I want to produce something which joins the ID of these two tables as well as aggregating the results of the non-matching entries
Name | ID | Count
A | 3 | 15
A | 5 | 0 *//(doesn't exists)*
A | others | 80 *//(10 (ID 1) + 50 (ID 2) + 20 (ID 6))*
B | 1 | 10
B | others | 85 *//(50 (ID 2) + 15 (ID 3) + 20 (ID 6))*
Till now I can get the matched items but not able to get the non matching aggregates.
I feel that doing an except
on each list of IDs and aggregating the non matching ones is not an elegant solution.
Would like to find a more elegant solution to the problem.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I am using SQL server
. The oracle solution would not be of any use in my scenario but will help in a similar scenario for Oracle users.
编辑:我忘了说我正在使用SQL server。oracle解决方案在我的场景中不会有任何用处,但是对于oracle用户来说将会有帮助。
3 个解决方案
A LINQ solution is this:
from n in Names
join c in Counts on n.ID equals c.ID into outer
select new { n.Name,
ID = outer.Count() > 1 ? "others" : n.ID.ToString(),
Sum = ((int?)outer.Sum(x => x.Count)) ?? 0 }
It does the equivalent of an outer join, but also has some trickery to translate a null
to 0
. In linq-to-sql this nicely translates into SQL. And because it is translated into SQL outer.Count()
does not throw an exception when outer
is null
它的作用相当于一个外部连接,但也有一些技巧可以将null转换为0。在linqto - SQL中,这很好地转化为SQL。而且因为它被转换为SQL outer. count(),所以在outer为null时不会抛出异常。
How about this: Get the matched items and do a union with a second query. The second query would select name, 'others', sum(count) and would group on name where id is not in the ids from the first table (you can check that with a subquery).
I can type it out if you want to, you look like you know what you are doing and just need a general idea about how to do it.
In case of oracle use nvl. sql server ifnull() and mysql isnull() with union of left and right outer instead of full outer
如果oracle使用nvl。sql server ifnull()和mysql isnull()是由左外和右外而不是全外组成的
select name, id, sum(cnt) from
select name, nvl(to_char(a.id), 'others') id, nvl(b.count,0) cnt
from table1 a
full outer join
table2 b on a.id = b.id)
group by name, id
A LINQ solution is this:
from n in Names
join c in Counts on n.ID equals c.ID into outer
select new { n.Name,
ID = outer.Count() > 1 ? "others" : n.ID.ToString(),
Sum = ((int?)outer.Sum(x => x.Count)) ?? 0 }
It does the equivalent of an outer join, but also has some trickery to translate a null
to 0
. In linq-to-sql this nicely translates into SQL. And because it is translated into SQL outer.Count()
does not throw an exception when outer
is null
它的作用相当于一个外部连接,但也有一些技巧可以将null转换为0。在linqto - SQL中,这很好地转化为SQL。而且因为它被转换为SQL outer. count(),所以在outer为null时不会抛出异常。
How about this: Get the matched items and do a union with a second query. The second query would select name, 'others', sum(count) and would group on name where id is not in the ids from the first table (you can check that with a subquery).
I can type it out if you want to, you look like you know what you are doing and just need a general idea about how to do it.
In case of oracle use nvl. sql server ifnull() and mysql isnull() with union of left and right outer instead of full outer
如果oracle使用nvl。sql server ifnull()和mysql isnull()是由左外和右外而不是全外组成的
select name, id, sum(cnt) from
select name, nvl(to_char(a.id), 'others') id, nvl(b.count,0) cnt
from table1 a
full outer join
table2 b on a.id = b.id)
group by name, id