
时间:2022-02-17 17:04:25

Let's say that we have a recursive data-structure, like a binary tree. There are many ways to traverse it, and they have different memory-usage profiles. For instance, if we were to simply print the value of each node, using pseudo-code like the following in-order traversal...


visitNode(node) {
    if (node == null) return;

...our memory usage would be constant, but due to the recursive calls, we would increase the size of the call stack. On very large trees, this could potentially overflow it.


Let's say that we decided to optimize for call-stack size; assuming that this language is capable of proper tailcalls, we could rewrite this as the following pre-order traversal...


visitNode(node, nodes = []) {
    if (node != null) {
        visitNode(nodes.head, nodes.tail + [node.left, node.right]);
    } else if (node == null && nodes.length != 0 ) {
        visitNode(nodes.head, nodes.tail);
    } else return;

While we would never blow the stack, we would now see heap usage increase linearly with respect to the size of the tree.


Let's say we were then to attempt to lazily traverse the tree - here is where my reasoning gets fuzzy. I think that even using a basic lazy evaluation strategy, we would grow memory at the same rate as the tailcall optimized version. Here is a concrete example using Scala's Stream class, which provides lazy evaluation:


sealed abstract class Node[A] {
  def toStream: Stream[Node[A]]
  def value: A

case class Fork[A](value: A, left: Node[A], right: Node[A]) extends Node[A] {
  def toStream: Stream[Node[A]] = this #:: left.toStream.append(right.toStream)

case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Node[A] {
  def toStream: Stream[Node[A]] = this #:: Stream.empty

Although only the head of the stream is strictly evaluated, anytime the left.toStream.append(right.toStream) is evaluated, I think this would actually evaluate the head of both the left and right streams. Even if it doesn't (due to append cleverness), I think that recursively building this thunk (to borrow a term from Haskell) would essentially grow memory at the same rate. Rather than saying, "put this node in the list of nodes to traverse", we're basically saying, "here's another value to evaluate that will tell you what to traverse next", but the outcome is the same; linear memory growth.

虽然严格地只计算流的头部,但是无论何时计算左。tostream .append(右。tostream)时,我认为这实际上会同时计算左和右流的头部。即使它没有(由于附加的聪明),我认为递归地构建这个thunk(借用Haskell的一个术语)本质上将以同样的速度增长内存。与其说“将这个节点放在要遍历的节点列表中”,不如说“这是另一个要计算的值,它会告诉你接下来要遍历什么”,但结果是一样的;线性内存增长。

The only strategy I can think of that would avoid this is having mutable state in each node declaring which paths have been traversed. This would allow us to have a referentially transparent function that says, "Given a node, I will tell you which single node you should traverse next", and we could use that to build an O(1) iterator.


Is there another way to accomplish O(1), tailcall optimized traversal of a binary tree, possibly without mutable state?


4 个解决方案



Is there another way to accomplish O(1), tailcall optimized traversal of a binary tree, possibly without mutable state?


As I stated in my comment, you can do this if the tree need not survive the traversal. Here's a Haskell example:


data T = Leaf | Node T Int T

inOrder :: T -> [Int]
inOrder Leaf                     =  []
inOrder (Node Leaf x r)          =  x : inOrder r
inOrder (Node (Node l x m) y r)  =  inOrder $ Node l x (Node m y r)

This takes O(1) auxiliary space if we assume the garbage collector will clean up any Node that we just processed, so we effectively replace it by a right-rotated version. However, if the nodes we process cannot immediately be garbage-collected, then the final clause may build up an O(n) number of nodes before it hits a leaf.


If you have parent pointers, then it's also doable. Parent pointers require mutable state, though, and prevent sharing of subtrees, so they're not really functional. If you represent an iterator by a pair (cur, prev) that is initially (root, nil), then you can perform iteration as outlined here. You need a language with pointer comparisons to make this work, though.

如果你有父指针,那么它也是可行的。但是,父指针需要可变的状态,并且防止子树的共享,所以它们不是真正的功能。如果您用一对(cur, prev)表示一个迭代器,它最初是(root, nil),那么您可以执行这里列出的迭代。不过,您需要一种具有指针比较的语言来实现这一点。

Without parent pointers and mutable state, you need to maintain some data structure that at least tracks where the root of the tree is and how to get there, since you'll need such a structure at some point during in-order or post-order traversal. Such a structure necessarily takes Ω(d) space where d is the depth of the tree.




A fancy answer.


We can use free monads to get efficient memory utilization bound.


