
时间:2021-07-25 17:02:46

Im working on grabbing xml data from ebay and putting the results into MySQL, Grabbing the data works fine, however inputting to database fails due to an incorrect integer value for a couple of the xml tags values.


The xml tag value is the word "true" (without the quotes), and this is the db sql:

xml标记值是单词“true”(不带引号),这是db sql:

CREATE TABLE ebay_categories (
CategoryID int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
CategoryLevel int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
CategoryName varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
CategoryParentID int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
LeafCategory int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
AutoPayEnabled int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
Expired int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
IntlAutosFixedCat int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
Virtual int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
LSD int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
ORPA int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (CategoryID),
KEY catlevel (CategoryLevel),
KEY parent (CategoryParentID),
KEY ape (AutoPayEnabled),
KEY expired (Expired),
KEY IAFC (IntlAutosFixedCat),
KEY virtual (Virtual),
KEY lsd (LSD),
KEY orpa (ORPA),
KEY leaf (LeafCategory)

i have tried int, tinyint, Boolean (resorts to tinyint) to no avail and still get this issue. Theres nothing wrong with the db connection as i ran a test using varchar as the int type for the LeafCategory and others and everything worked ok.


is theres something i can do without resorting to searching and replacing via regex before db insertion?



    $query = "INSERT INTO `ebay_categories` (`CategoryID`, `LeafCategory`)VALUES           ('$xmlCategoryID', '$xmlLeafCategory')";

    if (mysqli_query($link, $query)) {
    echo "Successfully inserted " . mysqli_affected_rows($link) . " row";
} else {
    echo "Error occurred: " . mysqli_error($link);

The SQL statement unwrapped from client code is:


    INSERT INTO `ebay_categories` 
                (`CategoryID`, `LeafCategory`)
                ('$xmlCategoryID', '$xmlLeafCategory')";

1 个解决方案



The error you have is telling you at least one record in your XML has something other than a valid integer for either $xmlCategoryID or $xmlLeafCategory.

您遇到的错误是告诉您XML中至少有一条记录不是$ xmlCategoryID或$ xmlLeafCategory的有效整数。

What to do?


A. You could have your error message display the offending data, something like this:


  echo "Error occurred: " . mysqli_error($link);
  echo "Bad data was either ##$xmlCategoryID## or ##$xmlLeafCategory##.";

Notice that I used ##$value## so you can detect empty strings in your error messages. You probably should do this.

请注意,我使用了## $ value ##,因此您可以在错误消息中检测空字符串。你可能应该这样做。

B. You could try changing your column definitions for those columns to remove the NOT NULL declaration. If in fact one of those values is empty, this may fix your problem.

B.您可以尝试更改这些列的列定义以删除NOT NULL声明。如果实际上其中一个值为空,这可能会解决您的问题。

C. It's possible that you need bigint values for this information. That is, they could be very large numbers.


D. If you don't care enough about null or bad values to bother to detect them you could try this.


INSERT INTO `ebay_categories` 
             (`CategoryID`, `LeafCategory`)
             (CAST(IFNULL('$xmlCategoryID',-1) AS INT)
            (CAST(IFNULL('$xmlLeafCategory',-1) AS INT)

This will turn null values into -1 and non-integer values into 0.


Edit: Oh, I understand now. Your leafCategory item isn't a number in XML, it's a true/false/empty value. Presumably false and empty mean the same thing.

编辑:哦,我现在明白了。您的leafCategory项不是XML中的数字,它是true / false / empty值。据推测,虚假和空虚意味着同样的事情。

Try this, using a SQL case statement to translate true/other to 1/0.

试试这个,使用SQL case语句将true / other转换为1/0。

INSERT INTO `ebay_categories` 
             (`CategoryID`, `LeafCategory`)
      VALUES (
              CASE '$xmlLeafCategory' WHEN 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

Finally, danger! You need to use prepared statements, and you need to sanitize these values you're extracting from your XML file. If you don't somebody will be able to trick your software into destroying your database by feeding it a poisoned XML file. Please read up on SQL injection.




The error you have is telling you at least one record in your XML has something other than a valid integer for either $xmlCategoryID or $xmlLeafCategory.

您遇到的错误是告诉您XML中至少有一条记录不是$ xmlCategoryID或$ xmlLeafCategory的有效整数。

What to do?


A. You could have your error message display the offending data, something like this:


  echo "Error occurred: " . mysqli_error($link);
  echo "Bad data was either ##$xmlCategoryID## or ##$xmlLeafCategory##.";

Notice that I used ##$value## so you can detect empty strings in your error messages. You probably should do this.

请注意,我使用了## $ value ##,因此您可以在错误消息中检测空字符串。你可能应该这样做。

B. You could try changing your column definitions for those columns to remove the NOT NULL declaration. If in fact one of those values is empty, this may fix your problem.

B.您可以尝试更改这些列的列定义以删除NOT NULL声明。如果实际上其中一个值为空,这可能会解决您的问题。

C. It's possible that you need bigint values for this information. That is, they could be very large numbers.


D. If you don't care enough about null or bad values to bother to detect them you could try this.


INSERT INTO `ebay_categories` 
             (`CategoryID`, `LeafCategory`)
             (CAST(IFNULL('$xmlCategoryID',-1) AS INT)
            (CAST(IFNULL('$xmlLeafCategory',-1) AS INT)

This will turn null values into -1 and non-integer values into 0.


Edit: Oh, I understand now. Your leafCategory item isn't a number in XML, it's a true/false/empty value. Presumably false and empty mean the same thing.

编辑:哦,我现在明白了。您的leafCategory项不是XML中的数字,它是true / false / empty值。据推测,虚假和空虚意味着同样的事情。

Try this, using a SQL case statement to translate true/other to 1/0.

试试这个,使用SQL case语句将true / other转换为1/0。

INSERT INTO `ebay_categories` 
             (`CategoryID`, `LeafCategory`)
      VALUES (
              CASE '$xmlLeafCategory' WHEN 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

Finally, danger! You need to use prepared statements, and you need to sanitize these values you're extracting from your XML file. If you don't somebody will be able to trick your software into destroying your database by feeding it a poisoned XML file. Please read up on SQL injection.
