
时间:2022-07-21 17:03:08

Why is this method of checking if a constant exist before defining it:


defined('CONSTANT') || define('CONSTANT', somedefinition);

used instead of:


if !(defined('CONSTANT')) {
    define('CONSTANT', somedefinition);

Is there any difference in using 'or' instead of '||' in the first method, I have seen both in books.


4 个解决方案



Due to the || being (in C, Java, C#, php) being "short-circuited" (if the first operand is true, the second is not evaluated because the expression has already been evaluated to be true, no matter what the second is.


So this is classic C-style "brevity" in action. Use as fewer lines of code as possible, even though its doing exactly the same as something more longhand.


So it reads: if defined(...), don't do the define() bit... if not defined(), do try to evaluate the define() bit and in the process, it'll define the constant.




Others have answered first part of your question, so I'll take the latter:


As far as or vs || is concerned there is no difference in this specific case. However, or has lower operator precedence than = (assignment operator), while || has higher. This is significant, if you want to use short-circuiting to do assignment.

至于或vs ||关注这个具体案例没有区别。但是,或者运算符优先级低于=(赋值运算符),而||有更高的。如果您想使用短路来进行分配,这很重要。



$a = 2 or $b = 2;
var_dump($a);  // int(2)

$a = 3 || $b = 3;
var_dump($a);  // bool(true)

In second example, || got evaluated before =. Using parentheses it would look like this


$a = (3 || $b = 3);

while the first one


($a = 2) or ($b = 2);



defined('CONSTANT') || define('CONSTANT', somedefinition);

Is actually a bit of a trick. You see, the || operator only executes the second part of the expression when the first part is false :) It's a quick, short way to write the same functioning code.




So my assumption is the short circuit is faster, since the if statement is taking the boolean value from defined and flipping it using a not operator, but just to be thorough, here's my benchmark testing:


PHP 5.6:

0.23026204109192 - Test1a: Short circuit: Dynamic define on first loop.
0.22264909744263 - Test1b: If Statement: Dynamic define on first loop.
0.22433304786682 - Test2a: Short circuit: Static define before test is run.
0.22339177131653 - Test2b: If Statement: Static define before test is run.
0.27459692955017 - Test3a: Short circuit: Never define variable.
0.28696393966675 - Test3b: If Statement: Never define variable.

0.23026204109192 - Test1a:短路:第一次循环动态定义。 0.22264909744263 - Test1b:如果语句:动态定义第一个循环。 0.22433304786682 - Test2a:短路:运行测试前的静态定义。 0.22339177131653 - Test2b:如果语句:静态在运行测试之前定义。 0.27459692955017 - Test3a:短路:从不定义变量。 0.28696393966675 - Test3b:If Statement:从不定义变量。

Too close to tell, though we can see a noticeable speed improvement for short circuit if the variable is never defined.


PHP 7:

0.031289100646973 - Test1a: Short circuit: Dynamic define on first loop.
0.041652917861938 - Test1b: If Statement: Dynamic define on first loop.
0.023349046707153 - Test2a: Short circuit: Static define before test is run.
0.052791118621826 - Test2b: If Statement: Static define before test is run.
0.064755916595459 - Test3a: Short circuit: Never define variable.
0.056003093719482 - Test3b: If Statement: Never define variable.

0.031289100646973 - Test1a:短路:第一次循环动态定义。 0.041652917861938 - Test1b:如果语句:动态定义第一个循环。 0.023349046707153 - Test2a:短路:运行测试前的静态定义。 0.052791118621826 - Test2b:如果语句:静态在运行测试之前定义。 0.064755916595459 - Test3a:短路:从不定义变量。 0.056003093719482 - Test3b:If语句:从不定义变量。

Conclusion PHP 7 clearly optimizes for the short circuit in the case of constants/defined variables, though we see the opposite if the constant is never defined. This implies that checking for constants that actually exist has been dramatically improved, making it easier to see the extra processing that is required by the added not operator in the if statement.

结论PHP 7在常量/定义变量的情况下明显优化了短路,但是如果从未定义常量,我们会看到相反的情况。这意味着检查实际存在的常量已经大大改进,使得更容易看到if语句中添加的not运算符所需的额外处理。

Overall Conclusion

The difference is negligible (unless you're getting into the millions of loads of the same line of code) so use whatever makes the most sense for you and your team.