    {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes
               , MultiParamTypeClasses
               , FlexibleInstances
               , UndecidableInstances #-}

    class Algebra f x where
      phi :: f x -> x

A algebra of a functor f is a function phi from f x to x for some x. For example, any monad has a algebra for any object m x:

一个函数f的代数是一个函数从f x到x的函数,例如,任何一元函数都有一个关于任何对象m x的代数:

    instance (Monad m) => Algebra m (m x) where
      phi = join

A free monad for any functor f can be constructed (possibly, some sort of functors only, like omega-cocomplete, or some such; but all Haskell types are polynomial functors, which are omega-cocomplete, so the statement is certainly true for all Haskell functors):


    data Free f a = Free (forall x. Algebra f x => (a -> x) -> x)
    runFree g (Free m) = m g

    instance Functor (Free f) where
      fmap f m = Free $ \g -> runFree (g . f) m

    wrap :: (Functor f) => f (Free f a) -> Free f a
    wrap f = Free $ \g -> phi $ fmap (runFree g) f

    instance (Functor f) => Algebra f (Free f a) where
      phi = wrap

    instance (Functor f) => Monad (Free f) where
      return a = Free ($ a)
      m >>= f = fjoin $ fmap f m

    fjoin :: (Functor f) => Free f (Free f a) -> Free f a
    fjoin mma = Free $ \g -> runFree (runFree g) mma

Now we can use Free to construct free monad for functor T a:

现在我们可以用Free构造函数T a的Free monad:

    data T a b = T a b b
    instance Functor (T a) where
      fmap f (T a l r) = T a (f l) (f r)

For this functor we can define a algebra for object [a]


    instance Algebra (T a) [a] where
      phi (T a l r) = l++(a:r)

A tree is a free monad over functor T a:


    type Tree a = Free (T a) ()

It can be constructed using the following functions (if defined as ADT, they'd be constructor names, so nothing extraordinary):


    tree :: a -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
    tree a l r = phi $ T a l r -- phi here is for Algebra f (Free f a)
    -- and translates T a (Tree a) into Tree a

    leaf :: Tree a
    leaf = return ()

To demonstrate how this works:


    bar = tree 'a' (tree 'b' leaf leaf) $ tree 'r' leaf leaf
    buz = tree 'b' leaf $ tree 'u' leaf $ tree 'z' leaf leaf
    foo = tree 'f' leaf $ tree 'o' (tree 'o' leaf leaf) leaf

    toString = runFree (\_ -> [] :: String)

    main = print $ map toString [bar, buz, foo]

As runFree traverses the tree to replace leaf () with [], the algebra for T a [a] in all contexts is the algebra that constructs a string representing in-order traversal of the tree. Because functor T a b constructs a new tree as it goes, it must have the same memory consumption characteristics as the solution quoted by larsmans - if the tree is not kept in memory, the nodes are discarded as soon as they are replaced by the string representing the whole subtree.

当runFree遍历树以替换leaf()时,所有上下文中的T a [a]的代数都是构造一个表示树的有序遍历的字符串的代数。因为函子T b构造一个新的树就其本身而言,它必须有相同的内存消耗特征解援引larsmans——如果这棵树不是保存在内存中,节点丢弃就取代了字符串代表整个子树。



Given that you have references to nodes' parents, there's a nice solution posted here. Replace the while loop with a tail-recursive call (passing in last and current and that should do it.


The built-in back-references allow you to keep track of traversal ordering. Without these, I can't think of a way to do it on a (balanced) tree with less than O(log(n)) auxiliary space.




I was not able to find an answer but I got some pointers. Go have a look at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~dan/pub.html, scroll down to


[33] D.S. Hirschberg and S.S. Seiden, A bounded-space tree traversal algorithm, Information Processing Letters 47 (1993)

D.S. Hirschberg和s . Seiden,一个有界空间树遍历算法,信息处理字母47 (1993)

Download the postscript file, you may need to convert it to PDF (my ps viewer was unable to present it correctly). It mentions on page 2 (Table 1) a number of algorithms and additional literature.




Is there another way to accomplish O(1), tailcall optimized traversal of a binary tree, possibly without mutable state?


As I stated in my comment, you can do this if the tree need not survive the traversal. Here's a Haskell example:


data T = Leaf | Node T Int T

inOrder :: T -> [Int]
inOrder Leaf                     =  []
inOrder (Node Leaf x r)          =  x : inOrder r
inOrder (Node (Node l x m) y r)  =  inOrder $ Node l x (Node m y r)

This takes O(1) auxiliary space if we assume the garbage collector will clean up any Node that we just processed, so we effectively replace it by a right-rotated version. However, if the nodes we process cannot immediately be garbage-collected, then the final clause may build up an O(n) number of nodes before it hits a leaf.


If you have parent pointers, then it's also doable. Parent pointers require mutable state, though, and prevent sharing of subtrees, so they're not really functional. If you represent an iterator by a pair (cur, prev) that is initially (root, nil), then you can perform iteration as outlined here. You need a language with pointer comparisons to make this work, though.

