
时间:2021-09-07 16:56:21

I'm working on a project where i will be storing arrays/lists in a MySQL table and make a PHP based search on the information in the lists.
How i basically thought of doing this would be to put in the data like this:




then search like this:


SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column1 LIKE '%,3,%' OR column2 LIKE '%,h,%'

But i might have to search for five items in column1 and three in column2, which would make the query long and possibly slow?..


What i want to know is, is this a smart way to do it? Is there faster and/or better methods?..


Let me know if you have questions or if i'm not clear enough.


1 个解决方案



If I understand correctly, it would make sense to make the DB structure match the arrays better instead of storing string arrays.


For instance, you could use a "LIST" and a "LIST_ITEM" table, with a foreign key from LIST_ITEM.LIST_ID to LIST.LIST_ID. Each entry in List_Item would be an entry in that list. Then queries for those list items could return which lists they were in much faster than having to traverse long strings and compare characters.

例如,您可以使用一个“LIST”和一个“LIST_ITEM”表,其中有一个来自LIST_ITEM的外键。LIST_ID LIST.LIST_ID。List_Item中的每个条目将是该列表中的一个条目。然后,对这些列表项的查询可以返回那些列表,它们比需要遍历长字符串和比较字符要快得多。



If I understand correctly, it would make sense to make the DB structure match the arrays better instead of storing string arrays.


For instance, you could use a "LIST" and a "LIST_ITEM" table, with a foreign key from LIST_ITEM.LIST_ID to LIST.LIST_ID. Each entry in List_Item would be an entry in that list. Then queries for those list items could return which lists they were in much faster than having to traverse long strings and compare characters.

例如,您可以使用一个“LIST”和一个“LIST_ITEM”表,其中有一个来自LIST_ITEM的外键。LIST_ID LIST.LIST_ID。List_Item中的每个条目将是该列表中的一个条目。然后,对这些列表项的查询可以返回那些列表,它们比需要遍历长字符串和比较字符要快得多。