
时间:2022-04-29 17:03:20

I would like to take a data frame with characters and numbers, and concatenate all of the elements of the each row into a single string, which would be stored as a single element in a vector. As an example, I make a data frame of letters and numbers, and then I would like to concatenate the first row via the paste function, and hopefully return the value "A1"


df <- data.frame(letters = LETTERS[1:5], numbers = 1:5)

##   letters numbers
## 1       A       1
## 2       B       2
## 3       C       3
## 4       D       4
## 5       E       5

paste(df[1,], sep =".")
## [1] "1" "1"

So paste is converting each element of the row into an integer that corresponds to the 'index of the corresponding level' as if it were a factor, and it keeps it a vector of length two. (I know/believe that factors that are coerced to be characters behave in this way, but as R is not storing df[1,] as a factor at all (tested by is.factor(), I can't verify that it is actually an index for a level)


## [1] FALSE
## [1] FALSE

So if it is not a vector then it makes sense that it is behaving oddly, but I can't coerce it into a vector


> is.vector(as.vector(df[1,]))

Using as.character did not seem to help in my attempts


Can anyone explain this behavior?


4 个解决方案



While others have focused on why your code isn't working and how to improve it, I'm going to try and focus more on getting the result you want. From your description, it seems you can readily achieve what you want using paste:


df <- data.frame(letters = LETTERS[1:5], numbers = 1:5, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
paste(df$letters, df$numbers, sep=""))

## [1] "A1" "B2" "C3" "D4" "E5"

You can change df$letters to character using df$letters <- as.character(df$letters) if you don't want to use the stringsAsFactors argument.

如果您不想使用stringsAsFactors参数,您可以使用df$letter <- as.character(df$letters)将df$letter更改为字符。

But let's assume that's not what you want. Let's assume you have hundreds of columns and you want to paste them all together. We can do that with your minimal example too:


df_args <- c(df, sep="")
do.call(paste, df_args)

## [1] "A1" "B2" "C3" "D4" "E5"

EDIT: Alternative method and explanation:

I realised the problem you're having is a combination of the fact that you're using a factor and that you're using the sep argument instead of collapse (as @adibender picked up). The difference is that sep gives the separator between two separate vectors and collapse gives separators within a vector. When you use df[1,], you supply a single vector to paste and hence you must use the collapse argument. Using your idea of getting every row and concatenating them, the following line of code will do exactly what you want:


apply(df, 1, paste, collapse="")

Ok, now for the explanations:


Why won't as.list work?


as.list converts an object to a list. So it does work. It will convert your dataframe to a list and subsequently ignore the sep="" argument. c combines objects together. Technically, a dataframe is just a list where every column is an element and all elements have to have the same length. So when I combine it with sep="", it just becomes a regular list with the columns of the dataframe as elements.


Why use do.call?

为什么使用do.call ?

do.call allows you to call a function using a named list as its arguments. You can't just throw the list straight into paste, because it doesn't like dataframes. It's designed for concatenating vectors. So remember that dfargs is a list containing a vector of letters, a vector of numbers and sep which is a length 1 vector containing only "". When I use do.call, the resulting paste function is essentially paste(letters, numbers, sep).
But what if my original dataframe had columns "letters", "numbers", "squigs", "blargs" after which I added the separator like I did before? Then the paste function through do.call would look like:


paste(letters, numbers, squigs, blargs, sep)

So you see it works for any number of columns.




This is indeed a little weird, but this is also what is supposed to happen. When you create the data.frame as you did, column letters is stored as factor. Naturally factors have no ordering, therefore when as.numeric() is applied to a factor it returns the ordering of of the factor. For example:

这确实有点奇怪,但这也是应该发生的。当您创建data.frame时,将列字母存储为factor。自然,因子没有排序,因此当把asn .numeric()应用到一个因子时,它返回因子的排序。例如:

> df[, 1]
[1] A B C D E
Levels: A B C D E
> as.numeric(df[, 1])
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

A is the first level of the factor df[, 1] therefore A gets converted to the value 1, when as.numeric is applied. This is what happens when you call paste(df[1, ]). Since columns 1 and 2 are of different class, paste first transforms both elements of row 1 to numeric then to characters.


