
时间:2021-11-24 17:05:26

I have a base UINavigationController, and 3 UIViewController.

我有一个基础UINavigationController和3 UIViewController。

Let's call them Home, VC2, and VC3.


I have a storyboard segue from Home to VC2, and from VC2 to VC3.


Now... if I call [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES] from within VC3, I get taken back to 'Home' with the top navigationItem bar of VC2! What!?

现在......如果我从VC3中调用[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES],我会回到带有VC2顶部navigationItem栏的'Home'!什么!?

If I simply use the "back" button, the navigationItem top bar displays as expected for each of the views...


Can anyone suggest an alternative to popToRootViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL), or popToViewController:(UIViewController*)? Both cause the issue to occur..

任何人都可以建议替代popToRootViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL),或popToViewController:(UIViewController *)?两者都导致问题发生..

EDIT: Also, just to illustrate further what happens: Once I pop back to Home, the VC2's navigationItem is sitting there and it contains its own title and back button - if I hit the back button, the top bar slides off the right and now the top bar is empty. Again, this doesn't happen when using VC3:back -> VC2:back buttons to get back to Home. Seems like a rather bad thing for UIKit to be doing, but maybe I'm missing something.

编辑:此外,只是为了进一步说明会发生什么:一旦我弹回家,VC2的navigationItem就坐在那里,它包含自己的标题和后退按钮 - 如果我点击后退按钮,顶部栏向右滑动顶栏是空的。同样,使用VC3时不会发生这种情况:返回 - > VC2:返回按钮返回主页。对UIKit而言似乎是一件相当糟糕的事情,但也许我错过了一些东西。

1 个解决方案



OK I figured out what the problem was.


There was actually a different view at the bottom of the stack. I'm fixing bugs in someone else's project, so I was a little hazy on the structure.


So it was more like this:


Splash > Home > VC2 > VC3

Splash> Home> VC2> VC3

Somehow, popToRoot from VC3 was going to Home, rather than Splash. And somehow, the nav bar of VC2 was appearing after that. So, inside of Home's viewDidAppear, I added self.navigationController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObject:self]; and the nav bar issue sorted itself out.

不知何故,来自VC3的popToRoot正在回家,而不是Splash。不知何故,VC2的导航栏出现在那之后。所以,在Home的viewDidAppear里面,我添加了self.navigationController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObject:self];导航栏问题自行解决。



OK I figured out what the problem was.


There was actually a different view at the bottom of the stack. I'm fixing bugs in someone else's project, so I was a little hazy on the structure.


So it was more like this:


Splash > Home > VC2 > VC3

Splash> Home> VC2> VC3

Somehow, popToRoot from VC3 was going to Home, rather than Splash. And somehow, the nav bar of VC2 was appearing after that. So, inside of Home's viewDidAppear, I added self.navigationController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObject:self]; and the nav bar issue sorted itself out.

不知何故,来自VC3的popToRoot正在回家,而不是Splash。不知何故,VC2的导航栏出现在那之后。所以,在Home的viewDidAppear里面,我添加了self.navigationController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObject:self];导航栏问题自行解决。