Also, man, PHP7 smokes PHP 6.5 in terms of performance of these tests!

另外,男人,PHP7在这些测试的性能方面抽了PHP 6.5!


$title1a = 'Test1a: Short circuit: Dynamic define on first loop.';
$title1b = 'Test1b: If Statement: Dynamic define on first loop.';

$title2a = 'Test2a: Short circuit: Static define before test is run.';
$title2b = 'Test2b: If Statement: Static define before test is run.';

$title3a = 'Test3a: Short circuit: Never define variable.';
$title3b = 'Test3b: If Statement: Never define variable.';

$start1a = microtime(true);
while ($c1a < 1000000) {
  defined('TEST_CONST_1A') || define('TEST_CONST_1A', 'test');
$stop1a = microtime(true);

$start1b = microtime(true);
while ($c1b < 1000000) {
  if (!defined('TEST_CONST_1B')) {
    define('TEST_CONST_1B', 'test');
$stop1b = microtime(true);

define('TEST_CONST_2A', 'test');
$start2a = microtime(true);
while ($c2a < 1000000) {
  defined('TEST_CONST_2A') || define('TEST_CONST_2A', 'test');
$stop2a = microtime(true);

define('TEST_CONST_2B', 'test');
$start2b = microtime(true);
while ($c2b < 1000000) {
  if (!defined('TEST_CONST_2B')) {
    define('TEST_CONST_2B', 'test');
$stop2b = microtime(true);

$start3a = microtime(true);
while ($c3a < 1000000) {
  defined('TEST_CONST_3A') || $c3a;
$stop3a = microtime(true);

$start3b = microtime(true);
while ($c3b < 1000000) {
  if (!defined('TEST_CONST_3B')) {
$stop3b = microtime(true);

print ($stop1a - $start1a) . ' - ' . $title1a . "\n";
print ($stop1b - $start1b) . ' - ' . $title1b . "\n";
print ($stop2a - $start2a) . ' - ' . $title2a . "\n";
print ($stop2b - $start2b) . ' - ' . $title2b . "\n";
print ($stop3a - $start3a) . ' - ' . $title3a . "\n";
print ($stop3b - $start3b) . ' - ' . $title3b . "\n";



Due to the || being (in C, Java, C#, php) being "short-circuited" (if the first operand is true, the second is not evaluated because the expression has already been evaluated to be true, no matter what the second is.


So this is classic C-style "brevity" in action. Use as fewer lines of code as possible, even though its doing exactly the same as something more longhand.


So it reads: if defined(...), don't do the define() bit... if not defined(), do try to evaluate the define() bit and in the process, it'll define the constant.




Others have answered first part of your question, so I'll take the latter:


As far as or vs || is concerned there is no difference in this specific case. However, or has lower operator precedence than = (assignment operator), while || has higher. This is significant, if you want to use short-circuiting to do assignment.

至于或vs ||关注这个具体案例没有区别。但是,或者运算符优先级低于=(赋值运算符),而||有更高的。如果您想使用短路来进行分配,这很重要。



$a = 2 or $b = 2;
var_dump($a);  // int(2)

$a = 3 || $b = 3;
var_dump($a);  // bool(true)

In second example, || got evaluated before =. Using parentheses it would look like this


$a = (3 || $b = 3);

while the first one


($a = 2) or ($b = 2);



defined('CONSTANT') || define('CONSTANT', somedefinition);

Is actually a bit of a trick. You see, the || operator only executes the second part of the expression when the first part is false :) It's a quick, short way to write the same functioning code.




So my assumption is the short circuit is faster, since the if statement is taking the boolean value from defined and flipping it using a not operator, but just to be thorough, here's my benchmark testing:


PHP 5.6:

0.23026204109192 - Test1a: Short circuit: Dynamic define on first loop.
0.22264909744263 - Test1b: If Statement: Dynamic define on first loop.
0.22433304786682 - Test2a: Short circuit: Static define before test is run.
0.22339177131653 - Test2b: If Statement: Static define before test is run.
0.27459692955017 - Test3a: Short circuit: Never define variable.
0.28696393966675 - Test3b: If Statement: Never define variable.