When you want to concatenate both columns, you first need to transform the first row to character:


df[, 1] <- as.character(df[, 1])
paste(df[1,], collapse = "")

As @sebastian-c pointed out, you can also use stringsAsFactors = FALSE in the creation of the data.frame, then you can omit the as.character() step.

正如@sebastian-c指出的,您还可以使用stringsAsFactors = FALSE来创建数据。frame,然后您可以省略as.character()步骤。



For those using library(tidyverse), you can simply use the unite function.


 unite(together, letters, numbers, sep="")

This will give you a new column called "together" with A1, B2, etc

这会给你一个新的列,叫做“together”,包括A1, B2等等



if you want to start with


df <- data.frame(letters = LETTERS[1:5], numbers = 1:5, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

.. then there is no general rule about how df$letters will be interpreted by any given function. It's a factor for modelling functions, character for some and integer for some others. Even the same function such as paste may interpret it differently, depending on how you use it:

. .那么,对于任何给定的函数如何解释df$字母,就没有一般的规则了。它是函数建模的一个因素,有些是字符,有些是整数。甚至连粘贴这样的功能也可能有不同的解释,这取决于你如何使用它:

paste(df[1,], collapse="") # "11"
apply(df, 1, paste, collapse="") # "A1" "B2" "C3" "D4" "E5"

No logic in it except that it will probably make sense once you know the internals of every function.


The factors seem to be converted to integers when an argument is converted to vector (as you know, data frames are lists of vectors of equal length, so the first row of a data frame is also a list, and when it is forced to be a vector, something like this happens:)


#    letters numbers
# 1       A       1
# letters numbers 
#  1       1 

I don't know how apply achieves what it does (i.e., factors are represented by character values) -- if you're interested, look at its source code. It may be useful to know, though, that you can trust (in this specific sense) apply (in this specific occasion). More generally, it is useful to store every piece of data in a sensible format, that includes storing strings as strings, i.e., using stringsAsFactors=FALSE.

我不知道应用是如何实现它的功能的。如果您感兴趣,请查看它的源代码。但是,知道您可以信任(在这个特定的意义上)应用(在这个特定的场合)可能是有用的。更一般地说,以一种合理的格式存储每一段数据是有用的,这种格式包括将字符串存储为字符串。,使用stringsAsFactors = FALSE。

Btw, every introductory R book should have this idea in a subtitle. For example, my plan for retirement is to write "A (not so) gentle introduction to the zen of data fishery with R, the stringsAsFactors=FALSE way".

顺便说一句,每一本入门书都应该有一个副标题。例如,我的退休计划是写“A(不那么)温和地介绍数据渔业的zen和R, stringsAsFactors=FALSE way”。



While others have focused on why your code isn't working and how to improve it, I'm going to try and focus more on getting the result you want. From your description, it seems you can readily achieve what you want using paste:


df <- data.frame(letters = LETTERS[1:5], numbers = 1:5, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
paste(df$letters, df$numbers, sep=""))

## [1] "A1" "B2" "C3" "D4" "E5"

You can change df$letters to character using df$letters <- as.character(df$letters) if you don't want to use the stringsAsFactors argument.

如果您不想使用stringsAsFactors参数,您可以使用df$letter <- as.character(df$letters)将df$letter更改为字符。

But let's assume that's not what you want. Let's assume you have hundreds of columns and you want to paste them all together. We can do that with your minimal example too:


df_args <- c(df, sep="")
do.call(paste, df_args)

## [1] "A1" "B2" "C3" "D4" "E5"

EDIT: Alternative method and explanation:

I realised the problem you're having is a combination of the fact that you're using a factor and that you're using the sep argument instead of collapse (as @adibender picked up). The difference is that sep gives the separator between two separate vectors and collapse gives separators within a vector. When you use df[1,], you supply a single vector to paste and hence you must use the collapse argument. Using your idea of getting every row and concatenating them, the following line of code will do exactly what you want:


apply(df, 1, paste, collapse="")

Ok, now for the explanations:


Why won't as.list work?


as.list converts an object to a list. So it does work. It will convert your dataframe to a list and subsequently ignore the sep="" argument. c combines objects together. Technically, a dataframe is just a list where every column is an element and all elements have to have the same length. So when I combine it with sep="", it just becomes a regular list with the columns of the dataframe as elements.


