
时间:2021-09-19 16:57:08

I just created a handler that stores a username and password in mysql. The handler function performs the standard bcrypt password hash:


bcrypt.hash(myPlaintextPassword, saltRounds, function(err, hash) {
  // Store hash in your password DB. 

Bcrypt also offers the standard code to compare the plaintext with the hash like so:


bcrypt.compare(myPlaintextPassword, hash, function(err, res) {
    // res == true 

On an abstract level if I were to do the above compare function I would need to do the following:


  • Get user input username and plain text password
  • 获取用户输入的用户名和纯文本密码

  • Send query to database SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'SomeName'
  • 将查询发送到数据库SELECT * FROM users WHERE username ='SomeName'

  • Get back some username and hashed password
  • 获取一些用户名和哈希密码

  • Compare hashed password and authenticate user
  • 比较哈希密码和验证用户

The problem with that is that any user specific data cannot be retrieved before authentication so I will need to chain an additional query in order to retrieve any extra user sensitive data and this process would seem janky. And it seems unsafe because the client then has the hashed password at this point when there should be no need to bring back the password.


I would like to:


  • Get user input username and plain text password
  • 获取用户输入的用户名和纯文本密码

  • Send query to database


    SELECT * FROM users 
    WHERE username = 'SomeName' 
  • Get back some username and any user specific data
  • 获取一些用户名和任何用户特定数据

  • and I am done
  • 我完成了

Am I completely missing the boat here, because if I am then what exactly are the 360k downloaders of this software doing for password encryption / user login process?


1 个解决方案



You are not quite clear in the question what the problem is:


I would like to:


  • Get user input username and plain text password
  • 获取用户输入的用户名和纯文本密码

  • Send query to database
  • 将查询发送到数据库

  • Get back some username and any user specific data
  • 获取一些用户名和任何用户特定数据

  • and I am done
  • 我完成了

That is exactly what you can do now.


  • query for the user's info (including hashed password)
  • 查询用户的信息(包括散列密码)

  • check user supplied password against stored hash
  • 根据存储的哈希检查用户提供的密码

  • and you're done
  • 你已经完成了

The problem with that is that any user specific data cannot be retrieved before authentication so I will need to chain an additional query in order to retrieve any extra user sensitive data and this process would seem janky.


You don't need a second query, if you don't want one. Rather than:


SELECT PasswordHash FROM Users WHERE Username = %username%

SELECT PasswordHash FROM Users WHERE用户名=%username%


SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = %username%

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE用户名=%username%

Now you have all the user specific data returned with one question.




You are not quite clear in the question what the problem is:


I would like to:


  • Get user input username and plain text password
  • 获取用户输入的用户名和纯文本密码

  • Send query to database
  • 将查询发送到数据库

  • Get back some username and any user specific data
  • 获取一些用户名和任何用户特定数据

  • and I am done
  • 我完成了

That is exactly what you can do now.


  • query for the user's info (including hashed password)
  • 查询用户的信息(包括散列密码)

  • check user supplied password against stored hash
  • 根据存储的哈希检查用户提供的密码

  • and you're done
  • 你已经完成了

The problem with that is that any user specific data cannot be retrieved before authentication so I will need to chain an additional query in order to retrieve any extra user sensitive data and this process would seem janky.


You don't need a second query, if you don't want one. Rather than:


SELECT PasswordHash FROM Users WHERE Username = %username%

SELECT PasswordHash FROM Users WHERE用户名=%username%


SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = %username%

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE用户名=%username%

Now you have all the user specific data returned with one question.
