
时间:2021-09-19 16:57:08

I'm new to using InfluxDB and I have what I think is a relatively simple question that I cannot find the answer to. How can I query data from an existing measurement and write that data into another measurement, while storing the name of the measurement where that data came from?


For example, say I had the measurement


name: temperature


time | external | internal | machine


100 | 25 | 40 | unit42

100 | 25 | 40 | unit42

Is there a way I could grab some of that data and the measurement name and put it into a new table? Like this:


name: aggregate table


time | measurment | external | machine


100 | temperature | 25 | unit42

100 |温度| 25 | unit42

to be clear, I've looked up the into method, but I can't find a way to also store the name of the measurement Thanks!


1 个解决方案



To my knowledge, there is no way to turn a measurement name into a tag or field using a query. It's possible that you could use another tool like kapacitor to do what you're trying to do.


That being said, typically the aggregate table is given the same name as the original table, but in a different retention policy. For example


$ influx
> create database tempdb
> use tempdb
Using database tempdb
> create retention policy my_rp on tempdb duration 0s replication 1
> insert temperature,machine=unit24 external=100,internal=40
> SELECT mean(internal) as internal, mean(external) as external INTO tempdb.my_rp.temperature FROM temperature GROUP BY *
name: result
time    written
0       1
> SELECT * FROM tempdb.my_rp.temperature
name: temperature
time    external    internal    machine
0       100         40          unit24

This way you still maintain the name, but the measurement is scoped to another retention policy.




To my knowledge, there is no way to turn a measurement name into a tag or field using a query. It's possible that you could use another tool like kapacitor to do what you're trying to do.


That being said, typically the aggregate table is given the same name as the original table, but in a different retention policy. For example


$ influx
> create database tempdb
> use tempdb
Using database tempdb
> create retention policy my_rp on tempdb duration 0s replication 1
> insert temperature,machine=unit24 external=100,internal=40
> SELECT mean(internal) as internal, mean(external) as external INTO tempdb.my_rp.temperature FROM temperature GROUP BY *
name: result
time    written
0       1
> SELECT * FROM tempdb.my_rp.temperature
name: temperature
time    external    internal    machine
0       100         40          unit24

This way you still maintain the name, but the measurement is scoped to another retention policy.
