
时间:2022-11-07 17:02:23

It is possible to pull on demand from a number (say two for simplicity) of sources using streams (lazy lists). Iteratees can be used to process data coming from a single source.

可以使用流(懒惰列表)从一个数字(例如两个为简单)中提取需求。 Iteratees可用于处理来自单一来源的数据。

Is there an Iteratee-like functional concept for processing multiple input sources? I could imagine an Iteratee whose state signals from which source does it want to pull.


4 个解决方案



To do this using pipes you nest the Pipe monad transformer within itself, once for each producer you wish to interact with. For example:

要使用管道执行此操作,您可以将Pipe monad转换器嵌套在其自身内,对于您希望与之交互的每个生产者。例如:

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Pipe

producerA, producerB :: (Monad m) => Producer Int m ()
producerA = mapM_ yield [1,2,3]
producerB = mapM_ yield [4,5,6]

consumes2 :: (Show a, Show b) =>
    Consumer a (Consumer b IO) r
consumes2 = forever $ do
    a <- await       -- await from outer producer
    b <- lift await  -- await from inner producer
    lift $ lift $ print (a, b)

Just like a Haskell curried function of multiple variables, you partially apply it to each source using composition and runPipe:

就像多个变量的Haskell curried函数一样,您可以使用composition和runPipe将其部分应用于每个源:

consumes1 :: (Show b) => Consumer b IO ()
consumes1 = runPipe $ consumes2 <+< producerA

fullyApplied :: IO ()
fullyApplied = runPipe $ consumes1 <+< producerB

The above function outputs when run:


>>> fullyApplied
(1, 4)
(2, 5)
(3, 6)

This trick works for yielding or awaiting to any number of pipes upstream or downstream. It also works for proxies, the bidirectional analogs to pipes.


Edit: Note that this also works for any iteratee library, not just pipes. In fact, John Milikin and Oleg were the original advocates for this approach and I just stole the idea from them.

编辑:请注意,这也适用于任何iteratee库,而不仅仅是管道。事实上,John Milikin和Oleg是这种方法的最初倡导者,我只是从他们那里偷走了这个想法。



We're using Machines in Scala to pull in not just two, but an arbitrary amount of sources.


Two examples of binary joins are provided by the library itself, on the Tee module: mergeOuterJoin and hashJoin. Here is what the code for hashJoin looks like (it assumes both streams are sorted):


 * A natural hash join according to keys of type `K`.
def hashJoin[A, B, K](f: A => K, g: B => K): Tee[A, B, (A, B)] = {
  def build(m: Map[K, A]): Plan[T[A, B], Nothing, Map[K, A]] = (for {
    a  <- awaits(left[A])
    mp <- build(m + (f(a) -> a))
  } yield mp) orElse Return(m)
  for {
    m <- build(Map())
    r <- (awaits(right[B]) flatMap (b => {
      val k = g(b)
      if (m contains k) emit(m(k) -> b) else Return(())
    })) repeatedly
  } yield r

This code builds up a Plan which is "compiled" to a Machine with the repeatedly method. The type being built here is Tee[A, B, (A, B)] which is a machine with two inputs. You request inputs on the left and right with awaits(left) and awaits(right), and you output with emit.

此代码构建了一个计划,该计划使用重复方法“编译”到计算机。这里构建的类型是Tee [A,B,(A,B)],它是一台带有两个输入的机器。您可以通过等待(左)和等待(右)请求左右输入,然后使用emit输出。

There is also a Haskell version of Machines.




Conduits (and, it can be built for Pipes, but that code hasn't been released yet) has a zip primitive that takes two upstreams and combines them as a stream of tuples.




