
时间:2022-01-20 17:04:07

I'm having a bit of trouble with dynamic_casting. I need to determine at runtime the type of an object. Here is a demo:


#include <iostream>#include <string>class PersonClass{  public:  std::string Name;  virtual void test(){}; //it is annoying that this has to be here...};class LawyerClass : public PersonClass{  public:  void GoToCourt(){};};class DoctorClass : public PersonClass{  public:  void GoToSurgery(){};};int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  PersonClass* person = new PersonClass;  if(true)  {    person = dynamic_cast<LawyerClass*>(person);  }  else  {    person = dynamic_cast<DoctorClass*>(person);  }  person->GoToCourt();  return 0;}

I would like to do the above. The only legal way I found to do it is to define all of the objects before hand:


  PersonClass* person = new PersonClass;  LawyerClass* lawyer;  DoctorClass* doctor;  if(true)  {    lawyer = dynamic_cast<LawyerClass*>(person);  }  else  {    doctor = dynamic_cast<DoctorClass*>(person);  }  if(true)  {    lawyer->GoToCourt();  }

The main problem with this (besides having to define a bunch of objects that won't be use) is that I have to change the name of the 'person' variable. Is there a better way?


(I am not allowed to change any of the classes (Person, Lawyer, or Doctor) because they are part of a library that people who will use my code have and won't want to change).




5 个解决方案



Dynamic casting to a subclass and then assigning the result to a pointer to superclass is of no use - you practically are back where you started. You do need a pointer to a subclass to store the result of the dynamic cast. Also, if the concrete type of your object is PersonClass, you can't downcast it to a subclass. Dynamic casting can only work for you if you have a pointer to a superclass but you know that the object pointed to is actually an instance of a subclass.

动态转换为子类,然后将结果分配给指向超类的指针是没有用的 - 你几乎回到了你开始的地方。您需要一个指向子类的指针来存储动态强制转换的结果。此外,如果对象的具体类型是PersonClass,则不能将其向下转换为子类。如果你有一个指向超类的指针,但你知道指向的对象实际上是一个子类的实例,那么动态转换只能为你工作。

As others have pointed out too, the best option would be to redesign the class hierarchy to make your methods really polymorphic, thus eliminate the need for downcasting. Since you can't touch those classes, you need the downcast. The typical way to use this would be something like


PersonClass* person = // get a Person reference somehowif(/* person is instance of LawyerClass */){  LawyerClass* lawyer = dynamic_cast<LawyerClass*>(person);  lawyer->GoToCourt();}else{  DoctorClass* doctor = dynamic_cast<DoctorClass*>(person);  doctor->GoToSurgery();}

Update: if you want to use the subclass instances later, you can do it this way:


PersonClass* person = // get a Person reference somehow...LawyerClass* lawyer = NULL;DoctorClass* doctor = NULL;if(/* person is instance of LawyerClass */){  lawyer = dynamic_cast<LawyerClass*>(person);}else if(/* person is instance of DoctorClass */){  doctor = dynamic_cast<DoctorClass*>(person);}...if(lawyer){  lawyer->GoToCourt();}else if (doctor){  doctor->GoToSurgery();}

Note that this code is more complicated and more error-prone than the previous version. I would definitely try to refactor such code to make it look more like the previous version. YMMV.




If they are not polymorphic functions (as David's answer defined them to be), then doing this is going to be more than difficult.


I would suggest a wrapper class.


class PersonWrapper {    PersonClass* person;    virtual void DoWork() = 0;};class DoctorWrapper : public PersonWrapper {    DoctorClass* doc;    virtual void DoWork() { doc->GoToSurgery(); }};class LawyerWrapper : public PersonWrapper {    LawyerClass* lawyer;    virtual void DoWork() { lawyer->GoToCourt(); }};

Of course, this leaves some implementation details to be defined by you, such as assigning the pointer in correct conditions, and is an ugly use of heap. However, it should offer polymorphic functionality, in that you could now do


PersonWrapper* wrap = new LawyerWrapper(new LawyerClass());wrap->DoWork();

I would only consider using this sort of solution if you're genuinely desperate.




I may be completely missing the point here or I may be misunderstanding you example so if I am let me know and I will delete my post.


But would it not make more sense to have a public method called doJob (or something similar) that calls the virtual method. That way you could do this:


#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std;class PersonClass { public:     std::string Name;     virtual void doWork(){}; //it is annoying that this has to be here... }; class LawyerClass : public PersonClass { public:     void doWork(){GoToCourt();}    void GoToCourt(){cout<<"Going to court..."<<endl;} }; class DoctorClass : public PersonClass { public:     void doWork(){GoToSurgery();}    void GoToSurgery(){cout<<"Doing surgery..."<<endl;}; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     PersonClass* person;     if(true)     {         person = new LawyerClass();     }     else     {         person = new DoctorClass();     }     person->doWork();     return 0; } 



Is it possible for you to add a shim to the classes like this:


class Person{public:    virtual void DoJob() = 0;};class Lawyer : public Person, public LawyerClass{ public:    virtual void DoJob()  { GoToCourt(); }}; class Doctor : public Person, public DoctorClass{ public:    virtual void DoJob() { GoToSurgery(); }}; void DoJob(Person& person){    person.DoJob();}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {    Doctor doctor;    Lawyer lawyer;    DoJob(doctor); // Calls GoToSurgery();    DoJob(lawyer); // Calls GoToCourt();    return 0;} 

This way, you won't have to use a conditional. But this really is a "last-resort" solution if you really can't change the existing library code, and it does require your users to use Doctor and Lawyer instead of DoctorClass and LawyerClass.




dynamic_cast allows you to obtain a more precisely-typed reference or pointer to an object of a given type.


