
时间:2022-07-14 17:01:21

Assuming I have the superclass A, and the subclasses A1 and A2 which inherit from A, how could I get the subclass type of the variables in the code below?


A _a1 = new A1();
A _a2 = new A2();
// Need type of A1 and A2 given the variables _a1 and _a2.

Also, if I had another subclass A2_1 which is a sublcass of A2, how do I get the lowest subclass type given code below?


A _a2_1 = new A2_1();

EDIT: Thanks for answers. What a boo boo. Over thinking the problem and didn't even try GetType(). =/

编辑:谢谢你的回答。真是个嘘声。过度思考问题,甚至没有尝试GetType()。 = /

4 个解决方案



GetType can return the run-time type of the variable irrespective of declaration type.



You could use the GetType() method:


Type type = _a1.GetType();
Type subtype = _a2_1.GetType();


For the first - just use _a1.GetType() and _a2.GetType(). On the 2nd - what do you mean by "lowest subclass type"; or: what answer do you expect... (which might help us understand what you mean...)

对于第一个 - 只需使用_a1.GetType()和_a2.GetType()。在第二个 - “最低子类型”是什么意思;或者:你期望得到什么答案......(这可能有助于我们理解你的意思......)


GetType() on any object always gives you the real object type, never the type of a superclass. If you are creating instances of subclasses using "new subclass()", then "subclass" is the Type of the object.

任何对象上的GetType()总是为您提供真实的对象类型,而不是超类的类型。如果使用“new subclass()”创建子类的实例,则“subclass”是对象的Type。

Calling GetType() is all you need for your situations.




GetType can return the run-time type of the variable irrespective of declaration type.



You could use the GetType() method:


Type type = _a1.GetType();
Type subtype = _a2_1.GetType();


For the first - just use _a1.GetType() and _a2.GetType(). On the 2nd - what do you mean by "lowest subclass type"; or: what answer do you expect... (which might help us understand what you mean...)

对于第一个 - 只需使用_a1.GetType()和_a2.GetType()。在第二个 - “最低子类型”是什么意思;或者:你期望得到什么答案......(这可能有助于我们理解你的意思......)


GetType() on any object always gives you the real object type, never the type of a superclass. If you are creating instances of subclasses using "new subclass()", then "subclass" is the Type of the object.

任何对象上的GetType()总是为您提供真实的对象类型,而不是超类的类型。如果使用“new subclass()”创建子类的实例,则“subclass”是对象的Type。

Calling GetType() is all you need for your situations.