Check out the pipes library, where vertical concatenation might do what you want. For example,


import Control.Pipe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Void

source0, source1 :: Producer Char IO ()
source0 = mapM_ yield "say"
source1 = mapM_ yield "what"

sink :: Show b => Consumer b IO ()
sink = forever $ await >>= \x -> lift $ print x

pipeline :: Pipe () Void IO ()
pipeline = sink <+< (source0 >> source1)

The sequencing operator (>>) vertically concatenates the sources, yielding the output (on a runPipe)





To do this using pipes you nest the Pipe monad transformer within itself, once for each producer you wish to interact with. For example:

要使用管道执行此操作,您可以将Pipe monad转换器嵌套在其自身内,对于您希望与之交互的每个生产者。例如:

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Pipe

producerA, producerB :: (Monad m) => Producer Int m ()
producerA = mapM_ yield [1,2,3]
producerB = mapM_ yield [4,5,6]

consumes2 :: (Show a, Show b) =>
    Consumer a (Consumer b IO) r
consumes2 = forever $ do
    a <- await       -- await from outer producer
    b <- lift await  -- await from inner producer
    lift $ lift $ print (a, b)

Just like a Haskell curried function of multiple variables, you partially apply it to each source using composition and runPipe:

就像多个变量的Haskell curried函数一样,您可以使用composition和runPipe将其部分应用于每个源:

consumes1 :: (Show b) => Consumer b IO ()
consumes1 = runPipe $ consumes2 <+< producerA

fullyApplied :: IO ()
fullyApplied = runPipe $ consumes1 <+< producerB

The above function outputs when run:


>>> fullyApplied
(1, 4)
(2, 5)
(3, 6)

This trick works for yielding or awaiting to any number of pipes upstream or downstream. It also works for proxies, the bidirectional analogs to pipes.


Edit: Note that this also works for any iteratee library, not just pipes. In fact, John Milikin and Oleg were the original advocates for this approach and I just stole the idea from them.

编辑:请注意,这也适用于任何iteratee库,而不仅仅是管道。事实上,John Milikin和Oleg是这种方法的最初倡导者,我只是从他们那里偷走了这个想法。



We're using Machines in Scala to pull in not just two, but an arbitrary amount of sources.


Two examples of binary joins are provided by the library itself, on the Tee module: mergeOuterJoin and hashJoin. Here is what the code for hashJoin looks like (it assumes both streams are sorted):


 * A natural hash join according to keys of type `K`.
def hashJoin[A, B, K](f: A => K, g: B => K): Tee[A, B, (A, B)] = {
  def build(m: Map[K, A]): Plan[T[A, B], Nothing, Map[K, A]] = (for {
    a  <- awaits(left[A])
    mp <- build(m + (f(a) -> a))
  } yield mp) orElse Return(m)
  for {
    m <- build(Map())
    r <- (awaits(right[B]) flatMap (b => {
      val k = g(b)
      if (m contains k) emit(m(k) -> b) else Return(())
    })) repeatedly
  } yield r

This code builds up a Plan which is "compiled" to a Machine with the repeatedly method. The type being built here is Tee[A, B, (A, B)] which is a machine with two inputs. You request inputs on the left and right with awaits(left) and awaits(right), and you output with emit.

此代码构建了一个计划,该计划使用重复方法“编译”到计算机。这里构建的类型是Tee [A,B,(A,B)],它是一台带有两个输入的机器。您可以通过等待(左)和等待(右)请求左右输入,然后使用emit输出。

There is also a Haskell version of Machines.




Conduits (and, it can be built for Pipes, but that code hasn't been released yet) has a zip primitive that takes two upstreams and combines them as a stream of tuples.




Check out the pipes library, where vertical concatenation might do what you want. For example,


import Control.Pipe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Void

source0, source1 :: Producer Char IO ()
source0 = mapM_ yield "say"
source1 = mapM_ yield "what"

sink :: Show b => Consumer b IO ()
sink = forever $ await >>= \x -> lift $ print x

pipeline :: Pipe () Void IO ()
pipeline = sink <+< (source0 >> source1)

The sequencing operator (>>) vertically concatenates the sources, yielding the output (on a runPipe)