It does not allow you to change the type of the object. The type of a constructed object cannot change in C++. You must construct a new object.

它不允许您更改对象的类型。构造对象的类型不能在C ++中更改。您必须构造一个新对象。

LawyerClass lawyer( person );

EDIT: to adapt your sample into a rough demo of polymorphism,


  PersonClass* person = NULL;  if(true)  {    person = new LawyerClass;  }  else  {    person = new DoctorClass;  }  if ( LawyerClass *lawyer = dynamic_cast< LawyerClass * >( person ) )  {    lawyer->GoToCourt();  }

Also, you should use an "empty" virtual destructor rather than virtual void test() {}.

此外,您应该使用“空”虚拟析构函数而不是虚拟void test(){}。



Dynamic casting to a subclass and then assigning the result to a pointer to superclass is of no use - you practically are back where you started. You do need a pointer to a subclass to store the result of the dynamic cast. Also, if the concrete type of your object is PersonClass, you can't downcast it to a subclass. Dynamic casting can only work for you if you have a pointer to a superclass but you know that the object pointed to is actually an instance of a subclass.

动态转换为子类,然后将结果分配给指向超类的指针是没有用的 - 你几乎回到了你开始的地方。您需要一个指向子类的指针来存储动态强制转换的结果。此外,如果对象的具体类型是PersonClass,则不能将其向下转换为子类。如果你有一个指向超类的指针,但你知道指向的对象实际上是一个子类的实例,那么动态转换只能为你工作。

As others have pointed out too, the best option would be to redesign the class hierarchy to make your methods really polymorphic, thus eliminate the need for downcasting. Since you can't touch those classes, you need the downcast. The typical way to use this would be something like


PersonClass* person = // get a Person reference somehowif(/* person is instance of LawyerClass */){  LawyerClass* lawyer = dynamic_cast<LawyerClass*>(person);  lawyer->GoToCourt();}else{  DoctorClass* doctor = dynamic_cast<DoctorClass*>(person);  doctor->GoToSurgery();}

Update: if you want to use the subclass instances later, you can do it this way:


PersonClass* person = // get a Person reference somehow...LawyerClass* lawyer = NULL;DoctorClass* doctor = NULL;if(/* person is instance of LawyerClass */){  lawyer = dynamic_cast<LawyerClass*>(person);}else if(/* person is instance of DoctorClass */){  doctor = dynamic_cast<DoctorClass*>(person);}...if(lawyer){  lawyer->GoToCourt();}else if (doctor){  doctor->GoToSurgery();}

Note that this code is more complicated and more error-prone than the previous version. I would definitely try to refactor such code to make it look more like the previous version. YMMV.




If they are not polymorphic functions (as David's answer defined them to be), then doing this is going to be more than difficult.


I would suggest a wrapper class.


class PersonWrapper {    PersonClass* person;    virtual void DoWork() = 0;};class DoctorWrapper : public PersonWrapper {    DoctorClass* doc;    virtual void DoWork() { doc->GoToSurgery(); }};class LawyerWrapper : public PersonWrapper {    LawyerClass* lawyer;    virtual void DoWork() { lawyer->GoToCourt(); }};

Of course, this leaves some implementation details to be defined by you, such as assigning the pointer in correct conditions, and is an ugly use of heap. However, it should offer polymorphic functionality, in that you could now do


PersonWrapper* wrap = new LawyerWrapper(new LawyerClass());wrap->DoWork();

I would only consider using this sort of solution if you're genuinely desperate.




I may be completely missing the point here or I may be misunderstanding you example so if I am let me know and I will delete my post.


But would it not make more sense to have a public method called doJob (or something similar) that calls the virtual method. That way you could do this:


#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std;class PersonClass { public:     std::string Name;     virtual void doWork(){}; //it is annoying that this has to be here... }; class LawyerClass : public PersonClass { public:     void doWork(){GoToCourt();}    void GoToCourt(){cout<<"Going to court..."<<endl;} }; class DoctorClass : public PersonClass { public:     void doWork(){GoToSurgery();}    void GoToSurgery(){cout<<"Doing surgery..."<<endl;}; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     PersonClass* person;     if(true)     {         person = new LawyerClass();     }     else     {         person = new DoctorClass();     }     person->doWork();     return 0; } 



Is it possible for you to add a shim to the classes like this:


class Person{public:    virtual void DoJob() = 0;};class Lawyer : public Person, public LawyerClass{ public:    virtual void DoJob()  { GoToCourt(); }}; class Doctor : public Person, public DoctorClass{ public:    virtual void DoJob() { GoToSurgery(); }}; void DoJob(Person& person){    person.DoJob();}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {    Doctor doctor;    Lawyer lawyer;    DoJob(doctor); // Calls GoToSurgery();    DoJob(lawyer); // Calls GoToCourt();    return 0;} 

This way, you won't have to use a conditional. But this really is a "last-resort" solution if you really can't change the existing library code, and it does require your users to use Doctor and Lawyer instead of DoctorClass and LawyerClass.




dynamic_cast allows you to obtain a more precisely-typed reference or pointer to an object of a given type.


It does not allow you to change the type of the object. The type of a constructed object cannot change in C++. You must construct a new object.

它不允许您更改对象的类型。构造对象的类型不能在C ++中更改。您必须构造一个新对象。

LawyerClass lawyer( person );

EDIT: to adapt your sample into a rough demo of polymorphism,


  PersonClass* person = NULL;  if(true)  {    person = new LawyerClass;  }  else  {    person = new DoctorClass;  }  if ( LawyerClass *lawyer = dynamic_cast< LawyerClass * >( person ) )  {    lawyer->GoToCourt();  }

Also, you should use an "empty" virtual destructor rather than virtual void test() {}.

此外,您应该使用“空”虚拟析构函数而不是虚拟void test(){}。