
时间:2022-10-09 17:01:55

Why do the examples below behave differently?


Example 1: foo seems to behave like a class variable that is specific for various objects


class A: 
    foo = 1
a, b = A(), A()
a.foo = 5
print b.foo
Output: 1

Example 2: foo seems to behave like a static class variable that is the same for all object. Perhaps the behavior has something to do with lists working as pointers.


class A: 
    foo = []
a, b = A(), A()
print b.foo
Output: [5]

Example 3: Doesn't work


class A: 
    self.foo = []
a, b = A(), A()
print b.foo
Output: Error

3 个解决方案



The first two examples are both class attributes. The reason they seem different is because you're not doing the same thing in both cases: you're assigning a new value in the first case and modifying the existing value in the second case.


Notice that you are not doing the same thing in the first two examples. In the first example you do a.foo = 5, assigning a new value. In the second example, if you did the analogous thing, assigning, a.foo = [5], you would see the same kind of result as in the first example. But instead you altered the existing list with a.foo.append(5), so the behavior is different. a.foo = 5 changes only the variable (i.e., what value it points to); a.foo.append(5) changes the value itself.

请注意,前两个示例中您没有做同样的事情。在第一个示例中,您执行a.foo = 5,分配新值。在第二个例子中,如果你做了类似的事情,分配,a.foo = [5],你会看到与第一个例子中相同的结果。但是你用a.foo.append(5)改变了现有的列表,所以行为是不同的。 a.foo = 5只改变变量(即它指向的值); a.foo.append(5)更改值本身。

(Notice that there is no way to do the equivalent of the second example in the first example. That is, there's nothing like a.foo.add(1) to add 1 to 5. That's because integers are not mutable but lists are. But what matters is not that lists "are" mutable, but that you mutated one. In other words, it doesn't matter what you can do with a list, it matters what you actually do in the specific code.)


Also, notice that although the foo you defined in the class definition is a class attribute, when you do a.foo = 5, you are creating a new attribute on the instance. It happens to have the same name as the class attribute, but it doesn't change the value of the class attribute, which is what b.foo still sees.

另请注意,虽然您在类定义中定义的foo是类属性,但是当您执行a.foo = 5时,您将在实例上创建新属性。它恰好与class属性具有相同的名称,但它不会更改class属性的值,这也是b.foo仍然看到的值。

The last example doesn't work because, just like in the first two examples, code inside the class block is at the class scope. There is no self because there are no instances yet at the time the class is defined.


There are many, many other questions about this on * and I urge you to search and read a bunch of them to gain a fuller understanding of how this works.




This doesn't work:


class A: 
    self.foo = []

Which raises an error.


NameError: name 'self' is not defined

Because self is not a keyword in Python, it's just a variable name commonly assigned to the instance of the class that is passed to a method of the class when the class is called.


Here's an example:


class A(object): 
    def __init__(self):
        self.foo = []

a, b = A(), A()

Then returns:



When each one is initialized, they each get their own list which can be accessed by the attribute foo, and when one is modified, the other, being a separate list stored at a different place in memory, is not affected.




The difference has not to do with mutability/immutability, but what operations are performed.


In example 1, the class has an attribute foo. After object creation, you give the object another attribute foo which shadows the former one. So the class attribute acts as a kind of "default" or "fallback".


In example 2, you have one object which you perform an operation on (which, admittedly, only works on mutable objects). So the object referred to by A.foo, which can be accessed as well via a.foo and b.foo due to the lack of an instance attribute with the same name, gets added a 5.


Example 3 doesn't work because self doesn't exist where you use it.


Note that example 1 would as well work with mutable objects, such as lists:


class A: 
    foo = []
a, b = A(), A()
a.foo = []
print a.foo # [5]
print b.foo # [10]
print A.foo # [10]

Here a.foo gets a new, empty list. b.foo, lacking an instance attribute, continues to refer to the class attribute. So we have two empty lists which are independent of each other, as we see when .append()ing.




The first two examples are both class attributes. The reason they seem different is because you're not doing the same thing in both cases: you're assigning a new value in the first case and modifying the existing value in the second case.


Notice that you are not doing the same thing in the first two examples. In the first example you do a.foo = 5, assigning a new value. In the second example, if you did the analogous thing, assigning, a.foo = [5], you would see the same kind of result as in the first example. But instead you altered the existing list with a.foo.append(5), so the behavior is different. a.foo = 5 changes only the variable (i.e., what value it points to); a.foo.append(5) changes the value itself.

请注意,前两个示例中您没有做同样的事情。在第一个示例中,您执行a.foo = 5,分配新值。在第二个例子中,如果你做了类似的事情,分配,a.foo = [5],你会看到与第一个例子中相同的结果。但是你用a.foo.append(5)改变了现有的列表,所以行为是不同的。 a.foo = 5只改变变量(即它指向的值); a.foo.append(5)更改值本身。

(Notice that there is no way to do the equivalent of the second example in the first example. That is, there's nothing like a.foo.add(1) to add 1 to 5. That's because integers are not mutable but lists are. But what matters is not that lists "are" mutable, but that you mutated one. In other words, it doesn't matter what you can do with a list, it matters what you actually do in the specific code.)


Also, notice that although the foo you defined in the class definition is a class attribute, when you do a.foo = 5, you are creating a new attribute on the instance. It happens to have the same name as the class attribute, but it doesn't change the value of the class attribute, which is what b.foo still sees.

另请注意,虽然您在类定义中定义的foo是类属性,但是当您执行a.foo = 5时,您将在实例上创建新属性。它恰好与class属性具有相同的名称,但它不会更改class属性的值,这也是b.foo仍然看到的值。

The last example doesn't work because, just like in the first two examples, code inside the class block is at the class scope. There is no self because there are no instances yet at the time the class is defined.


There are many, many other questions about this on * and I urge you to search and read a bunch of them to gain a fuller understanding of how this works.




This doesn't work:


class A: 
    self.foo = []

Which raises an error.


NameError: name 'self' is not defined

Because self is not a keyword in Python, it's just a variable name commonly assigned to the instance of the class that is passed to a method of the class when the class is called.


Here's an example:


class A(object): 
    def __init__(self):
        self.foo = []

a, b = A(), A()

Then returns:



When each one is initialized, they each get their own list which can be accessed by the attribute foo, and when one is modified, the other, being a separate list stored at a different place in memory, is not affected.




The difference has not to do with mutability/immutability, but what operations are performed.


In example 1, the class has an attribute foo. After object creation, you give the object another attribute foo which shadows the former one. So the class attribute acts as a kind of "default" or "fallback".


In example 2, you have one object which you perform an operation on (which, admittedly, only works on mutable objects). So the object referred to by A.foo, which can be accessed as well via a.foo and b.foo due to the lack of an instance attribute with the same name, gets added a 5.


Example 3 doesn't work because self doesn't exist where you use it.


Note that example 1 would as well work with mutable objects, such as lists:


class A: 
    foo = []
a, b = A(), A()
a.foo = []
print a.foo # [5]
print b.foo # [10]
print A.foo # [10]

Here a.foo gets a new, empty list. b.foo, lacking an instance attribute, continues to refer to the class attribute. So we have two empty lists which are independent of each other, as we see when .append()ing.