Why use do.call?

为什么使用do.call ?

do.call allows you to call a function using a named list as its arguments. You can't just throw the list straight into paste, because it doesn't like dataframes. It's designed for concatenating vectors. So remember that dfargs is a list containing a vector of letters, a vector of numbers and sep which is a length 1 vector containing only "". When I use do.call, the resulting paste function is essentially paste(letters, numbers, sep).
But what if my original dataframe had columns "letters", "numbers", "squigs", "blargs" after which I added the separator like I did before? Then the paste function through do.call would look like:


paste(letters, numbers, squigs, blargs, sep)

So you see it works for any number of columns.




This is indeed a little weird, but this is also what is supposed to happen. When you create the data.frame as you did, column letters is stored as factor. Naturally factors have no ordering, therefore when as.numeric() is applied to a factor it returns the ordering of of the factor. For example:

这确实有点奇怪,但这也是应该发生的。当您创建data.frame时,将列字母存储为factor。自然,因子没有排序,因此当把asn .numeric()应用到一个因子时,它返回因子的排序。例如:

> df[, 1]
[1] A B C D E
Levels: A B C D E
> as.numeric(df[, 1])
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

A is the first level of the factor df[, 1] therefore A gets converted to the value 1, when as.numeric is applied. This is what happens when you call paste(df[1, ]). Since columns 1 and 2 are of different class, paste first transforms both elements of row 1 to numeric then to characters.


When you want to concatenate both columns, you first need to transform the first row to character:


df[, 1] <- as.character(df[, 1])
paste(df[1,], collapse = "")

As @sebastian-c pointed out, you can also use stringsAsFactors = FALSE in the creation of the data.frame, then you can omit the as.character() step.

正如@sebastian-c指出的,您还可以使用stringsAsFactors = FALSE来创建数据。frame,然后您可以省略as.character()步骤。



For those using library(tidyverse), you can simply use the unite function.


 unite(together, letters, numbers, sep="")

This will give you a new column called "together" with A1, B2, etc

这会给你一个新的列,叫做“together”,包括A1, B2等等



if you want to start with


df <- data.frame(letters = LETTERS[1:5], numbers = 1:5, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

.. then there is no general rule about how df$letters will be interpreted by any given function. It's a factor for modelling functions, character for some and integer for some others. Even the same function such as paste may interpret it differently, depending on how you use it:

. .那么,对于任何给定的函数如何解释df$字母,就没有一般的规则了。它是函数建模的一个因素,有些是字符,有些是整数。甚至连粘贴这样的功能也可能有不同的解释,这取决于你如何使用它:

paste(df[1,], collapse="") # "11"
apply(df, 1, paste, collapse="") # "A1" "B2" "C3" "D4" "E5"

No logic in it except that it will probably make sense once you know the internals of every function.


The factors seem to be converted to integers when an argument is converted to vector (as you know, data frames are lists of vectors of equal length, so the first row of a data frame is also a list, and when it is forced to be a vector, something like this happens:)


#    letters numbers
# 1       A       1
# letters numbers 
#  1       1 

I don't know how apply achieves what it does (i.e., factors are represented by character values) -- if you're interested, look at its source code. It may be useful to know, though, that you can trust (in this specific sense) apply (in this specific occasion). More generally, it is useful to store every piece of data in a sensible format, that includes storing strings as strings, i.e., using stringsAsFactors=FALSE.

我不知道应用是如何实现它的功能的。如果您感兴趣,请查看它的源代码。但是,知道您可以信任(在这个特定的意义上)应用(在这个特定的场合)可能是有用的。更一般地说,以一种合理的格式存储每一段数据是有用的,这种格式包括将字符串存储为字符串。,使用stringsAsFactors = FALSE。

Btw, every introductory R book should have this idea in a subtitle. For example, my plan for retirement is to write "A (not so) gentle introduction to the zen of data fishery with R, the stringsAsFactors=FALSE way".

顺便说一句,每一本入门书都应该有一个副标题。例如,我的退休计划是写“A(不那么)温和地介绍数据渔业的zen和R, stringsAsFactors=FALSE way”。