0.23026204109192 - Test1a:短路:第一次循环动态定义。 0.22264909744263 - Test1b:如果语句:动态定义第一个循环。 0.22433304786682 - Test2a:短路:运行测试前的静态定义。 0.22339177131653 - Test2b:如果语句:静态在运行测试之前定义。 0.27459692955017 - Test3a:短路:从不定义变量。 0.28696393966675 - Test3b:If Statement:从不定义变量。

Too close to tell, though we can see a noticeable speed improvement for short circuit if the variable is never defined.


PHP 7:

0.031289100646973 - Test1a: Short circuit: Dynamic define on first loop.
0.041652917861938 - Test1b: If Statement: Dynamic define on first loop.
0.023349046707153 - Test2a: Short circuit: Static define before test is run.
0.052791118621826 - Test2b: If Statement: Static define before test is run.
0.064755916595459 - Test3a: Short circuit: Never define variable.
0.056003093719482 - Test3b: If Statement: Never define variable.

0.031289100646973 - Test1a:短路:第一次循环动态定义。 0.041652917861938 - Test1b:如果语句:动态定义第一个循环。 0.023349046707153 - Test2a:短路:运行测试前的静态定义。 0.052791118621826 - Test2b:如果语句:静态在运行测试之前定义。 0.064755916595459 - Test3a:短路:从不定义变量。 0.056003093719482 - Test3b:If语句:从不定义变量。

Conclusion PHP 7 clearly optimizes for the short circuit in the case of constants/defined variables, though we see the opposite if the constant is never defined. This implies that checking for constants that actually exist has been dramatically improved, making it easier to see the extra processing that is required by the added not operator in the if statement.

结论PHP 7在常量/定义变量的情况下明显优化了短路,但是如果从未定义常量,我们会看到相反的情况。这意味着检查实际存在的常量已经大大改进,使得更容易看到if语句中添加的not运算符所需的额外处理。

Overall Conclusion

The difference is negligible (unless you're getting into the millions of loads of the same line of code) so use whatever makes the most sense for you and your team.


Also, man, PHP7 smokes PHP 6.5 in terms of performance of these tests!

另外,男人,PHP7在这些测试的性能方面抽了PHP 6.5!


$title1a = 'Test1a: Short circuit: Dynamic define on first loop.';
$title1b = 'Test1b: If Statement: Dynamic define on first loop.';

$title2a = 'Test2a: Short circuit: Static define before test is run.';
$title2b = 'Test2b: If Statement: Static define before test is run.';

$title3a = 'Test3a: Short circuit: Never define variable.';
$title3b = 'Test3b: If Statement: Never define variable.';

$start1a = microtime(true);
while ($c1a < 1000000) {
  defined('TEST_CONST_1A') || define('TEST_CONST_1A', 'test');
$stop1a = microtime(true);

$start1b = microtime(true);
while ($c1b < 1000000) {
  if (!defined('TEST_CONST_1B')) {
    define('TEST_CONST_1B', 'test');
$stop1b = microtime(true);

define('TEST_CONST_2A', 'test');
$start2a = microtime(true);
while ($c2a < 1000000) {
  defined('TEST_CONST_2A') || define('TEST_CONST_2A', 'test');
$stop2a = microtime(true);

define('TEST_CONST_2B', 'test');
$start2b = microtime(true);
while ($c2b < 1000000) {
  if (!defined('TEST_CONST_2B')) {
    define('TEST_CONST_2B', 'test');
$stop2b = microtime(true);

$start3a = microtime(true);
while ($c3a < 1000000) {
  defined('TEST_CONST_3A') || $c3a;
$stop3a = microtime(true);

$start3b = microtime(true);
while ($c3b < 1000000) {
  if (!defined('TEST_CONST_3B')) {
$stop3b = microtime(true);

print ($stop1a - $start1a) . ' - ' . $title1a . "\n";
print ($stop1b - $start1b) . ' - ' . $title1b . "\n";
print ($stop2a - $start2a) . ' - ' . $title2a . "\n";
print ($stop2b - $start2b) . ' - ' . $title2b . "\n";
print ($stop3a - $start3a) . ' - ' . $title3a . "\n";
print ($stop3b - $start3b) . ' - ' . $title3b . "\n";