
时间:2022-06-25 16:58:57

I'm trying to store a date in an unsigned int variable, i need to store the date in this way:

我正在尝试将日期存储在unsigned int变量中,我需要以这种方式存储日期:

  • Bits 11 to 0 for the year (from 0 to 4095)
  • 年度比特11到0(从0到4095)

  • Bits 15 to 12 for the month (as if they were bits from 0 to 3, so i can store value from 0 to 11)
  • 本月的比特为15到12(好像它们是从0到3的位,所以我可以存储从0到11的值)

  • Bits 20 to 16 for the day (0-31)
  • 当天的比特20到16(0-31)

Storing the year it's not a problem, since i do this:


unsigned int year=0;

But then i have no idea i should put the month and the day. How can i put a number like 10 in the bits from 12 to 15 supposing bit 12 have value 1, bit 13 value 2 etc..


Wich strategy should i use?


2 个解决方案



In C, you can shift bits both ways using a >> b or a << b where a is the number to shift and b is the number of shifts. The bits inserted will be 0s.

在C中,您可以使用>> b或a b来双向移位位,其中a是要移位的数字,b是移位的数量。插入的位将为0。

In your case, it would be


unsigned int time=0;
time |= year;
time |= month << 12;
time |= day << 16;

To unpack it, you simply have to shift time in the other direction and & it to the number of wanted bits:


int year = time & 0b111111111111;
int month = (time >> 12) & 0b1111;
int day = (time >> 16) & 0b11111;


If you want the data to be ordered from the most significant bit and stacked to it



      year  month day

you just need to shift the data accordingly



short int_length = sizeof(unsigned int); //usually 32
unsigned int time=0;
time |= year << (int_length - 12);
time |= month << (int_length - 16);
time |= day << (int_length - 21);


short int_length = sizeof(unsigned int); //usually 32
int year = (time >> (int_length - 12)) & 0b111111111111;
int month = (time >> (int_length - 16)) & 0b1111;
int day = (time >> (int_length - 21)) & 0b11111;

If you want the data to be ordered from the most significant bit and stacked to the least significant bit



                  year  month day

Use instead this



unsigned int time=0;
time |= year << 9;
time |= month << 5;
time |= day;


int year = (time >> 9) & 0b111111111111;
int month = (time >> 5) & 0b1111;
int day = time & 0b11111;



As others have mentioned, you may find a bitfield easier to work with than shifting and or'ing to align the bits. A bitfield is declared as a normal structure, but allows segregating bits between the members of the structure. For your year, month, day, you could use something similar to:


typedef struct {    /* bitfield for year, month, day */
    unsigned    year : 11,
                mon  :  4,
                day  :  4;
} datebits;

The datebits struct segregates the first 11 bits for the year, the next 4 for the month, and the final 4 for the day. You use it just like any other struct. Here is a short example:


#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {    /* bitfield for year, month, day */
    unsigned    year : 11,
                mon  :  4,
                day  :  4;
} datebits;

typedef union {     /* union to avoid violating strict aliasing    */
    datebits d;     /* when shifting datebits to print binary bits */
    unsigned u;     /* (this is only for putchar bit output)       */
} duu;

int main (void) {

    unsigned i = 19;
    datebits d;     /* declare bitfield */
    duu du;

    d.year = 1999;  /* fill bitfield */
    d.mon  = 12;
    d.day  = 2;

    du.d = d;

    printf ("\n year : %u  month : %u  day : %u\n\n (bits in memory) d : ",
            d.year, d.mon, d.day);

    while (i--)     /* verification of each bit in memory */
        putchar ((du.u >> i) & 1 ? '1' : '0');
    putchar ('\n');

    return 0;


$ ./bin/bitfield_datebits

 year : 1999  month : 12  day : 2

 (bits in memory) d : 0010110011111001111

(note: the union is just to facilitate the binary printing of the individual bits, it is not needed for normal use of datebits).


As you can see your day is 0010, your month 1100 and the year 11111001111 in proper order.




In C, you can shift bits both ways using a >> b or a << b where a is the number to shift and b is the number of shifts. The bits inserted will be 0s.

在C中,您可以使用>> b或a b来双向移位位,其中a是要移位的数字,b是移位的数量。插入的位将为0。

In your case, it would be


unsigned int time=0;
time |= year;
time |= month << 12;
time |= day << 16;

To unpack it, you simply have to shift time in the other direction and & it to the number of wanted bits:


int year = time & 0b111111111111;
int month = (time >> 12) & 0b1111;
int day = (time >> 16) & 0b11111;


If you want the data to be ordered from the most significant bit and stacked to it



      year  month day

you just need to shift the data accordingly



short int_length = sizeof(unsigned int); //usually 32
unsigned int time=0;
time |= year << (int_length - 12);
time |= month << (int_length - 16);
time |= day << (int_length - 21);


short int_length = sizeof(unsigned int); //usually 32
int year = (time >> (int_length - 12)) & 0b111111111111;
int month = (time >> (int_length - 16)) & 0b1111;
int day = (time >> (int_length - 21)) & 0b11111;

If you want the data to be ordered from the most significant bit and stacked to the least significant bit



                  year  month day

Use instead this



unsigned int time=0;
time |= year << 9;
time |= month << 5;
time |= day;


int year = (time >> 9) & 0b111111111111;
int month = (time >> 5) & 0b1111;
int day = time & 0b11111;



As others have mentioned, you may find a bitfield easier to work with than shifting and or'ing to align the bits. A bitfield is declared as a normal structure, but allows segregating bits between the members of the structure. For your year, month, day, you could use something similar to:


typedef struct {    /* bitfield for year, month, day */
    unsigned    year : 11,
                mon  :  4,
                day  :  4;
} datebits;

The datebits struct segregates the first 11 bits for the year, the next 4 for the month, and the final 4 for the day. You use it just like any other struct. Here is a short example:


#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {    /* bitfield for year, month, day */
    unsigned    year : 11,
                mon  :  4,
                day  :  4;
} datebits;

typedef union {     /* union to avoid violating strict aliasing    */
    datebits d;     /* when shifting datebits to print binary bits */
    unsigned u;     /* (this is only for putchar bit output)       */
} duu;

int main (void) {

    unsigned i = 19;
    datebits d;     /* declare bitfield */
    duu du;

    d.year = 1999;  /* fill bitfield */
    d.mon  = 12;
    d.day  = 2;

    du.d = d;

    printf ("\n year : %u  month : %u  day : %u\n\n (bits in memory) d : ",
            d.year, d.mon, d.day);

    while (i--)     /* verification of each bit in memory */
        putchar ((du.u >> i) & 1 ? '1' : '0');
    putchar ('\n');

    return 0;


$ ./bin/bitfield_datebits

 year : 1999  month : 12  day : 2

 (bits in memory) d : 0010110011111001111

(note: the union is just to facilitate the binary printing of the individual bits, it is not needed for normal use of datebits).


As you can see your day is 0010, your month 1100 and the year 11111001111 in proper order.