如果你有父指针,那么它也是可行的。但是,父指针需要可变的状态,并且防止子树的共享,所以它们不是真正的功能。如果您用一对(cur, prev)表示一个迭代器,它最初是(root, nil),那么您可以执行这里列出的迭代。不过,您需要一种具有指针比较的语言来实现这一点。

Without parent pointers and mutable state, you need to maintain some data structure that at least tracks where the root of the tree is and how to get there, since you'll need such a structure at some point during in-order or post-order traversal. Such a structure necessarily takes Ω(d) space where d is the depth of the tree.




A fancy answer.


We can use free monads to get efficient memory utilization bound.


    {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes
               , MultiParamTypeClasses
               , FlexibleInstances
               , UndecidableInstances #-}

    class Algebra f x where
      phi :: f x -> x

A algebra of a functor f is a function phi from f x to x for some x. For example, any monad has a algebra for any object m x:

一个函数f的代数是一个函数从f x到x的函数,例如,任何一元函数都有一个关于任何对象m x的代数:

    instance (Monad m) => Algebra m (m x) where
      phi = join

A free monad for any functor f can be constructed (possibly, some sort of functors only, like omega-cocomplete, or some such; but all Haskell types are polynomial functors, which are omega-cocomplete, so the statement is certainly true for all Haskell functors):


    data Free f a = Free (forall x. Algebra f x => (a -> x) -> x)
    runFree g (Free m) = m g

    instance Functor (Free f) where
      fmap f m = Free $ \g -> runFree (g . f) m

    wrap :: (Functor f) => f (Free f a) -> Free f a
    wrap f = Free $ \g -> phi $ fmap (runFree g) f

    instance (Functor f) => Algebra f (Free f a) where
      phi = wrap

    instance (Functor f) => Monad (Free f) where
      return a = Free ($ a)
      m >>= f = fjoin $ fmap f m

    fjoin :: (Functor f) => Free f (Free f a) -> Free f a
    fjoin mma = Free $ \g -> runFree (runFree g) mma

Now we can use Free to construct free monad for functor T a:

现在我们可以用Free构造函数T a的Free monad:

    data T a b = T a b b
    instance Functor (T a) where
      fmap f (T a l r) = T a (f l) (f r)

For this functor we can define a algebra for object [a]


    instance Algebra (T a) [a] where
      phi (T a l r) = l++(a:r)

A tree is a free monad over functor T a:


    type Tree a = Free (T a) ()

It can be constructed using the following functions (if defined as ADT, they'd be constructor names, so nothing extraordinary):


    tree :: a -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
    tree a l r = phi $ T a l r -- phi here is for Algebra f (Free f a)
    -- and translates T a (Tree a) into Tree a

    leaf :: Tree a
    leaf = return ()

To demonstrate how this works:


    bar = tree 'a' (tree 'b' leaf leaf) $ tree 'r' leaf leaf
    buz = tree 'b' leaf $ tree 'u' leaf $ tree 'z' leaf leaf
    foo = tree 'f' leaf $ tree 'o' (tree 'o' leaf leaf) leaf

    toString = runFree (\_ -> [] :: String)

    main = print $ map toString [bar, buz, foo]

As runFree traverses the tree to replace leaf () with [], the algebra for T a [a] in all contexts is the algebra that constructs a string representing in-order traversal of the tree. Because functor T a b constructs a new tree as it goes, it must have the same memory consumption characteristics as the solution quoted by larsmans - if the tree is not kept in memory, the nodes are discarded as soon as they are replaced by the string representing the whole subtree.

当runFree遍历树以替换leaf()时,所有上下文中的T a [a]的代数都是构造一个表示树的有序遍历的字符串的代数。因为函子T b构造一个新的树就其本身而言,它必须有相同的内存消耗特征解援引larsmans——如果这棵树不是保存在内存中,节点丢弃就取代了字符串代表整个子树。



Given that you have references to nodes' parents, there's a nice solution posted here. Replace the while loop with a tail-recursive call (passing in last and current and that should do it.


The built-in back-references allow you to keep track of traversal ordering. Without these, I can't think of a way to do it on a (balanced) tree with less than O(log(n)) auxiliary space.




I was not able to find an answer but I got some pointers. Go have a look at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~dan/pub.html, scroll down to


[33] D.S. Hirschberg and S.S. Seiden, A bounded-space tree traversal algorithm, Information Processing Letters 47 (1993)

D.S. Hirschberg和s . Seiden,一个有界空间树遍历算法,信息处理字母47 (1993)

Download the postscript file, you may need to convert it to PDF (my ps viewer was unable to present it correctly). It mentions on page 2 (Table 1) a number of algorithms and additional literature.
